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Auditory noise as a fast trigger for speech-reading
Kaonic deuterium measurement with Siddharta-2 on daΦNE
The interaction of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents an active research field in hadron physics with still many important open questions. The investigation of light kaonic atoms is, in this context, a unique tool to obtain precise information on this interaction. The most precise kaonic hydrogen measurement to date, together with an exploratory measurement of k
Per Lysander
Artikel i antologin En lundensisk litteraturhistoria (2017) om dramatikern, teaterchefen och rektorn Per Lysander
Study of Multi-neutron Systems with SAMURAI Spectrometer
The tetraneutron has been drawing the attention of the nuclear physics community for decades, but a firm conclusion on its existence and properties is still far from being reached despite many experimental and theoretical efforts. New measurements have recently been performed at RIBF with the SAMURAI spectrometer by applying complementary reaction probes, which will help to pin down the properties
Confounding biases in studies on early- versus late-caffeine in preterm infants : a systematic review
Background: Caffeine is indicated for the management of apnoea of prematurity and extubation in preterm infants. Early initiation of caffeine administration has increased in the past decades with the purpose of reducing respiratory morbidity. However, there might be harms associated with this approach. This systematic review aims to assess whether early administration of caffeine reduces morbidity
The coin-turning walk and its scaling limit
Let S be the random walk obtained from “coin turning” with some sequence {pn}n≥2, as introduced in [8]. In this paper we investigate the scaling limits of S in the spirit of the classical Donsker invariance principle, both for the heating and for the cooling dynamics. We prove that an invariance principle, albeit with a non-classical scaling, holds for “not too small” sequences, the order const·n−
Thermal modeling of an ERS during dynamic charging
A charging system which allows vehicles to charge while moving makes it possible to both reduce onboard battery capacity and alleviate range anxiety. An Electric Road System (ERS) is a piece of charging equipment developed to allow charging of moving vehicles. At high charging power levels, the heat generated in the ERS needs to be managed in order to prevent overheating of the equipment. This pap
Recycling implants : a sustainable solution for musculoskeletal research
On the relation between syntactic and phonological clauses in Japanese
Codes on Graphs, Trellises and Spatial Coupling: another look at self-concatenated convolutional codes
We present recent results on spatially coupled turbolike codes and point out a connection to the self-concatenatedtrellis construction proposed by Loeliger in 1997 [1].
High dimensional parameter tuning for event generators
Monte Carlo Event Generators are important tools for the understanding of physics at particle colliders like the LHC. In order to best predict a wide variety of observables, the optimization of parameters in the Event Generators based on precision data is crucial. However, the simultaneous optimization of many parameters is computationally challenging. We present an algorithm that allows to tune M
Delayed Clinical Manifestation of Parkinson's Disease among Physically Active : Do Participants in a Long-Distance Ski Race Have a Motor Reserve?
Background: Physical activity is associated with reduced risk of Parkinson's disease (PD). The explanations for this association are not completely elucidated. We use long-term PD-incidence data from long-distance skiers to study the relationship between exercise and PD. Objective: We aimed to investigate if physical activity is associated with long-term lower risk of PD and if this association co
Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of carbonates in lake sediments as a paleoflood proxy
Lake sediments are increasingly explored as reliable paleoflood archives. In addition to established flood proxies including detrital layer thickness, chemical composition, and grain size, we explore stable oxygen and carbon isotope data as paleoflood proxies for lakes in catchments with carbonate bedrock geology. In a case study from Lake Mondsee (Austria), we integrate high-resolution sediment t
Perceptions of resilience to climate-induced disasters in Mbale municipality in Uganda
Resilience has been raised as a core task within disaster risk reduction frameworks, yet it remains difficult to implement these global ideas in local communities. This study used Community Based Resilience Analysis Approach to investigate the components that are perceived as important in resilience and the extent to which these components have been achieved. It explored the trend of resilience an
Wing morphology of the butterfly Coenonympha arcania in Europe : Traces of both historical isolation in glacial refugia and current adaptation
In this study, we examined the evolutionary outcome of and interplay between historic isolation and current selection pressures on traits more or less closely connected to fitness in the Pearly Heath butterfly (Coenonympha arcania) across its range in Europe. We hypothesized that a trait mean is more related to historic events if it has low connection to fitness, while a trait more closely connect
Guidelines of the international writing group on the diabetic foot on diagnosis
The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has published evidence-based guidelines on the prevention and management of diabetic foot disease since 1999. This guideline is on the diagnosis, prognosis, and management of peripheral artery disease (PAD) in patients with foot ulcers and diabetes and updates the previous IWGDF Guideline. Up to 50% of patients with diabetes and foot ulc
Particle swarm optimization for micro-grid power management and load scheduling
A smart power management strategy is needed to economically manage local production and consumption while maintaining the balance between supply and demand. Finding the best-distributed generators’ set-points and the best city demand scheduling can lead to moderate and judicious use out of critical moments without compromising smart city residents’ comfort. This paper aimed at applying the Particl
Research and Development and the Third World
Biases in radiocarbon dating of organic fractions in sediments from meromictic and seasonally hypoxic lakes
We present here radiocarbon dating results from two boreal lakes in Finland, which are permanently (meromictic) or seasonally stratified and contain continuous sequences of annually laminated sediments that started to form in the early Holocene. The radiocarbon dating results of different organic components were compared with the varve-based sediment chronologies. The deviation between the Lake Va