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Convergence analysis for a class of LDPC convolutional codes on the erasure channel
First person perspective, objectivity and language
In the research project The interplay between language and thought in understanding problems from a student perspective, we have analysed students’ understandings of a physical event. The investigation is done from a first person perspective since we are interested in students’ conceptualisations. In discussions about the physical event of throwing a ball, students describe the event in different
Education, assortative mating, and household division of labor. Evidence from Sweden.
Automatiserad elkraftdistribution (AED) - En internationell utblick
Journeys of Wonder to the Origin of Life : Narratives of Meaning in a Meaningless Universe – Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins
Iterative time reversal of electromagnetic wave fields
Metodik för utveckling och kontroll av personburen utrustning för provtagning av partikulära luftföroreningar
Low-frequency dispersion characteristics of the multi-layered coaxial cable
Coping with Neuromuscular Disease and the Implications for Interventions.
Experiences and consequences of chronic pain in persons with post-polio syndrome (PPS).
Incorporating the Logics of Violence and Power: Addressing Rural Vietnam through the Lenses of Foucault and Bourdieu
Teaching interdisciplinarity - experiences from a complete university program in Engineering Nanoscience
Towards the realization of a charge detector for nanowire quantum dots
Challenges of teaching and learning in English in engineering course
Cross-border regions in the Baltic Sea Area. Regionalisation and destination branding in tourism
This paper concerns tourism and destination branding. The aim of this study is to contribute to a discussion, within the field of tourism studies, considering the relationship between place-specific qualities of destinations and the development of destination profiles and destination brands. Interreg III A programmes within cross-border regions of the Baltic Sea Area are used as examples to highli
The homosexual body: Ernst Kretschmer and Swedish forensic psychiatry 1925-1950
Anm. av Inger Berg Ørstavik: Innovasjonsspiralen
Ett patentlicensavtal måste precisera vilken produkt som omfattas av licensen. Ofta anges även att den vidareutveckling av avtalsföremålet som licensgivaren gör ska omfattas av licensen. Om rättighetsinnehavaren upplåter rätt till nyutveckling kan det vara motiverat att licenstagaren på samma sätt bidrar till samarbetet med de uppfinningar som denne kan göra i form av en returlicens – en «grant ba
Some results on convolutional codes over rings
Convolutional codes over rings were motivated from phase-modulated signals. Some structural properties of generator matrices of convolutional codes over rings have been studied. A condition for a convolutional code over a ring to be systematic is given and shown to be equivalent to the condition given by Massey and Mittelholzer (1989). Furthermore, the conditions of generator matrices over Z(pe) b