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Long-term Impact of Immediate Versus Delayed Treatment of Early Glaucoma : Results From the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial

PURPOSE: To compare long-term visual outcomes in the 2 arms of the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT) and determine if delayed treatment was associated with a penalty in terms of visual function. DESIGN: Long-term follow-up of a prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial. METHODS: EMGT was carried out at 2 centers in Sweden; 255 subjects with newly detected, untreated glaucoma were random

A previously uncharacterized Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy (FAME/C14orf105/CCDC198/1700011H14Rik) is related to evolutionary adaptation, energy balance, and kidney physiology

In this study we use comparative genomics to uncover a gene with uncharacterized function (1700011H14Rik/C14orf105/CCDC198), which we hereby name FAME (Factor Associated with Metabolism and Energy). We observe that FAME shows an unusually high evolutionary divergence in birds and mammals. Through the comparison of single nucleotide polymorphisms, we identify gene flow of FAME from Neandertals into

The ESSnuSB Design Study: Overview and Future Prospects

ESSnuSB is a design study for an experiment to measure the CP violation in the leptonic sector at the second neutrino oscillation maximum using a neutrino beam driven by the uniquely powerful ESS linear accelerator. The reduced impact of systematic errors on sensitivity at the second maximum allows for a very precise measurement of the CP violating parameter. This review describes the fundamental

Inconsistent responses of carabid beetles and spiders to land-use intensity and landscape complexity in north-western Europe

Reconciling biodiversity conservation with agricultural production requires a better understanding of how key ecosystem service providing species respond to agricultural intensification. Carabid beetles and spiders represent two widespread guilds providing biocontrol services. Here we surveyed carabid beetles and spiders in 66 winter wheat fields in four northwestern European countries and analyze

Sino-American Interests over Taiwan

The situation regarding Taiwan has been a long-standing and complex issue. Independence for Taiwan has long been a dream. However, China does not share the Taiwanese dream. China sees Taiwan as a province that has temporally broken away from the mainland; and frames the assimilation of Taiwan back into China as a matter of historical inevitability. America, on the other hand, is committed to maint

En kvinnas plats är till vänster

This essay aims to explore how women are portrayed within populist discourse. By comparing the discourses in party programs, official documents, and statements from political leaders; our intention is to explore how women are characterized within left-wing and right-wing populism. Is there a difference between left and right, or does populist rhetoric always abate women considering its primary foc

Green Colonialism: A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Conservation Practices In The Context Of Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

Since its establishment in 1969, external actors have been significantly involved in the implementation of nature conservation in Simien Mountains National Park (SMNP). As climate change becomes increasingly tangible, conservation activities are frequently being deployed to protect ecosystems across the globe. Albeit an emphasis on community-participation, the philosophy of exclusionary protection

Medborgerligt engagemang i auktoritära regimer

This essay aims to study how communication technology, in the form of digital platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, affects citizens' engagement in the autocratic state of Myanmar. The theoretical framework implemented are the theories of participatory politics, as well as Robert Dahl's principles of democracy. Through the methods of case study and process tracing, it was concluded that

Hur har Socialdemokraternas argumentation förändrats för att legitimera sin migrationspolitik?

Uppsatsen ämnar att undersöka hur Socialdemokraternas argumentation förändrats för att legitimera sin migrationspolitik i Sverige, med hjälp av Socialdemokraternas valmanifest 2010-2022. Valmanifestet är en lista med ett antal punkter som Socialdemokraterna i detta fall vill försöka genomföra under sin nästkommande mandatperiod. Till alla punkter finns även en argumenterande text. Socialdemokrater

Svensk rapportering av de flyendes flykt - En komparativ narrativanalys av svensk massmedias rapportering kring syriska flyktingar 2015 och ukrainska flyktingar 2022

Syftet med vår studie har varit att redogöra för svensk massmedias rapportering kring flyktingsituationerna kopplat till Syrienkriget 2015 samt Ukrainakriget 2022. Studien ämnade att belysa likheter och skillnader i narrativskapande i de respektive fallen. Genom användningen av ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på orientalism, eurocentrism samt olika perspektiv på “vi och dom”, och en narrativanalyst

När politiker möter tjänstepersoner: En studie om Sverigedemokraterna respektive Socialdemokraternas tjänstepersonssyn

Uppsatsens kartlägger Sverigedemokraterna samt Socialdemokraternas tjänstemannassyner, utifrån deras retorik kring tjänstemannaansvaret. För att beskriva tjänstepersonssyner kommer vi jämföra partiernas retorik mot fem olika idealtyper för tjänstepersoner. Detta kommer sedan att sättas in i en större forskningsdiskurs kring ideologisk syn på förvaltning, avgränsat till populism, för att ge en pote

Ett normativt demokratiskt dilemma: Politisk Korruption och Politiska Ledares Utbildningsnivå

Abstract Leder mer välutbildade ledare till att korruptionen i ett land minskar? Beroende på vad analysen visar, varför eller varför inte? Detta är frågeställningen som ämnas besvaras i denna uppsats, och för att göra det används ett antal statistiska analyser över data på 239 ledare från 30 länder mellan åren 1950-2004. I analysen finner vi ett svagt negativt samband mellan ledares utbildningsniv

Does Populism Influence Economic Policy Making? The cases of Greece and Portugal

The Euro Crisis occurred in several European countries due to high government debt and institutional failures in 2008, leaving many unable to pay their public debts or maintain their budget deficits. During the crisis, a group of three institutions known as the Troika, played a crucial role when offering financial assistance to countries in need of a bailout. The financial assistance included mand

Representeras unga lokalt?

In this paper youth representation among Swedish local government politicians is examined. Although youth people (18-29 years) constitute 20% of the electorate only about 7 percent of the politicians are young. This means youths are represented at a quota of 37% compared to the other age groups that average at least 100%. The study aims to fins explanations in terms of individual resources and pol