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Populärvetenskapligt skrivande vidgar perspektivet och ökar förståelsen
On the potential and challenges of multi-method approaches for research on ageing. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
On the spectral efficiency of a sphere
In many cases it is desired to have both high capacity and small antennas in wireless communication systems. Unfortunately, the antenna performance deteriorate when the antennas get electrically small. In this paper fundamental limitations from antenna theory and broadband matching are used to analyze the spectral eciency of an arbitrary antenna inserted inside a sphere.
Situerad design för alla - till improvisationens lov
Visionen Design för Alla kan berikas genom att inriktningen på genomtänkta statiska lösningar kompletteras med ett design-för-alla-tänkande också för det dynamiska och situationsbundna. Själva görandet i stunden öppnar för nya möjligheter genom att handlingspotentialen och därmed även tillgängligheten bestäms i själva aktiviteten. Beskrivning och makt är nära förknippade med varandra, och en besk
Balancing BlockRAM and distributed RAM
Xilinx FPGAs offer both Block SelectRAM and distributed RAM for embedded memory. To investigate the impact of utilizing such opportunities, some variations on the hardware implementation of a SNOW 2.0 stream cipher IP core have been designed. We find the ratio of throughput and effective slice usage to be close to 3.5. This allows a flexible trade-off between speed and area consumption, with a thr
Rita Roos. Critique
Medicon Valley – Lessons and Inspiration from a Globally Competitive Bioregion, ‘Good practice’, report for Step Ricerche Srl, Turin, commissioned by the Chambers of Commerce of Turin, Milan and Genua
DNS study of flame/turbulence interaction of hydrogen/air flame in the distributed reaction regime
Unwrapping packaging strategies. Sammandrag av workshopdiskussion vid konferensen Elusive Consumption, Göteborg 2002
Systematics, phylogeography and multiple origins of morphs in two species complexes belonging to Cistaceae, Helianthemum oelandicum and H. nummularium
Popular Abstract in Swedish Istiden har påverkat utbredning och variation hos många växter i Europa, framförallt arter i tempererade områden (dvs. norra Europa). Under den sista istiden (som slutade för mindre än 15 000 år sedan) täcktes stora delar av norra Europa, bl.a. hela Skandinavien och norra England, av ismassor. Bergskedjor som finns i södra Europa, t.ex. Karpaterna, Pyrenéerna och AlpernThe Helianthemum oelandicum complex shows considerable morphological variation across its geographic distribution in Europe and western Asia. By combining four primer pairs and four restriction enzymes I identified nine cpDNA haplotypes with distinct geographical distributions. Two haplotypes were most frequent over most of the range; one in western Europe and one in eastern Europe. Moreover, diff
Den lögnaktige historikern. Antik historieskrivning mellan sanning och övertygelse
Simulated canopy vegetation effects on snow conditions for a forest site using the Multi-Energy Balance option in SURFEX
Hedonism as the Explanation of Value
This thesis defends a hedonistic theory of value consisting of two main components. Part 1 offers a theory of pleasure. Pleasures are experiences distinguished by a distinct phenomenological quality. This quality is attitudinal in nature: it is the feeling of liking. The pleasure experience is also an object of this attitude: when feeling pleasure, we like what we feel, and part of how it feels is
Schubert the Immature
A knowledge integration framework for robotics
This paper describes a knowledge integration framework for robotics, whose goal is to represent, store, adapt, and distribute knowledge across engineering platforms. The architecture abstracts the components as data sources, where data are available in the AutomationML data exchange format. AutomationML is an on-going standard initiative that aims at unifying data representation and APIs used by e
Are there emotional responses when understanding visual pictures?
beta-Hydroxyasparagine in domains homologous to the epidermal growth factor precursor in vitamin K-dependent protein S
Vitamin K-dependent protein S is involved in the regulation of blood coagulation. It is a 75-kDa single chain protein with an NH2-terminal gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing domain followed by a thrombin-sensitive region and four domains arranged in tandem, each of which is homologous to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) precursor. The NH2-terminal EGF-like domain contains beta-hydroxyaspartic