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Reproducing or Counteracting Inequality: Challenges in Social Work with homeless/ness

Social work with homeless/ness in Sweden is usually performed by social services in local municipalities highly dependent on local, non-state actors, especially landlords’ goodwill, to cooperate with social services and support vulnerable peoples’ housing. The social services dependency on such actors is challenging and exploitation by landlords can affect the actual organization of social service

A level playing field? A comparative analysis of financial student aid in Sweden and Germany

This qualitative case study compares two different student aid systems, the universal Swedish one (CSN) with the needs-based German one (Bafög) to determine their effect to facilitate enrollment in university education and reduce socioeconomic inequalities. For this, tertiary students in Germany and Sweden were surveyed for their opinion on the equality of their respective student aid systems. Joh

Tullen vs. Smuggling: Helsingborg. Motståndformer bland smugglare utifrån tullrapporter år 1835

Smuggling in Sweden during the nineteenth century is poorly understood at the moment. The topic is notoriously hard to study, yet all research point to it playing a significant role all throughout the early modern period, bypassing highly regulatory trade legislation in order to provide consumer goods to customers. Recent studies have drawn attention both to its surpassive reach and the considerab

Was Brexit Really all that Bad for EU Students? A deep-dive in understanding the effect of Brexit on EU students in the UK

This research paper uses an explanatory sequential mixed method design to examine the factors influencing students' decision-making regarding their future and the impact of Brexit on these choices. The study aims to understand the interplay between various factors and Brexit's role in shaping students' decisions. Initially, quantitative analysis of the 2017 CPC-ONS-UUK SoGIS survey dat

The EU Taxonomy and the Energy Supply Sector - A qualitative case study on the implications of the EU Taxonomy on the regulatory reporting requirements in the energy supply sector

The EU Taxonomy provides a clear set of criteria for identifying sustainable economic activities and facilitating investment flows in alignment with sustainable practices. Although dynamic, the Taxonomy emphasizes the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity conservation, making it crucial for companies, policymakers, and capital markets. To meet the EU's environmental goals, a

The 1991 liberalization and economic growth in India

This text discusses the impact of economic liberalization in India in 1991. The aim of this study is to investigate how the 1991 reforms, which increased foreign investments and entrepreneurship, contributed to economic growth. The paper provides a detailed background of the socialist Indian scenario prior to 1991 and highlights the changes that occurred with the liberalization policies and their

Analyzing the Business Model and Technology Ecosystem of Ant Group: Alipay A Case Study

This thesis investigates the business model and technology ecosystem of Ant Group, focusing on their flagship product, Alipay. It examines how Ant Group has leveraged its business model and technology ecosystem to achieve success in the financial services industry. The research encompasses a literature review on technology ecosystems, paths of influence in technological evolution, and Ant Group

The Effect of Microfinance on Women’s Empowerment in Ghana: A Meta-Regression Analysis

Microcredit is often regarded as the best tool for poverty alleviation and women's empowerment. The literature agrees that microcredit impacts positively different aspects of women’s lives. However, there are some aspects, including patriarchal norms and culture, that may obstacle to the success of those programs. Hence, the thesis analyzes the effect of microfinance and women’s empowerment in

The Nexus of Media and Civic Engagement in India - A Quantitative Study

The world’s largest democracy, India, is experiencing dwindling civic engagement. Amongst a plethora of factors that could explain this phenomenon, this study has chosen to explore the role of media. While causality isn’t assured, the profound capacity of the media to influence public opinion and action makes it a vital component in understanding public behaviours with respect to civic engagement.

