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Your search for "*" yielded 531808 hits

Observation of Medium-Induced Yield Enhancement and Acoplanarity Broadening of Low- p T Jets from Measurements in pp and Central Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV

The ALICE Collaboration reports the measurement of semi-inclusive distributions of charged-particle jets recoiling from a high transverse momentum (high pT) hadron trigger in proton-proton and central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV. A data-driven statistical method is used to mitigate the large uncorrelated background in central Pb-Pb collisions. Recoil jet distributions are reported for jet res

Characterization of Coniferyl Aldehyde Dehydrogenase and cofactor regeneration with NADH oxidase in the biotransformation from FFCA to FDCA

This thesis focuses on the characterization of Coniferyl aldehyde dehydrogenase (CALDH) and cofactor regeneration involved in the biotransformation process from 5-Formyl-2-furancarboxylic Acid (FFCA) to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) using NADH oxidases. FDCA is a building block of bio-based polymers like polyethylene furanoate (PEF), which serves as a sustainable alternative to traditional Pol

Att kombinera nytt och gammalt: En kvalitativ studie på ett klädföretag som har implementerat second-hand försäljning i fysiska butiker

Flera fysiska klädbutiker har börjat med försäljning av second-hand i deras fysiska butiker för att göra klädindustrin mer cirkulär. Förändringar i organisationer har en effekt på personalen. Studiens syfte är därför att få en djupare förståelse för butikspersonalens arbetssituation i fysiska butiker som säljer nyproducerade kläder och som har implementerat second-hand försäljning. Studien kommer

Linkerless Chloroquinoline Analogues as Ligands for Carbonyl Complexes of Group 6 & 7 Metals – Antimalarial Drug Candidates

Oorganiska karbonylkomplex med en antimalarisk ligand Under 2022 insjuknade 249 miljoner människor i Malaria, varav 608 000 avled. Malaria orsakas av parasiter från släktet Plasmodium och sprids via myggor. Redan på 1600-talet användes kinin, som extraherades från det sydamerikanska Kinaträdet, för att behandla Malaria. Fram till det tidiga 1900talet var kinin den huvudsakliga behandlingen för sjuAbstract Malaria, caused by the Plasmodium parasite infects hundreds of millions of people each year. Chloroquine is the commonly used drug therapy but resistance to the medication has been rising steadily. New antimalarial candidates have been found by creating inorganic complexes with different transition metals and chloroquine analogues as ligands. In this project, five new complexes were creat

Socionomstudenters erfarenheter av socialarbetares bemötande av klienter - En kvantitativ studie vid Lunds universitet

This study was performed as a digital survey directed towards social work students at Lunds University in Lund and Helsingborg. The selected students were students who had performed or at the moment were performing their social work internships, which means students in the last three semesters (5-7) of the social work education. A total of 85 answered surveys were collected. The purpose of the stu

Improving Inbound Logistics through Supplier Relationships and Handling of Goods - A case study at Boozt Fashion AB

Background: E-commerce companies have grown considerably, leading to a changing role in logistics and supply chain management. Events such as the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly boosted the global e-commerce market, leading to traditional businesses adopting an online sales model. Therefore, optimising e-commerce operations has become a focus of study in recent years, where e-commerce has imp

ESG procurement analysis - identification and prioritization of improvement opportunities

Title: ESG procurement analysis - identification and prioritization of improvement opportunities Author: Tabea Sonnleitner Supervisor: Louise Bildsten, Division of Engineering Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the ESG requirements of the case company, Company A, in order to create a prioritized improvement plan for the global p

Electrical vehicles batteries lifecycle: Return center capabilities

The combined rise on the demand for electrical vehicles for road transportation, technological advancements for Lithium-Ion batteries, and limited availability of rare metals, create a need for sustainable solutions for Electric Vehicle Batteries (EVBs) at the end of their first life. This makes companies rethink on how to deal with the increased complexity generated by the exponential growth of E

Lidande, skam och stigma. Att leva med borderline personlighetssyndrom- ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv

This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of people with borderline personality disorder (also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder). The main focus was to understand how the disorder affects their personal and work relationships, as well as their interactions with healthcare services, especially about processes of stigma and shame. I conducted semi-structured interview

”Vuxna ljuger ändå bara” En kvalitativ studie om alliansarbete med unga placerade klienter

This study aimed to explore the experiences of social workers in establishing and maintaining alliances with young clients placed in residential care homes (HVB) in Sweden. This research focuses on the dynamics of power, trust, and responsibility between social workers and their clients and is viewed through a qualitative lens by interviews with four social workers. The findings in this study reve

Benzoylated uronic acid building blocks and synthesis of n-uronate conjugates of lamotrigine

A chemoenzymatic approach towards benzoylated uronic acid building blocks has been investigated starting with benzoylated hexapyranosides using regioselective C-6 enzymatic hydrolysis as the key step. Two of the building blocks were reacted with the antiepileptic drug lamotrigine. Glucuronidation of lamotrigine using methyl (2,3,4-tri-O-benzoyl-a-D-glycopyranosyl bromide)uronate proceeded to give

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Bakgrunn.I Norge blir det hvert år analysert hundretusener av urinprøver for å påvise inntak av rusmidler og legemidler med ruspotensial. Ved Avdeling for klinisk farmakologi ved St. Olavs hospital analyseres årlig rundt 60 000 urinprøver for rusmidler og legemidler med ruspotensial. Vi ønsket å finne ut om vårt standard analysepanel avdekker de fleste.Materiale og metode.Alle urinprøver mottatt i

Adverse drug reactions of antidepressants and antipsychotics : Experience, knowledge and attitudes among Norwegian psychiatrists

Efficient prevention of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) requires knowledge about their severity and pharmacological mechanisms and is dependent on reliable data on their frequencies and possible risk factors. The study was conducted to investigate the prescribers' experience and understanding of the ADRs of psychotropic drugs, and their attitude towards reporting these. In a questionnaire, physician

Seizure control and pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs in pregnant women with epilepsy

The main concerns associated with epilepsy during pregnancy consist of maternal and fetal risks from uncontrolled seizures, and harmful effects of the treatment on the development of the offspring. Although seizure control is maintained in the majority, worsening occurs in a fraction of childbearing women with epilepsy. As multiple factors associated with pregnancy may have a negative impact on ep

Care and circularity: how the enactment of care enables and shapes the circular consumption of clothing

In a circular system, consumers need to acquire, use, look after and part with products in ways that recirculate or reuse materials and minimise waste. Thus, although seldom made explicit, consumer care is built into the circular economy project. In this article, we aim to contribute to the emerging body of sociological work on circular consumption by foregrounding the role of care in the performa

Selling of care offerings and the ethicalisation of consumption

With care being increasingly present and offered for sale on markets consumers are more often asked to consider ethical questions. However, ethical consumption literature has not paid close attention to how the selling of different care offerings contributes to the ethicalisation of consumption. To illustrate and conceptualise this phenomenon, the present paper builds on an object-focused study of

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Bakgrunn.I 2007 kom det anbefalinger om at serumkonsentrasjonen av digitoksin bør ligge i området 8 – 15 nmol/l, noe som er ca. halvparten av det som tidligere var ansett som optimalt, og forslag til nye doseringsrutiner.Materiale og metode.Utviklingen for angitt dosering og serumkonsentrasjoner av digitoksin er undersøkt med utgangspunkt i 13 054 prøver sendt til Avdeling for klinisk farmakologi