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Stora biobanker och datasamlingar som innehåller uppgifter om hälsa och sjukdomar i befolkningen är en ovärderlig källa till kunskap. Nedan finns några av de befolkningsstudier som genomförts eller pågår hos oss: ANDISAlla Nya Diabetiker I Skåne, är den första heltäckande kartläggningen av diabetessjukdomar i en större befolkningsgrupp som någonsin gjorts. Målsättningen är att registrera alla nya - 2025-01-02

Banbrytande idéer

En del av alla de läkemedel och behandlingar som nu hjälper människor i hela världen har börjat som en idé hos oss. Andra idéer har påbörjat den spännande resan mot bred användning. Här följer tolv exempel!   Dialysapparaten har sitt ursprung i forskning från Lunds universitet. Detaljbilden visar ovandelen på en svensktillverkad apparat från 1949.  1926 | Första respiratornFysiologen Torsten Thunb - 2025-01-02

Kulturnatten på medicinska fakulteten

Välkommen på öppet hus lördagen den 21 september! Välkommen att besöka Kulturnatten hos oss på Medicinska fakulteten! I år håller vi öppet hus på Forum Medicum där vi arrangerar spännande stationer, föreläsningar och prova-på-aktiviteter inom temat medicin och hälsa. Kulturnatten arrangeras på Forum medicum, sölvegatan 19 Lund. Arrangemanget är kostnadsfritt och öppet för alla. Ingen föranmälan kr - 2025-01-02

3D-modell av blodkärl

Allting började med att Lena Svensson och hennes forskarkollegor ville kartlägga hur våra immunceller interagerar med cancerceller. Men de ville studera detta i så hög upplösning att det gick att se molekyler, och utan att använda djurförsök som riskerade att ge skeva resultat. Då föddes idén om att utveckla en tredimensionell modell av ett blodkärl. Under senare år har forskare alltmer intressera - 2025-01-02

Kontakt Medicon Village

BesöksadressScheeletorget 1223 63 LundPostadressMedicon VillageSE-223 81 LundReception Medicon Village byggnad 404Telefon: +46 46 275 60 40E-post: reception404 [at] mediconvillage [dot] se (reception404[at]mediconvillage[dot]se)Hitta till Medicon VillageMed stadsbuss nr 6 eller 7 kan du ta dig till Medicon Village (hållplats Sparta). Du kan också ta buss nr 20 (hållplats Ole Römers väg) som ligger - 2025-01-02

Så kan zebrafisken minska antalet däggdjursförsök

Lundaforskaren Roger Olsson har tagit fram ett modellsystem över zebrafiskars beteende och hur dessa ändras när man tillsätter olika molekyler i vattnet. Något som kan användas för att minska antalet försök på däggdjur när forskare tar fram nya läkemedel mot sjukdomar som drabbar det centrala nervsystemet. Det simmar omkring hundratals zebrafiskar i Roger Olssons akvarium. En del är yngel, andra l - 2025-01-02

Application form – Lund University YouTube channel access

This form is intended for staff who require access to the Lund University YouTube channel to upload or manage video content. Please note: Only one member of staff per division, faculty, or equivalent area will be permitted access rights to the Lund University YouTube channel. By submitting this application form, you hereby agree to the following:You have read and will adhere to the Proper Usage Gu - 2025-01-02

Pufendorf & Friends: The Quest for Digital Justice

14 March 2024 16:00 to 18:00 | Other Photo by Conny Schneider, Unsplash. Lund University offers plenty of interdisciplinary research. Pufendorf IAS' popular discussion forum, cleverly disguised as After Work, taps (pun intended) right into this: A couple of times per semester, we offer a space for informal meetings across all discipline- and faculty boundaries: by researchers for researchers. Welc - 2025-01-02

PhD presentations & concert: Yann Coppier, Francesco Palmieri

21 February 2024 13:00 to 16:00 | Lecture/talk, Concert Yann Coppier, Intonal 2022. Photo: Ruben Olsen Lærk / Francesco Palmieri. Photo: privat. New PhD candidates Francesco Palmieri and Yann Coppier will introduce their creative work and research projects in the Black Room at IAC. Francesco Palmieri: Imagining the body, profaning the space.The allure of musical practice lies in the non-repetitive - 2025-01-02

