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The complementary role of end user development to enterprise systems in budgeting: Research proposal

Enterprise systems (ES) offer integrative business solutions to entire organisations. However, it is often found that other software programs such as spreadsheets, which are one of the most common software used in end user developments (EUD), are used to complement ES in several business processes. This proposal intends to study the complementary role of EUD to ES in budgeting to describe and expl

Prevalence of Lewy body dementia and neuroleptic treatment in nursing homes in Malmö, Sweden.

Background: Lewy body Dementia (LBD) is a well-known neurocognitive disorder in the elderly. The hallmarks of LBD are Parkinsonism without tremor, recurrent and persistent visual hallucinations often with insight, fluctuating cognition and alertness, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder with vivid dreams and violent movements, but relatively preserved memory functions. Nevertheless, LB

Control of Liquid Slosh in an Industrial Packaging Machine

Linear movement of open containers containing liquid is considered. The design is based on a simple linearized slosh model. An open-loop acceleration trajectory is calculated using optimal control techniques. The calculated acceleration profiles are evaluated using experiments with a laser-based sensor and recordings by a video camera. The performance is better than previous ad-hoc controllers

Inverse scattering for anisotropic mirror image invariant media

Basic tools to solve an inverse scattering problem for anisotropic media are developed. A transient electromagnetic field impinges upon a slab of anisotropic dispersive medium. The scattering kernels map the incident field to the scattered fields. The inverse scattering problem is to reconstruct the components of the matrix susceptibility kernel from knowledge of the scattering kernels. The method

Waveguide measurements of the permittivity and permeability at temperatures up to 1000 C

This paper describes a method to measure the permittivity and the permeability at temperatures from room temperature up to 1000 C using a single rectangular waveguide. The hardware design of the setup that can handle these temperatures and the procedure that is required to correct for the thermal expansion is developed. This includes the sample displacement, the displacement of the calibration ref

Software Engineering Meets Control Theory

The software engineering community has proposed numerous approaches for making software self-adaptive. These approaches take inspiration from machine learning and control theory, constructing software that monitors and modifies its own behavior to meet goals. Control theory, in particular, has received considerable attention as it represents a general methodology for creating adaptive systems. Con