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Your search for "*" yielded 532573 hits
Intra- and inter-rater reliability of compressed breast thickness, applied force, and pressure distribution in screening mammography
BackgroundEnsuring equivalent and reproducible breast compression between mammographic screening rounds is important for the diagnostic performance of mammography, yet the extent to which screening mammography positioning and compression is reproducible for the individual woman is unknown.PurposeTo investigate the intra- and inter-rater reliability of breast compression in screening mammography.Ma
Availability of laparoscopic surgery in Mexico's public health system : a nationwide retrospective analysis
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic surgery remains limited in low-resource settings. We aimed to examine its use in Mexico and determine associated factors.METHODS: By querying open-source databases, we conducted a nationwide retrospective analysis of three common surgical procedures (i.e., cholecystectomies, appendectomies, and inguinal hernia repairs) performed in Mexican public hospitals in 2021. Procedu
User-Centric Study and Enhancement of Python Static Code Analysers
Systems-level analysis of local field potentials reveals differential effects of lysergic acid diethylamide and ketamine on neuronal activity and functional connectivity
Psychedelic substances have in recent years attracted considerable interest as potential treatments for several psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, and addiction. Imaging studies in humans point to a number of possible mechanisms underlying the acute effects of psychedelics, including changes in neuronal firing rates and excitability as well as alterations in functional connecti
Spatially repeatable components from ultrafast ultrasound are associated with motor unit activity in human isometric contractions
Objective. Ultrafast ultrasound (UUS) imaging has been used to detect intramuscular mechanical dynamics associated with single motor units (MUs). Detecting MUs from ultrasound sequences requires decomposing a velocity field into components, each consisting of an image and a signal. These components can be associated with putative MU activity or spurious movements (noise). The differentiation betwe
Words Speak Louder Than Numbers: Post-intervention Language-Based Assessments Outperform Rating Scales' Accuracy in Classifying Different Affect Intervention Conditions.
Language-based assessment (LBA) from open questions (e.g., how are you feeling?) analysed with natural language processing has predicted corresponding rating scales scores towards the theoretical upper limits. However, rating scales do not hold objective truth regarding psychological constructs. Therefore, the present pre-registered study set out to further validate LBA in a natural setting. Using
Röster från frontlinjen. Språkstödjares arbetserfarenheter i ett rasifierat Sverige
This study investigates the working life of people with immigrant backgrounds who work as language supporters to help the integration of refugees in a municipality in Sweden. Five language supporters were interviewed about their working experience in the municipality. Applying Joan Acker’s concept of inequality regime and Anders Neergaards’s concept of included subordination, the results of the st
Using urban building energy modeling to quantify the energy performance of residential buildings under climate change
The building sector is facing a challenge in achieving carbon neutrality due to climate change and urbanization. Urban building energy modeling (UBEM) is an effective method to understand the energy use of building stocks at an urban scale and evaluate retrofit scenarios against future weather variations, supporting the implementation of carbon emission reduction policies. Currently, most studies
Evaluation Framework for Train Delays Prediction Models
Real-time train delay prediction is critical for ensur-ing the safety of train operations and providing quality serviceto passengers. The increasing demand for railway transportationhas led to the need for punctuality and the availability of advancetrain arrival time information to ensure a satisfactory travelexperience. Data-driven train prediction models have undergonesignificant advancements, a
Deviations in delineated GTV caused by artefacts in 4DCT
Background and purpose: Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) is used for breathing-adapted radiotherapy planning. Irregular breathing, large tumour motion or interpolation of images can cause artefacts in the 4DCT. This study evaluates the impact of artefacts on gross tumour volume (GTV) size. Material and methods: In 19 4DCT scans of patients with peripheral lung tumours, GTV was delineate
Stability of percutaneously implanted markers for lung stereotactic radiotherapy
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stability of complex markers implanted into lung tumors throughout a course of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). Fifteen patients referred for lung SBRT were prospectively included. Radio-opaque markers were implanted percutaneously, guided by computed tomography (CT). Deep inspiration breath-hold CT scans (BHCT) were acquired at planning and on t
Liquid fiducial marker performance during radiotherapy of locally advanced non small cell lung cancer
Background and purpose We analysed the positional and structural stability of a long-term biodegradable liquid fiducial marker (BioXmark) for radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced lung cancer. Material and methods Markers were injected via endoscopic- or endobronchial ultrasound in lymph nodes and reachable primary tumours. Marker volume and Hounsfield Units (HU) changing rates were estim
“Det är inte slumpen som skapat Dumpen” - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Dumpen utifrån digilantism och social kontroll
Dumpen är en internetbaserad verksamhet som arbetar för att förhindra sexuella övergrepp mot barn. På publiceras inlägg och artiklar innehållande bilder och videor i syfte att avslöja personer som visat sexuellt intresse för barn. Dumpen utger sig för att vara medborgarjournalister vars syfte är att varna allmänheten för presumtiva förövare. Denna studie avser att utifrån Dumpens egna ut
Missbruk eller beroendesjukdom? En kritisk diskursanalys av Sveriges narkotikapolitik utifrån proposition 1992/93:142 samt kommittédirektiv 2022:24.
Under 1980-talet formulerades den officiella målsättningen ’ett narkotikafritt samhälle’. Samtidigt riktades det straffrättsliga fokuset mot konsumenterna och under 1993 infördes fängelse i straffskalan för eget bruk av narkotika. Idag lider Sverige av en hög narkotikarelaterad dödlighet såväl som omfattande problem med den organiserade brottsligheten. Under mars 2022 tillsatte regeringen en utred
Spatially varying Riemannian elasticity regularization : Application to thoracic CT registration in image-guided radiotherapy
For deformable registration of computed tomography (CT) scans in image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) we apply Riemannian elasticity regularization. We explore the use of spatially varying elasticity parameters to encourage bone rigidity and local tissue volume change only in the gross tumor volume (GTV) and the lungs. We evaluate the method on the point-validated 4DCT breathing thorax POPI-model
Clinical Implications of Discrepancy between One-stage Clotting and Chromogenic Factor IX Activity in Haemophilia B
BACKGROUND: Discrepancy in factor IX activity (FIX:C) between one-stage assay (OSA) and chromogenic substrate assay (CSA) in patients with haemophilia B (PwHB) introduces challenges for clinical management.AIM: To study the differences in FIX activity using OSA and CSA in moderate and mild haemophilia B (HB), their impact on classification of severity, and correlation with genotype.METHODS: Single
Cognitive decline and risk of dementia in older adults after diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cognitive screening has been proposed for older adults diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, we examined the change over time in cognitive function and the risk of incident dementia in older adults after COPD diagnosis. A sample of 3,982 participants from the population-based cohort study Good Aging in Skåne was followed for 19 years, and 317 incident COPD cases w
Green is the New Black: Identifying and exploring the drivers of eco-innovation and environmentally-sustainable product development in fashion companies in Sweden and Denmark
Growing concerns and sentiment about the negative environmental effects of the fashion industry pressure fashion companies to adopt eco-innovation and pursue more environmentally-sustainable product development. This study explores and examines the drivers of eco-innovation and environmentally-sustainable product development in small- to medium-sized fashion firms in Sweden and Denmark, with the p
Where hype, hope, and reality meet: The relationships between expectations and experiences of new jobs and work culture
Due to labor shortages and an aging workforce, businesses are having difficulty hiring and maintaining talented staff. Employer branding is an important factor in attracting and keeping top employees. However, current research on job seekers' expectations and fulfillment is lacking. This study explores job seekers' expectations and how they align with job and organizational culture in real