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Profitability Analysis of Long Duration Grid-scale Battery Storage Assets in the Nordic Spot Market and Ancillary Markets

The growing proportion of green energy in the electricity grids brings with it a growing need of grid stabilizing resources to counteract the inherent intermittency of renewable energy resources. This is where the grid scale energy storages come in handy. They efficiently offset the intermittencies of solar, wind etc. resources by energy arbitrage and peak shifting. This thesis looks into the econ

Developing a digital image correlation setup for in situ testing of Achilles tendons

Experimentell uppställning för mekanisk prövning av hälsenor ”Aj!” Så kan det låta när du skadar din hälsena. Hälsenan är en av de starkaste senorna i kroppen och också den som oftast skadas. Skador på hälsenan kan uppkomma till följd av plötsliga rörelser men även vid repetitiv överansträngning under en längre tid. I värsta fall kan senan gå av helt och hållet. För att kunna förebygga och behandTendons connect muscle to bone and assist in joint motion. To be able to do this, they must withstand large forces and be able to alter their structure under load. If a tendon experiences too high or sudden forces, it will start to tear and eventually rupture. To examine how this happens and how the tendon behaves before rupture, mechanical testing is done. This study focuses on how to combine mec

Numerical study of the effects of suction and blowing on an aircraft wing

Lift force is a crucial factor in aviation, particularly during landing phases where maintaining optimal lift is essential for safety and performance. This thesis explores the effectiveness of suction and blowing control methods in enhancing aerodynamic performance and increasing lift force. By investigating these control techniques, the study aims to provide recommendations for practical applicat

Diverse Dimensions: Exploring Top Management Team Diversity and its Impact on M&A Performance

This thesis addresses the research problem of the importance for contextualized understanding of diversity's impact on organizational performance, particularly within top management teams (TMTs) during mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities. Focusing on publicly traded companies in the technology and financial services sectors in the United States, the research aims to investigate how T

Uncovering the Limitations of the ESG Framework: A Multiple Case Study of Food Product and Packaging Startups in Sweden

This study investigated the limitations and possible introduction of missing pillars in the current ESG framework, wherein a richer definition and exploration towards holistic sustainability was a key aim. Through an exploratory approach using the Gioia Methodology, six startups were interviewed, intended to present current lessons and challenges of integrating the ESG dimensions. All companies be

Less Closure for Better Closure: What HR-managers should do to mitigate the negative aspects of an employee's high Need for Closure in a VUCA world

The VUCA world we face today, proposes challenges for individuals with a high Need for Closure (NFC) as they may experience decreased well-being when faced with uncertainty and ambiguity. This in turn creates a problem for organizations as their employees with a high NFC may struggle to come up with innovative solutions to the complexity they are facing, making it difficult for the organization to

From Panic Rooms to Boardrooms - The effects of Business Continuity Management on company operations

This thesis explores the effects of Business Continuity Management (BCM) on a company’s daily operations. By investigating if such effects exist, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the implications of BCM. In turn, this understanding may help facilitate the implementation of BCM. Based on a qualitative method, it undertakes 7 interviews with Swedish companies within manufacturing, uti

Motivation in Diverse Work Environments: Perspectives from Managers and Team Members

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, marked by the rise of hybrid and remote work models, there is a need to explore innovative approaches to sustaining work motivation with less on-site presence. This study employed a multi-method approach to examine whether the motivational strategies managers found effective were aligned with team members' perceptions across in-office, hybrid

Closing the Gap: Understanding the Interplay of Individuals' Need for Closure and Coping With Change

Due to the world becoming increasingly more ambiguous and uncertain, some concepts may consequently become more relevant when evaluating ways to cope with this change. One such concept that has historical indications of being a significant factor in people’s ability to successfully cope with a changing environment is what is called the need for closure. Developed and researched by Arie W. Kruglans

Motivation to Lead Among University Students: Influence of Perceived Self-efficacy, Leadership Experience, and Career Anchors

The aim of this research study was to examine the connection between motivation to lead and its antecedents – general and leadership self-efficacy, career anchors, and leadership experience. We also wanted to examine how the antecedent variables will make a significant contribution to the explanation of motivation to lead and its dimensions of affective identity, social normative, and noncalculati

Future Warfare: Navigating AI Integration in Military Combat Decision-Making

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Military Combat Decision-Making Processes (MCDMP) has been capturing the attention of numerous nations and international organisations. This thesis explores the complex realm of military decision-making, often marked by high-stakes situations and time constraints, which can lead to cognitive biases and heuristic-driven errors. Adding new technol

Simulated Annealing Design of Time-Domain Coding for FMCW Radar Coexistence

For range, velocity and angle measurements, radar is a common technique to use, be it in the automotive industry, defense industry, or for medical purposes. Radars can achieve accurate measurements while also being unaffected by weather conditions such as rain, fog, or backlight. In many use cases, it might be necessary to use several radar units, which in turn allows for the possibility of causin

Brottslighet och övervakning: Uppfattningar hos yrkesverksamma inom det brottsförebyggande fältet

Med en ökad acceptans för övervakning i samhället (Lyon, 2013: 560-569) och att vissa forskare menar att vi lever i ett övervakningssamhälle (Greenwald 2015: 170), är övervakning ett centralt samhällsfenomen som intresserar många. Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse av uppfattningar om kameraövervakning som brottsförebyggande metod hos yrkesverksamma inom det brottsförebyggande fältet.

Än dansas rumban – En analys av det andra skiftets genus- och klassmässiga dimensioner i 2000-talets Europa

A. R. Hochschild’s investigation into the gendered division of housework in the US during the 1980’s established the term ‘The Second Shift’ within the sociological scientific field and beyond, as a way of describing the housework done at home, mostly by women, in addition to the paid working day. This Bachelor’s thesis examines the relationship between the gendered division of household labour in

On being drawn to different types of arguments : A mouse-tracking study

How people distinguish well-justified from poorly justified arguments is not well known. To study the involvement of intuitive and analytic cognitive processes, we contrasted participants’ personal beliefs with argument strength that was determined in relation to established criteria of sound argumentation. In line with previous findings indicating that people have a myside bias, participants (N =

Som spridda sädeskornen : Perspektiv på nattvardens levda teologi

I många av Svenska kyrkans församlingar firas mässa en eller flera gånger i veckan. Nattvarden är i högsta grad både aktuell och angelägen - och den engagerar. Med anledning av en ny kyrkohandbok 2017 och ett biskopsbrev om nattvarden 2020 har såväl gamla som nya frågor väckts, och diskussionen om nattvarden har intensifierats. Inte minst har förhållandet mellan teologin i de normativa dokumenten