Lund University Africa Day 11 March 2024

11 March 2024 09:00 to 13:30 | Seminar The annual Lund University Africa Day will be arranged on 11 March. Professor Sten Hagberg, Uppsala University, will talk about "Democratic backlash? Militaries, Terrorists, and Decolonizers in the Sahel" and a panel will discuss "Effect of local and global political instability on academic collaboration". Staff and doctoral students are welcome to hold a spe - 2025-01-02

Press and news

If you need help getting a good piece of news out to the media, you can contact the press officers at the faculties or Corporate Communications’ Media and Branding office, one of whose tasks is to communicate research and other University news to the media. Press support at the UniversityFor press support, please contact the press officers at your faculty:Press office and faculty press contacts on - 2025-01-02

Translation and language services

All units within Lund University can engage the Translation and Language Services at Corporate Communications. We offer translation and proofreading of texts from Swedish to English, as well as providing advice and support on other language issues. What we do       We provide translation and proofreading of material from all units within Lund UniversityWe offer support and information on resources - 2025-01-02

Unravelling the Darkness of the Universe with famous physicist Sergey Ketov

21 March 2024 17:00 to 18:30 | Lecture/talk Artist's illustration of a mid-sized black hole eating a star. Credits: NASA, ESA, and D. Player (STScI). Welcome to a public lecture with famous physicist, senior expert and distinguished speaker Sergey Ketov from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan. His lecture will cover the intriguing topics of cosmology and Dark Universe. Join us on Thursday 21 M - 2025-01-02

Kick-off: Agenda 2030 programme for the Strategic Research Areas

6 March 2024 14:00 to 16:00 | Other Welcome to an informal kick-off to the Agenda 2030 programme for Early Career Researchers! Take the opportunity to meet peers from across the university, to influence the upcoming programme and get inspired to new scientific ideas! The kick-off will start with reflections from three invited speakers who will give their take on where we currently are in regards t - 2025-01-02

Biodiversitet och business – vad händer när företagen ska värdera naturen?

10 April 2024 17:00 to 19:00 | Other Naturen är inte bara en tillgång utan också en riskfaktor för ekonomin. De senaste åren har intresset för biologisk mångfald ökat från företag och banker, samtidigt som förväntningar på ansvarstagande och rapportering har trappats upp. Vad händer när företagen försöker hantera naturens värden? Hur kan företagen bli förändringsagenter som minskar negativ påverka - 2025-01-02

Installationsföreläsning - Constitutionalism, Democracy and the Challenges of a Digital Age

28 February 2024 16:15 | Lecture/talk The digital age – whether we think of it as the historic development of internetsearch and access to information, the rise of social media and concentration ofpower in a small number of companies, the emergent world of automation andartificial intelligence in realms from social welfare to military force to everything else,the integration of digital technology - 2025-01-02

Biodiversity and business - what happens when companies value nature?

10 April 2024 17:00 to 19:00 | Other Nature is not only an asset but also a risk factor for the economy. In recent years, interest in biodiversity has increased from companies and banks, while expectations for accountability and reporting have escalated. What happens when companies try to manage nature's values? How can companies become agents of change that reduce negative impacts on biodiversity - 2025-01-02

Download templates and communication tools

Lund University’s graphic profile is to be used on material, printed and digital, produced on behalf of the University. Various templates and tools are gathered on this page to facilitate your work. You will also find the logotype and other graphic elements available for downloading. All the templates and communication tools have been designed according to the instructions and rules in the Univers - 2025-01-02

Panel Discussion: "White Men in Africa", Navigating race, gender and identity in fieldwork as a European Researcher in Postcolonial Settings

3 April 2024 13:15 to 15:00 | Seminar Billy Jones, moderator of the panel discussion, on fieldwork in Kenya. Considering fieldwork in a postcolonial country? This panel prepares you to navigate the complexities of fieldwork by providing advice, guidance, and critical reflection on key issues of postcolonial research. What does it mean for European researchers to carry out fieldwork - ethnographic - 2025-01-02

Lund University Agenda 2030 Award Ceremony 2024

10 April 2024 15:00 to 16:30 | Other Award ceremony for Lund University Agenda 2030 Award on 10 April 2024. Illustration: Catrin Jakobsson Welcome to listen to innovative sustainability research and climate-themed music at Lund University's Agenda 2030 Award ceremony! There will be presentations and refreshments in connection with the celebration of the winner Christie Nicoson and honourable menti - 2025-01-02