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The CFSP and the Dynamic Effects of Enlargement
Grekiska skeptiker och grekisk bildning
Impact of shared protection strategies on network design
Miljöns betydelse för sociala skillnader i hälsa
Finite element simulation of deformations and stresses in timber products subjected to moisture variations
Law, street art and spatial justice
A psychophysical measure for the assessment of itch and its psychological correlates
SHP-2 is involved in heterodimer specific loss of phosphorylation of Tyr771 in the PDGF-beta receptor
The local and the global ways of musical learning: cultural diversity in music education
Developing Mobile Information Systems: Managing Additional Aspects
Geophysical techniques for investigating shallow and deep landslides: results in the framework of PREVIEW project (FP6 – UE)
Ethics Discussions at PEA Soup: Rabinowicz and Ronnow-Rasmussen on Way
Critical précis of Jonathan Way’s ”Transmission and the Wrong Kind of Reason”. Published on PEA Soup - A blog dedicated to philosophy, ethics, and academia. (eds) Dan Boisvert, Joshua Glasgow, Douglas Portmore, and David Shoemaker