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Welcome to the SASNET staff page. Click on each person’s profile for contact details, research areas, publications and biographical information.   Ted Svensson Director Matilda Skoglöw Communications officer SASNET affiliated researchers Therese Boje Mortensen Coordinator - 2025-01-08

Henrik Chetan Aspengren

Dr. Henrik Chetan Aspengren has a background in international studies and historical sociology, and holds since 2010 a PhD from the Department of Politics and International Studies, SOAS, University of London. His doctoral thesis concerned the formation and implementation of social policy in India at the turn of the twentieth century. Aspengren has continued to work at the intersection between mod - 2025-01-08

Workshop on nationalisms in South Asia (2018)

  Workshop participants, including Andreas Johansson (2nd from left), Frank J. Korom (centre), Ted Svensson (3rd from right) and others. On 14-15 April 2018, SASNET hosted a workshop on Nationalisms in South Asia. The workshop was generously funded by the Crafoord Foundation. Professor Frank Korom (Boston University), Associate Professor Jan Magnusson (Lund University) and the director of SASNET A - 2025-01-08

Anna Lindberg

Anna Lindberg earned her Ph.D. in history from Lund University in 2001. She is the author of an interdisciplinary book of class, caste, and gender in the Indian state of Kerala from the 1930s to 2000. She has lived in India for many years and was affiliated with the Centre for Development Studies in Thiruvanathapuram. Her research combines qualitative life histories with archival sources to examin - 2025-01-08

Linnaeus Palme International Exchange Programme

Linnaeus-Palme is an Swedish exchange programme, introduced in May 2000, for teachers and students at undergraduate and master's level of higher education and aims at strengthening co-operation between institutions of higher education in Sweden and developing countries and thereby increasing global contacts in the world of higher education. The programme is administered by the International Progra - 2025-01-08

Lund Population Day 2021

Big Microdata and Population Research We are happy to announce that the 4th Lund Population Day will take place November 18! Professor Steve Ruggles at University of Minnesota and IPUMS - Ruggles was appointed honorary doctor at Lund University School of Economics and Management 2020 - will be keynote speaker. Registration Please note that the registration is now closed. Program 10:15-10:30 Welcom - 2025-01-08

Resursfördelning och utfall inom intensivvården

Vid kritisk sjukdom kan det uppstå ett behov av intensivvård för att stödja livsuppehållande funktioner under tiden som annan behandling (kirurgisk eller medicinsk) fortgår. Det är i nuläget inte känt hur resurserna på en intensivvårdsavdelning fördelas mellan olika patientkategorier. Vilka forskningsfrågor har studien? När en patient blir inlagd på intensivvårdsavdelning registreras uppgifter om - 2025-01-08

Maskininlärning för bättre diagnostik och behandling av vuxna patienter som söker sjukvård på grund av andningssvårigheter på en akutmottagning i Region Halland eller Region Skåne

Många patienter söker akutsjukvård på grund av andningssvårigheter. De vanligaste sjukdomarna som orsakar andningssvårigheter hos vuxna patienter på en akutmottagning är akut försämring i hjärtsvikt, akut försämring i kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) samt lunginflammation (pneumoni). Diagnostisering av andningssvårigheter är komplext eftersom det kräver en sammanvägning av många faktorer. Samt - 2025-01-08


The Swedish Fracture Register – ten years of experience and 600,000 fractures collected in a National Quality Register The Swedish Hip Fracture Register and National Patient Register were valuable for research on hip fractures: comparison of two registers Completeness in the Swedish Fracture Register and the Swedish National Patient Register: An Assessment of Humeral Fracture Registrations Impleme - 2025-01-08

Bröstdiagnostik för global hälsa

Vi planerar en studie som kommer att belysa om man kan använda ett billigt, men tekniskt förstärkt, fickultraljud för att undersöka kvinnor med symptom från brösten. Målet är att utveckla en undersökningsmetod som kan möjliggöra att kvinnor i länder med begränsade resurser får tillgång till bröstdiagnostik. All information är sedan tidigare insamlad och Du behöver inte göra något ytterligare. En k - 2025-01-08

Population data at LU

A cohort is a closed group of individuals included in a scientific study. Extensive researcher-generated data are often collected for cohorts at enrolment, which are then followed longitudinally with respect to disease or other outcomes. Cohorts hosted by LUPOPScania Public Health Cohort (SPHC)Other LU cohortsANDIS (Alla Nya Diabetiker i Skåne)EpiHealth (in collaboration with Uppsala University)Di - 2025-01-08

Data management resources at LU

There is currently a range of options for researchers at LU to get help with data storage and sharing. The list below is not complete, if you know of any other organization or service provider, tell us by e-mailing HUMLAB The Humanities Lab is an interdisciplinary department for research technology and training at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology.   LUNARC Lunarc is t - 2025-01-08


Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship FAIR data seminar arranged by the DoSp-group and LUPOP Force11 (several pages regarding FAIR, use their search function) FORCE11 is a community of scholars, librarians, archivists, publishers and research funders that has arisen organically to help facilitate the change toward - 2025-01-08

Donera till universitetet

"För mig har det blivit en självklarhet att dela med mig" Möt Pia Althin, en av våra donatorer – Med din hjälp gör vi skillnad! Olika sätt att stödja oss Kontakta Development Office Områden som du kan stödja Aktuellt-bloggen Event i New York: Cure the incurable Donatorer uppmärksammades på Skissernas Museum Filantropins dag 2024 – tack för ditt stöd! - 2025-01-08

Support us

Lund University invites external actors to collaborate and co-finance the establishment of Nanolab Science Village. Lund University works tirelessly to make the world a better place. With the mission to understand, explain, and improve our world and the human condition through research and education, we invite you to collaborate with Lund University in establishing the new laboratory Nanolab Scien - 2025-01-08

Access and new user orientation

Our open research facility is available to academic research groups, start-ups, and company users. We are equipped to guide you, step by step, on how to start using the Lund Nano Lab. Lund Nano Lab introduction and safety courseThe Lund Nano Lab staff provides a dedicated introduction and safety course for all new lab users: comprehensive training for how to work safely in the clean room environme - 2025-01-08