Tax-aid nexus - The case of Sub-Saharan Africa and China

This paper empirically discusses the interaction between Chinese Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Sub-Saharan tax revenue 2000-2017. Through the use of the methods OLS and IV, I pose the question whether there is evidence supporting the tax-aid nexus, which suggests a negative impact of increasing foreign aid on tax revenue. Additionally, the research delves into the specific effects of O

The Patterns of Use of Private Digital Primary Healthcare and Its Implications to Region Skåne

The research aims to investigate and identify private digital primary healthcare usage patterns, introduced in Sweden in early 2016. The research has been limited to LUSEM bachelor students and its financial implications for the region of Skåne. The research takes a quantitative approach by using an online survey. Further, the study aims to provide insights into the region’s finances and incentivi

Regenerative Potential and Problems in Nature-based Tourism: The Case of Private Game Reserves in South Africa

The importance of sustainable development has been firmly acknowledged worldwide. This is no less apparent than in the context of tourism, which despite its promise as a driver of development in low-income countries has produced a number of negative externalities for local communities, ecologies, and the environment at large. Popular conceptions of sustainable tourism like that from the United Nat

Performance Measurement Systems, Middle Managers, and the Fight over Control

Examensarbetets titel: Performance Measurement Systems, Middle Managers, and the Fight over Control Seminariedatum: 2 Juni, 2023 Kurs: FEKH49 – Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 HP. Författare: Nicole Kronkvist, Fritjof Jansson and Maja Muscat Scerri Handledare: Johan Jönsson Fem nyckelord: Prestationsmätningssystem, Motivation, Mellanchefer, Kontroll, Expectancy Theory ForsknTitle: Performance Measurement Systems, Middle Managers, and the Fight over Control Seminar Date: June 2nd, 2023 Course: Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree project in organization. Undergraduate level, 15 credits. Authors: Nicole Kronkvist, Fritjof Jansson and Maja Muscat Scerri Supervisor: Johan Jönsson Five Keywords: Performance Measurement Systems, Expectancy Theory, Middle Manage

The Hidden Effects of Inflation. An Examination of Bracket Creep and its Implications for the Income Tax: Evidence for Spain (1979-1987)

This paper examines the impact of inflation on the income tax in Spain from 1979 to 1987. By introducing a new approach using dynamic microsimulation and the Elasticity of Taxable Income (ETI), we analyze three dimensions of the tax: revenue, progressivity, and redistribution. The microsimulation reveals that the lack of adjustment of the income tax to inflation: 1) accounts for 44% of the increas

The interpretation of gender at the International Criminal Court - An examination of article 7(3) of the Rome Statute and the crime against humanity of gender persecution

The adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court identified for the first time in international criminal law the crime against humanity of persecution on gender grounds. The inclusion was however not uncontested, and especially the term gender was a source of debate during the negotiation process. Because of diverging national positions on what the term gender meant, it was dec

Scenariohantering med parametrisk design i planeringsprocessen

I takt med en ökande befolkningsmängd och den pågående digitaliseringsprocessen, finns det ett behov av en effektiv planeringsprocess. I Sverige finns det både nationella och internationella mål som berör detta. Detaljplaner är ett viktigt verktyg för att reglera planeringsprocessen. Vid nybyggnationer och förtätningar av städer krävs det att analyser utförs för att säkerställa att krav på buller,In line with an increasing population and the ongoing digitization process, there is a need for an effective planning process. In Sweden, there are both national and international goals that concern this. Zoning plans are an important tool for regulating the planning process. In the case of new constructions and densification of cities, it is required that analyzes are carried out to ensure that r

Developing the Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling Supply Chain

The demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and battery production necessitates efficient logistics for battery recycling. However, the industry currently lacks widely adopted packaging and logistics standards, resulting in efficiency losses. Existing solutions are often expensive and overly safe for most recycled batteries. Additionally, limited research on large-scale EV battery recycling has been pu

Mining coal while digging for justice: Investigating justice claims against a coal-phase out in five countries

Coal has long been one of the fossil fuels underpinning the energy systems of many countries around the world. Because of its long-standing history, many actors have an interest in retaining the status quo. In this article, we explore the complexities of a coal phase-out in different countries. Drawing on empirical material from Germany, India, Mexico, Serbia and South Africa, we look at the way c