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Legal Regulation for Artificial Intelligence in the European Union – Major Aspects for Minors

The purpose of this study is to answer in what ways EU regulation and national strategies protect individuals under the age of majority from the misuse of artificial intelligence. This is done by examining the Commission's current proposal for the Artificial Intelligence Act, and by analyzing the national AI strategies in twelve Member States. Additionally, AI experts are interviewed about chi

Local support for renewable energy technologies? : Attitudes towards near-shore wind farms among second home owners and permanent area residents on the Danish coast

This paper documents different attitudes towards local renewable energy technology (RET) projects in Denmark among two key RET stakeholder groups, permanent area residents (PRs) and second home owners (SHOs). It does so via survey data collected from almost 2000 respondents during a Danish near-shore wind farm tender. Judging by this data, local PRs are positive towards the planned local RETs, whi

Harnessing place attachment for local climate mitigation? : Hypothesising connections between broadening representations of place and readiness for change

Public engagement in local environmental planning and decision-making is often advocated on various grounds, both instrumental and normative. Yet in developed countries in the context of renewable energy infrastructure deployment, place attachment, place identity and place-protective action continue to be implicated in public objection. We set out an interdisciplinary change readiness hypothesis o

STEM by the Lake: Raising High School Women’s Engineering Self-Efficacy and Belongingness through an Educational Intervention about Water Issues and Careers

Women tend to have lower interest in engineering as compared to men, which previous research has shown is partly explained by gender differences in self-efficacy, social belongingness and communal career goals. Therefore, to attract more women to engineering, effective interventions are needed that target these factors. In this study, we evaluated an industry-designed intervention for high school

Detecting the Greatest Changes in Global Satellite-Based Precipitation Observations

In recent years, the analysis of abrupt and non-abrupt changes in precipitation has received much attention due to the importance of climate change-related issues (e.g., extreme climate events). In this study, we used a novel segmentation algorithm, DBEST (Detecting Breakpoints and Estimating Segments in Trend), to analyze the greatest changes in precipitation using a monthly pixel-based satellite

Domestic revenue mobilization and informality : Challenges and opportunities for sub-Saharan Africa

Effective domestic revenue mobilization has gained renewed urgency, especially in the light of the need to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. In taxation debates, the ‘informal sectors’ have hitherto been assumed to be a part of the problem and implicitly mistaken for lucrative tax bases. First, I critically interrogate current conceptualizations of informality to highlight how the informality th

Role of multiple risk factors in mental disorders diagnosed in middle-aged women : A population-based follow-up study

The aims of the study were 1). to investigate the association between the potential risk factors including socio-demographic, lifestyle and DNA methylation and mental disorders in middle-aged women from a large population-based follow-up study, and 2). to estimate the risk score by combining the potential risk factors to examine the mental disorder's incidence. A total of 6461 women, aged 50-65 ye

Samverkan i demokratisk anda - En metod för att möta komplexa utmaningar

Detta kapitel handlar om samverkan mellan sektorer och organisationer som en metod för social förändring. Vi vill med detta kapitel både beskriva en särskild metod för samverkan och reflektera över dess möjligheter och utmaningar. Metoden har utvecklats av Sensus studieförbund (Region Skåne-Blekinge) som är en av de stora organisationer som driver folkbildning i Sverige idag. Utgångspunkten för me

Överflöd och brist : Matfattigdom i välfärdssamhället

Detta kapitel tar sig an att försöka belysa ett nytt landskap i Sverige med ökad matdistribution genom civilsamhällets verksamheter. Hur kan vi förstå matfattigdom i ett välfärdssamhälle och civilsamhällets matdistribution? Vad händer när vi ser mat som en rättighet eller välgörenhet? Centrala begrepp förklaras, utvecklingen och praktiken belyses och en rad utmaningar för det sociala arbetet och vThis chapter undertakes to try to shed light on a new landscape iSweden with increased food distribution through civil society activities.How can we understand food poverty in a welfare society and the food distribution of civil society? What happens when we view food as a right or a charity?Central concepts are explained, development and practice are highlighted and a number of challenges for soc

Bokomtale av "Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space: Institutional Change in Russia"

Antologin Reforming Child Welfare in the Post-Soviet Space: Institutional Change in Russia behandlar Rysslands satsning under senare år på att etablera ett fosterhemssystem i stället för de ökända institutionerna för omhändertagna barn. Den praktiska implementeringen redogörs för från olika aktörers perspektiv, myndighets- och NGO-personal såväl som fosterföräldrar och barn, med fokus både på inst