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Your search for "*" yielded 121400 hits

Manage student papers

All student papers for Bachelor and Master’s degrees and for professional qualifications must be registered in the database LUP Student Papers. The database includes a registration tool and a search tool. The student registers their work in LUP Student Papers, and when approved by the course coordinator the final version is sent for review, after which it is made public. At the departments of the - 2025-01-03


Search in LUBcat In LUBcat you can find literature from all libraries at Lund University, for example books, e-books and journals. Search in LUBsearch In LUBsearch you can find articles, e-books, journals, books and databases from all libraries at Lund University. Interlibrary loan services – Borrow a book or article that is not available at Lund University libraries.  Biology Library Ge - 2025-01-03


There are various Swedish science archives and special collections. Alvin Alvin is a Swedish platform for digital collections and digitised cultural heritage. It includes: Literary archives and other private collections Print adverts and billboards Medical history Portraits Photos from polar expeditions Botanical posters Correspondence Sketchbooks A collection of historically interesting maps and - 2025-01-03


Printed books Search and find printed books and other hard copy resources in any of the Lund University Libraries in the library catalogue LUBcat or use the search tool LUBsearch. If you cannot find what you are looking for in LUBcat or LUBsearch, try Sweden’s academic library union catalogue, LIBRIS. Search and find the item you require in LIBRIS to check if it is available from another library. - 2025-01-03

Book a librarian

Our librarians are always ready to help, but there are times when it can be useful to book an appointment with a librarian. Book a librarian using the online form below. Your name (required) Your email address (required) Your position at Lund University (required) Student Doctoral student Researcher Lecturer Other If other, please specify your position How may we help? (required) Accessing the Lib - 2025-01-03

Researcher or doctoral student

The Library of Science offers a range of assistance for researchers and doctoral students. Click on the links below to read more.   Publish your research open access ISBN for doctoral theses Register your research in the LUCRIS research database Research data management Deposit your research Publication and citation analyses Library courses, workshops, and tutorials Help buying books for research - 2025-01-03


The library gives you access to a large number of different databases and search tools where you can search for scientific material. Some databases are focused on specific subject areas, while others are interdisciplinary and contain material from different subjects and fields. Your topic and your assignment determine which database or search service you should choose. You may need to try several - 2025-01-03

Research data management

Research data management is central to the research process, and well-thought-out and planned management is a requirement for open research data. There are several factors to bear in mind before, during, and after your research project. Library of Science has put together the following resources to help you plan how to manage your research data. What is research data? Research data is any research - 2025-01-03


Printed Swedish mapsThe Geolibrary has cartographic resources including geological, topographical, and economic maps. Please contact us if you need any help finding the material. Lund University Library also has a collection of old and modern maps.Lund University Library map collection –äteriet’s map servicesThe Swedish Surveying and Cadastral Agency (Lantmäteriet) provides a range o - 2025-01-03

Requirements for open research data and data management plans

Many research funding bodies, publishers, journals, and others require researchers to publish their research data open access. Many research funding bodies also require the projects they finance to have a data management plan. Requirements of publishers and journalsMany research journals and publishers recommend or require that the research data used in a publication is openly available. Some also - 2025-01-03

Required reading lists

Purchase managersThe Library of Science is required to have all course textbooks available, either as reference copies or borrowable copies. Contact the purchase managers when you introduce changes in the reuired reading list of your course. The purchase managers for course textbooks are as follows:Biology: Frida Rosengren (frida [dot] rosengren [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se)Chemistry: Daniel Lin - 2025-01-03


The Library of Science supports lecturers and other staff at the Faculty of Science in addition to students’ learning. Click on the links below to read more. Teaching and learning services Required reading lists Manage student papers Records management of teaching materials Combat cheating and plagiarism All lecturers at Lund University may access the tool "Ouriginal" (formerly Urkund) to check st - 2025-01-03

Publish your research results open access

When you are to publish your research results, you need to select the journal to which you will submit your manuscript. At the same time, researchers and doctoral students have a special responsibility to publish open access to the greatest possible extent. Below is guidance on how to choose a journal, what you need to think about before publishing, as well as information on Lund University’s fina - 2025-01-03

Journals in Geology

Shortcuts to the journals A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V,W Y Z Å Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F (for Windows) or ⌘ + F (for Mac) to search the page.Detailed information and conventions in the list of journalsAAAPG bulletinFormerly known as: Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.Holdings: 58–100:6 (year 1974–2016), log in to Lubito and order PDF articles from - 2025-01-03

Registering your student paper

All student papers for Bachelor and Master’s degrees and for professional qualifications must be registered in the LUP Student Papers database. In some departments it is the student who registers their student paper in the database, while in other departments it is a member of staff who registers the student paper.The student can choose to make their student paper available in full text in the dat - 2025-01-03

Create a data management plan

Decisions made as early as possible about data management can save you a great deal of time and simplify your research. A research data management plan (DMP) helps you structure your thinking about how to organize your data and what the data management will cost in time and money. A DMP can also help you plan for any regulatory, ethical, and open access issues during and after your project.Many fu - 2025-01-03


Academic writing is a central part of your studies. Your own knowledge is based on other people's texts and work. Therefore, it is important that you credit the sources and ideas that you use correctly.A correct and consistent list of references is essential so your readers can judge your work accurately and evaluate the sources you have used. Different institutions and subject areas use various r - 2025-01-03

Standards and patents

Standards Students and staff of Lund University may access all Swedish and international standards through the Swedish Institute for Standards. Swedish Institute for Standards database – Patents Search and find national and international patent information in the following open data databases. Espacenet patent search The Lens New Patent Search Swedish Patent Database (PRV) United States - 2025-01-03

Student papers

Are you looking for inspiration for a student paper and want to see what other students have written about the subject? Search and find in two databases of student papers. Lund University student papers Lund University student papers are in the LUP Student Papers database, which has student papers from year 2000 and on. In most cases, full texts of the papers may be accessed and downloaded. To sea - 2025-01-03

Doctoral theses

Doctoral theses from Lund UniversityDoctoral theses, and other research output by people associated with Lund University can be accessed through the Lund University research portal. In addition to theses, you will also find articles in journals, conference papers, reports, and more. In many cases, the material is freely available to download in full text.Search and find in the Lund University rese - 2025-01-03