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Using Augmented Reality as a tool for troubleshooting separator alarms

Some say that the fourth industrial revolution is here now that machines can communicate with each other. This combination of Internet of Things (IoT) with industrial machines has been labeled Industry 4.0. Alfa Laval, manufacturer of liquid separators, together with B&R, an industrial automation company, want to explore the possibilities with Industry 4.0 and especially how Augmented Reality

WHEN SOMETHING HAS TO GIVE: The intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Military Decision-Making and International Humanitarian Law

This thesis explores the intersection of three disciplines: military normativity, international humanitarian law, and artificial intelligence, focusing specifically on intelligent systems that assist superiors in conducting the military decision-making process. It explains the extent to which such systems have been operationalised into the U.S. armed forces at the different levels of warfare and d

Inbound Marketing – en framgångsstrategi? En kvalitativ studie på premiumbilar som högengagemangsköp utifrån konsumenter och Mercedes-Benz

Examensarbetets titel: Inbound Marketing – en framgångsstrategi? En kvalitativ studie på premiumbilar som högengagemangsköp utifrån konsumenter och Mercedes-Benz Seminariedatum: 2018-06-01 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Författare: Alice Beckman, Clara Michélsen, Julia Torstensson Handledare: Clara Gustafsson Nyckelord: Inbound Marketing, KöpproceTitle: Inbound Marketing – A strategy for success? A qualitative study based on high involvement products from the perspective of consumers and Mercedes-Benz Seminar date: 2018-06-01 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level Author: Alice Beckman, Clara Michélsen, Julia Torstensson Advisor: Clara Gustafsson Key words: Inbound Marketing, The b

Structure‐function relationship of the transcription regulator Spx

Do bacteria handle stress better than us? Do bacteria have stress too? Are they able to deal with stress? If so, how do bacteria deal with stress? Certainly, bacteria experience stress too. Bacterial stress can be chemical (caused by toxic, harmful compounds e.g. antibiotics), or physical (caused by heat or harsh environment). Bacteria are pretty smart to handle stress. They have developed specif

Non-alcoholic beer with maltose negative yeast strain Saccharomycodes ludwigii

Användning av den maltosnegativa jäststammen Saccharomycodes ludwigii för tillverkning av alkoholfri öl, metodutveckling. I detta projekt har en metod utvecklats som ger mikrobryggerier möjligheten att tillverka alkoholfri öl. I takt med att fler blir medvetna om alkoholens negativa effekter, ökar intresset för alkoholfri öl, även hos väldigt små bryggeriet, så kallade mikrobryggerier. Då det kräNon-alcoholic beer is gaining more attention in the brewing industry due to the negative health and economic consequences of alcohol consumption, even smaller microbreweries are showing interest in the production of non-alcoholic beer. Producing non-alcoholic beer has been restricted to the large breweries due to the special equipment needed and the high investment costs, but by using biological m

The portrayal of Sweden in American alt-right media, as exemplified by Breitbart News

The alt-right is a fairly recent addition to the pantheon of political ideologies. Its rise to prominence is seen by many as the driving force behind Donald Trump’s presidency. The youth of the ideology has also created a natural relationship between it and the fields of new media and cyberculture. In alt-right media, the topic of Sweden is frequently recurring, and the theme is most often of a na

Finns kontraktering?

Syftet med fallstudien är att undersöka hur learning-to-contract-processer ser ut i startups och vilka effekterna av dessa är då startups innehar begränsade resurser, i förhållande till stora företag, i bland annat form av tid och kontraktslig erfarenhet. Meningen med det valda fallföretaget är därför att belysa ett empiriskt fall som inte tidigare behandlats i litteratur på området. Studieobjekte

Användning av maskininlärning för att välja ut porträtt

This bachelor thesis evaluates the use of Clustering and Regression to separate good images from a given set of images. Whether the images are good or not is decided by the customers of the company that this system is developed for. In this thesis these customers are represented by a number of test persons. The images have been analysed with Amazon’s service Amazon Rekognition where the answers ar

The Politics of Adoption in Korea

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the politics of adoption in Korea. A theoretical framework was adopted that address gender, culture, and power inequalities in a domestic and international context in order to understand why so many children have been given up to orphanages, and why international adoption has been and continues to be common in Korea. The thesis is based on secondary data in

Cost optimized electrification of Lund city bus traffic using Elonroad electric road system

