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Arbetsgivarna, sjukförsäkringen och sjuklönen - en historik
A Virtue-Ethical Approach to Substituted Judgment
DivIVA uses an N-terminal conserved region and two coiled-coil domains to localize and sustain the polar growth in Corynebacterium glutamicum
Corynebacterium glutamicum is a rod-shaped actinomycete with a distinct model of peptidoglycan synthesis during cell elongation, which takes place at the cell poles and is sustained by the essential protein DivIVA(CG) (C. glutamicum DivIVA). This protein contains a short conserved N-terminal domain and two coiled-coil regions: CC1 and CC2. Domain deletions and chimeric versions of DivIVA were used
Measurements of Deposition of Inhaled Welding Fume Particles in the Human Lung
Band structures in Rh-99
Excited states in the Rh-99 nucleus were populated using the fusion-evaporation reaction As-75(Si-28,2p2n) at E-lab = 120 MeV and the de-excitations were investigated through in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopic techniques using the INGA spectrometer consisting of 18 clover detectors. The observed band structures are discussed in the framework of tilted axis cranking shell-model calculations. Level str
Density-Functional exchange-correlation potential and orbital eigenvalues for the Ne-atom
Using a numerical fitting scheme we construct the exact Density-Functional (DF) effective potential, corresponding wave-functions and orbital eigenvalues from an accurate correlated reference density for the neon atom. Our results compare well with those obtained later using a number of different methods, thus demonstrating the utility of the original and relatively simple fitting scheme. The exac
Growth of larval and juvenile perch: the importance of diet and fish density
In August, growth rate of young-of-the-year (YOY) perch in lake enclosures could be explained by both YOY density and mean cladoceran biomass, suggesting that in a lake where YOY perch are dominant, growth may be density dependent in late summer and mediated through top-down control on daphnid biomass. In June, growth rate of YOY perch could not be fully explained by YOY density or by mean cladoce
Long-term beach response to groin shortening, Westhampton Beach, Long Island, New York
The groin field built at Westhampton, Long Island, NY, in the 1960s and early 1970s has functioned as intended in protecting a once-vulnerable 4.8-km long segment of barrier beach that had experienced repeated breaching. In 1996-1997, a tapered groin transition to the west was created. The tapering included placement of fill in the existing groin compartments and on the adjacent beach. The combine
High-spin intruder band in In-107
High-spin states in the neutron-deficient nucleus In-107 were studied via the Ni-58(Cr-52,3p) reaction. In-beam gamma rays were measured using the JUROGAM detector array. A rotational cascade consisting of ten gamma-ray transitions, which decays to the 19/2(+) level at 2.002 MeV, was observed. The band exhibits the features typical for smooth terminating bands that also appear in rotational bands
A cohort study of sex differences and prognostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common forms of cancer worldwide, with an annual incidence of more than 1 million cases. Despite advancements in the management of CRC, mortality remains high. Accumulating evidence indicates that CRC is a heterogeneous disease, which affects outcome beyond what can be predicted by disease stage and other conventional prognostic factors. Thus, there is a
First Trimester Urine and Serum Metabolomics for Prediction of Preeclampsia and Gestational Hypertension: A Prospective Screening Study.
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia, are major contributors to maternal morbidity. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential of metabolomics to predict preeclampsia and gestational hypertension from urine and serum samples in early pregnancy, and elucidate the metabolic changes related to the diseases. Metabolic profiles were obtained by nuclear magnetic resonanc
Optimal Inventory Policies when Purchase Price and Demand Are Stochastic
In this paper we consider the problem of a firm that faces a stochastic (Poisson) demand and must replenish from a market in which prices fluctuate, such as a commodity market. We describe the price evolution as a continuous stochastic process and we focus on commonly used processes suggested by the financial literature, such as the geometric Brownian motion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. It
Power of the wingbeat: modelling the effects of flapping wings in vertebrate flight
Animal flight performance has been studied using models developed for man-made aircraft. For an aeroplane with fixed wings, the energetic cost as a function of flight speed can be expressed in terms of weight, wing span, wing area and body area, where more details are included in proportionality coefficients. Flying animals flap their wings to produce thrust. Adopting the fixed wing flight model i
Development of prototype wireless transmission measurement for glucose in subcutaneous and brain striatum
Monitoring of glucose in subcutaneous and brain striatum have been extensively studied in the past. While biocompatibility was one of the limitations, others included the messy measuring equipments preclude monitoring in a complex environment. This study tried to establish an amperometric measurement of glucose in pre- and post-insulin-administration on diabetic and hyperglycemia rats via wireless
Dual graphs realized in the compounds di-mu(3)-4-mercaptopyridine catena-di-mu(2)-iodo-di-mu(3)-iodo-mu(4)-iodo penta copper(I) and di-mu(3)-4-mercaptopyridine-di-catena-iodo-di-mu(3)-iodo tri copper(I)
Two compounds, [Cu5I5](SNC5H4)2 [i] and [Cu3I3](SNC5H4)2 [ii], were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions and the crystal structures were solved. Both compounds crystallized in space group 141/a. The iodide and the sulphur from mercaptopyridine are connected to copper atom, giving the copper atoms tetrahedral coordination geometry. The pyridine end of the organic moiety is non-bonding and fill
Morphological Investigation of Polydisperse Asymmetric Block Copolymer Systems of Poly(styrene) and Poly(methacrylic acid) in the Strong Segregation Regime
Samples of compositionally (highly) asymmetric diblock copolymers and, also, mixtures of diblock and triblock copolymers (the latter obtained as end-coupling products of two diblock molecules of the mixture), composed of (a) monodisperse majority block(s) of poly(styrene) (PS) and a polydisperse minority block of poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA), microphase separate into spherical PMAA microdomains,
Buying back household waste electrical and electronic equipment: Assessing Thailand's proposed policy in light of past disposal behavior and future preferences
This article assesses the potential and the limitations of Thailand's proposed policy which would have local governments buy back targeted waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) from households at designated locations. The proposal relies on the premise that a monetary incentive at the time of disposal is needed to gain participation from households which would otherwise sell to private
Talk on Musical Interpretation — Visual Tools for Perceived Dynamics and Points of Gravity
Typical for Western classical music is the process of interpreting and conveying a written score into sounding music. However, sometimes the communication of musical issues between musicians may be experienced as aggravating. In educational contexts in a broad sense, it might be advantageous if this communication could be facilitated, for example, by using visual illustrations as a complement to t
Lower Cretaceous Mesoeucrocodylians from Scandinavia (Denmark and Sweden)
The crocodyliform faunas of the lowermost Cretaceous Rabekke and Jydegard Formations on the Baltic island of Bornholm, Denmark, and the Annero Formation of Skane, southernmost Sweden, are represented by isolated teeth, osteoderms, and vertebrae. The rich Berriasian assemblage of the Rabekke Formation includes at least three distinctive taxa: Bernissartia sp., Theriosuchus sp., and Goniopholis sp.,