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Ralsgård & Tullberg : Kvartett

Ralsgård & Tullberg låter här sina traversflöjter sammanstråla med Niklas Roswalls nyckelharpa och Alexandra Nilssons cello. Tillsammans bildar de en kvartett som framför nyskrivna låtar och traditionell sydsvensk repertoar i varsamt utarbetade arrangemang där instrumentens många möjligheter kommer till sin rätt. Det musikaliska uttrycket sträcker sig från intimt och avskalat till svängigt och

Sakta i backarna - vad ekonomer anser om digitalisering i kommuner och regioner

I föreliggande studie har ekonomerna ombetts att besvara ett antal påstående om sin egen arbetssituation men också hur de uppfattar ”digitaliseringstillståndet” i sina kommunala och regionala organisationer. Utifrån dessa svar och kompletterande intervjuer konstateras det i rapporten bland annat att det tas påtagliga digitaliseringssteg i Sveriges kommuner och regioner, men att det går relativt saIn the present study, controllers have been asked to answer a number of statements about their own work situation but also how they perceive the "digitization state" in their municipal and regional organizations. Based on these responses and supplementary interviews, the report states, among other things, that significant digitization steps are being taken in Sweden's municipalities and regions, b

An exploration of musician/musical instrument relationships

What is a musical instrument? A meaningful answer must go beyond the description of a physical object. Depending on the perspective from which the question is asked, it can be answered in many different ways. But one aspect of the answer probably remains – that the identity of a musical instrument shifts through time and across genres, and that it has different potentials depending on the musician

An Operational Anthropogenic CO₂ Emissions Monitoring & Verification Support Capacity : Needs and High Level Requirements for in situ Measurements

This is the third report form the CO2 Monitoring Task Force on the multiple input streams of in-situ observations that are requirement for the Copernicus CO2 Monitoring and Verification Support capacity to: (i) calibrated and validate the space component, (ii) assimilate data in the models and integrate information in the core of the system, and (iii) evaluate the output generated by the system fo

A carbon nanotube gated carbon nanotube transistor with 5 ps gate delay

Semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are attractive as channel material for field-effect transistors due to their high carrier mobility. In this paper we show that a local CNT gate can provide a significant improvement in the subthreshold slope of a CNT transistor compared to back gate switching and provide gate delays as low as 5 ps. The CNT gated CNT transistor devices are fabricated using a t

Carbon nanotube bolometers

A cryogenic bolometer has been fabricated using a bundle of single-walled carbon nanotubes as absorber. A bolometric response was observed when the device was exposed to radiation at 110 GHz. The temperature response was 0.4 mV/K, with an intrinsic electrical responsivity at low frequency up to 109 V/W and noise equivalent power of 3 × 10-16 W/Hz1/2 at 4.2 K. The response is largest at input power

Field emission induced deformations in SiO2 during CVD growth of carbon nanotubes

The application of an electric field while growing carbon nanotubes with CVD can induce deformations in the SiO2 substrate. The effect is attributed to field emission from the tubes and Marangoni convection in a small molten SiO2 region underneath the tubes. Postgrowth deformation has been performed as well as large scale deformations using the collective effect of many field emitters. The porosit

Electric field aligned growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes

Electric field aligned, single-walled carbon nanotubes are grown between electrodes using thermal chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of methane. The growth occurs on a thin film layered catalyst of aluminium, iron and molybdenum patterned on top of electrodes. The nanotubes bridge 10 μm sized electrode gaps and have a typical diameter of less than 2 nm as measured by Raman spectroscopy and atomic fo

All roads lead to market integration : lessons from a spatial analysis of the wheat market in 18th century Spain

This paper uses newly collected data from a large-scale census (Catastro de la Ensenada) to investigate the scale and causes of market integration in eighteenth century Spain. We use wheat prices observed in more than 5,200 municipalities to analyse the local spatial dependence of prices. We detect several regional clusters in the centre and coasts but find that these were not integrated with each

Entydighetssatser till Helmholtz ekvation, randvärdesproblem med oändlig begränsningsyta

I detta arbete kommer vi att visa några entydighetssatser för Helmholtz' ekvation. Området begränsas av en yta S som är oändlig. Främst kommer satser som visar entydigheten hos material med förluster att tas fram, men för vissa speciella ytor S kan även rent förlustfria medier behandlas.Randvillkoren kommer att vara av Churchills typ eller mot svarande för permeabla medier. Som ett led i beviskedj

Memory, Intermediality, Literature : Something to hold on to

Memory, Intermediality, and Literature investigates how selected literary works use intermedial strategies to represent and perform cultural memory. Drawing on the theoretical perspectives of cultural memory studies, this engaging, reader-friendly monograph examines new materialism and intermediality studies, analyzying works by Alexander Kluge, W.G. Sebald, Jonathan Safran Foer, Anne Carson, Mett

Continuing education in neurometabolic disorders - Serine deficiency disorders

Serine deficiency disorders comprise a new group of inborn errors of serine metabolism. Patients affected with these disorders present with major neurological symptoms including congenital microcephaly, seizures, psychomotor retardation or polyneuropathy. The diagnosis of serine deficiency is based on the detection of low concentrations of the amino acids serine and glycine in fasted plasma and ce

Beneficial effects of L-serine and glycine in the management of seizures in 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency

3-Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (3-PGDH) deficiency is an inborn error of serine biosynthesis. Patients are affected with congenital microcephaly, psychomotor retardation, and intractable seizures. The effects of oral treatment with amino acids were investigated in 2 siblings. L-Serine up to 500 mg/kg/day was not sufficient for seizure control. Addition of glycine 200 mg/kg/day resulted in comple