This thesis aims to answer how a new specific electric road technique called Elonroad should be installed to operate an electric bus fleet in the city of Lund at lowest possible cost. An algorithm has been written in MATLAB to obtain the optimal locations for installing electric road sections. Real time measurements of bus movements, dwelling times, velocities and more were obtained from Skånetra

Laguerre Bases for Youla-Parametrized Optimal-Controller Design: Numerical Issues and Solutions

This thesis concerns the evaluation of cost functionals on H2 when designing optimal controllers using finite Youla parameterizations and convex optimization. We propose to compute inner products of stable, strictly proper systems via solving Sylvester equations. The properties of different state space realizations of Laguerre filters, when performing Ritz expansions of the optimal controller are

The Role of CSR in Sustainable Swedish Startups - Beyond Sustainability as an Exclusive Selling Poin

Research Problem: Existent literature has predominantly focused on applying the concept of CSR on large corporations, disregarding the role of CSR in startups despite the fact that CSR related aspects especially in relation to sustainability provide a fruitful avenue for new ventures to base their competitive advantage on. Investigation of the link between CSR and startups is needed since emerging

Vägen till en mer växtbaserad och ekologisk kost i den svenska grundskolan med fokusering på miljömålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan

Livsmedelsproduktionen bidrar till klimatförändringarna via utsläpp av koldioxid, men de två växthusgaser som påverkar klimatet mest och uppkommer via köttindustrin är metan och lustgas. Idag står produktionen av kött och mejerier för cirka 15 % de globala utsläppen, vilket är lika mycket som utsläppen från bilar, flygplan, bussar och båtar genererar tillsammans. Livsmedelssektorn inom Sverige ståThis study shows that by choosing plant-based organic food for lunch in the Swedish elementary school, one of the national environmental objectives in Sweden, Reduced climate impact, can benefit and be achieved sooner. Four respondents have been interviewed regarding Lund municipality and its commitment to become 100 % organic by the year 2020 and if the municipality reduces their use of animal pr

Statistical and machine learning methods for classification of episodic memory

Multiple modern methods of statistical feature extraction and machine learning are applied to classification of encoding and retrieval of episodic memories using electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Raw data, different time-frequency methods, and multiclass common spatial patterns are used for statistical feature extraction. For each type of feature extraction multiple machine learning algorithm

Physical modeling of a heavy-duty engine for test-cycle simulations in Modelica

Engine development for reduced fuel consumption and for the ability to use alternative types of fuels is required as emissions and the limited access of petroleum are issues coupled to diesel engines. Experimental testing is in many cases insufficient and expensive in comparison with simulations for engine development. This thesis is focused on extending a model of a diesel compression-ignition en

En psykodynamisk förståelse av minoritetsstress hos hbtq-personer. Konceptualisering och behandling

Studiens syfte är att med deduktiv och transformativ ansats berika befintlig psykodynamisk teori med erfarenheter av hur psykodynamiskt inriktade psykologer och psykoterapeuter förstår och hanterar minoritetsstress tillsammans med hbtq-personer som uppvisar psykisk ohälsa. Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med fem erfarna psykodynamiska psykologer och psykoterapeuter. Deltagarnas bidragThe aim of the study is to enrich existing psychodynamic theory with experiences of psychodynamic psychotherapists and how they understand and treat minority stress among lgbtq-persons with mental health issues. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five experienced psychodynamic psychologists and psychotherapists. The informants’ contributions were analyzed using thematic analysis and re


E-bikes are getting increasingly more popular and often means a purchase of a brand new e-bike. But what if you could upgrade your already existing bike? Kits that convert standard bycycles are nothing new to the market. However, many suffer from being to technical, making it hard to source the correct parts for the users specific bicycle and specific needs. Other kits are much more user friendly

Att klassificera med Support Vector Machines - En introduktion från teori till analys

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ge en kort introduktion till support vector machines. Uppsatsen ämnar täcka hela processen från teori till slutgiltig analys vid binär klassificering. Analysen ämnar ge en förståelse för hur metoden kan användas i praktiken och hur modeller kan anpassas efter bestämda önskemål med hjälp av olika prestandamått. Uppsatsen introducerar teorin bakom hur perfekt linjärt seThe purpose of this paper is to give a short introduction to support vector machines. The paper intends to cover the full process from theory to analysis in the binary classification case. The analysis intends to yield an understanding of how the method can be used in practice, and how models can be fitted in a way that maximizes the desired performance measurement. This paper introduces the theo