Purification, Molecular Cloning and Expression of rat and human Catechol-O-methyltransferases
The Thesis is based on 6 original articles
The Thesis is based on 6 original articles
BACKGROUND: Accurate inflammation reporting in capsule endoscopy (CE) is important for diagnosis and monitoring of treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Fecal calprotectin (FC) is a highly specific biomarker of gut inflammation. Lewis score (LS) was developed to standardize quantification of inflammation in small-bowel (SB) CE images.GOALS: Multicenter retrospective study aiming to invest
The most used pavement for paved roads in the world is asphalt. It is therefore important that the asphalt is as durable as possible to avoid expensive repairs of the roads. One important factor of the durability of the road is the adherence between the stones and the bitumen that holds the stones together. The affinity is tested by the so called rolling bottle test, where one put stones covered i
Mitigating climate change will affect energy systems and have consequences that reach beyond environmental policies. The studies presented in this thesis analyse how reducing emissions of greenhouse gases affect (energy) security. The focus is on strategies which improve energy efficiency or increase the share of renewable energy.This thesis is based on five papers in which frameworks for conceptuMitigating climate change will affect energy systems and have consequences that reach beyond environmental policies. The studies presented in this thesis analyse how reducing emissions of greenhouse gases affect (energy) security. The focus is on strategies which improve energy efficiency or increase the share of renewable energy.This thesis is based on five papers in which frameworks for conceptu
BACKGROUND: Twin studies have been criticized for upwardly biased estimates that might contribute to the missing heritability problem.METHOD: We identified, from the general Swedish population born 1960-1990, informative sibships containing a proband, one reared-together full- or half-sibling and a full-, step- or half-sibling with varying degrees of childhood cohabitation with the proband. Estima
The temperature and density profiles of protoplanetary discs depend crucially on the mass fraction of micrometre-sized dust grains and on their chemical composition. A larger abundance of micrometre-sized grains leads to an overall heating of the disc, so that the water ice line moves further away from the star. An increase in the water fraction inside the disc, maintaining a fixed dust abundance,
Several severe fires in structural elements, or so-called "structural fires", have occurred in Sweden in recent years. In order to study this phenomenon, a dozen fires in structural elements have been studied in a recent project. This paper provides a description of the characteristics of "structural fires" and examples of how such events can be managed and limited. Constructional fire protection,
In general, diffusion rates in extractions are enhanced by increasing the temperature. In this study, we instead add compressed liquid carbon dioxide to the extraction phase to accomplish faster mass transfer. The feasibility of using carbon dioxide expanded ethanol (CXE) as the extraction phase was explored, targeting two medium-polar analytes, α-pinene and cis-verbenol in Boswellia sacra tree re
Platelets have been reported to become activated in response to bacteria and this is proposed to contribute to the acute response to bacterial infection. In the present study, we investigated platelet aggregation in response to group G streptococci (GGS) in vitro in healthy human donors and in vivo in a mouse model of streptococcal sepsis. Platelet aggregation by GGS was dependent on the bacterial
Evolutionary economic geographers propose that regional diversification is a path-dependent process whereby industries grow out of pre-existing industrial structures through technologically related localised knowledge spillovers and learning. This article examines whether this also applies to emerging radical technologies that create the foundation for new industries. The article develops a new me
OBJECTIVE Plasma metabolites that distinguish isolated impaired glucose tolerance (iIGT) from isolated impaired fasting glucose (iIFG) may be useful biomarkers to predict IGT, a high-risk state for the development of type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Targeted metabolomics with 23 metabolites previously associated with dysglycemia was performed with fasting plasma samples from subjects w
In this paper, we show that the widely accepted method of the determination of Curie temperature (Tc) in (Ga,Mn)As samples, based on the position of the peak in the temperature derivative of the resistivity, completely fails in the case of non-metallic and low-TC unannealed samples. In this case, we propose an alternative method, also based on electric transport measurements, which exploits temper
This paper presents early findings of a study on how users appropriate a computerised mobile system designed to administer service orders. The theoretical lens used was Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) and focused on Structural Features, Spirit and Appropriation of Structure. In order to accomplish the purpose, two aspects were to be considered: the system’s structure and the user’s appropriati
In this work, we consider the problem of high-resolution estimation of the parameters detailing an N-dimensional (N-D) signal consisting of an unknown number of exponentially decaying sinusoidal components. Since such signals are not sparse in an oversampled Fourier matrix, earlier approaches typically exploit large dictionary matrices that include not only a finely spaced frequency grid, but also
The relationship between democracy, inequality, and redistribution has inspired extensive research, but consensus is still elusive. In order to contribute to this discussion, the author analyzes the Spanish case, where transition to democracy was accompanied by a comprehensive tax reform, aiming at increasing progressivity and revenue. But how effectively did it change the distribution of the tax
In this paper I estimate under-assessment of incomes in the Personal IncomeTax during the years following its introduction in Spain. The methodology combines an analysis of discrepancy with National Accounts and an econometric exercise, which follows and slightly modifies the Feldman and Slemrod (2007) procedure, based on the relation of reported charitable donations with the composition of income
Mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I is a large multi-subunit enzyme composed of both organellar and nuclear encoded proteins. To investigate the role of the nuclear encoded components, expression of the gene for the 55 kDa NADH-binding subunit of complex I was disturbed by antisense repression in transgenic potato plants. The antisense construct driven by the CaMV 35S promoter decreases the