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IMMERSIVE DAYS #2 - Axel Berger & Josh Vyrtz PLUG-FAIR / Through a glass, darkly.

Fill in the form to register for the promenade on Tuesday, 22 November 2022, 15:00-16:00, Meeting place: Outside of IAC building entrance. 20 participants only. Duration: 45 min. Deadline for registration: Monday, 21 November, 17:00. Statusmeddelande Detta formulär är tyvärr stängt för nya inlämningar. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-05

IMMERSIVE DAYS #2 - Alona Rodeh, Night as other frontier or The Well-Being of The Nocturnal City: Night Walk.

Fill in the form to register for the night walk on Tuesday, 22 November 2022, 19:00-21:00. Meeting place: close to Malmö central station, details will be given when registered. Only a few places available! Deadline for registration: Monday, 21 November, 17:00. Statusmeddelande Detta formulär är tyvärr stängt för nya inlämningar. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-05

IMMERSIVE DAYS #2 - Seminar day including coffee & lunch

Fill in the form to register for the seminar day on Wednesday, 23 November 2022, 9:00-16:30.  All food is vegetarian. For allergies/food preferences, please contact: info [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se. Deadline for registration: Monday, 21 November, 17:00. Statusmeddelande Detta formulär är tyvärr stängt för nya inlämningar. Leave this field blank - 2025-03-05

Registration is open!

We look forward to welcoming students, researchers, and participants from all partner organisations. Register before May 28, 2024.Fee: The event is free of charge.Food: light lunch and coffee/tea is included.Language: English Name (obligatorisk) Title Company/University/Organisation (obligatorisk) E-mail (obligatorisk) Telephone number Dietary preference (obligatorisk) Preferred topics (clic boxes - 2025-03-05

Lund University Digital Interactive Concert Hall - LUDICH

LUDICH-projektet vill bygga framtidens digitala konserthus och lägga grunden för morgondagens kulturupplevelser. Det kommer göras med hjälp av marknadens bästa digitallösningar och den breda och varierade kunskapen hos projektets olika samverkanspartners och genom att placera publikens individuella upplevelse i centrum. Konstnärliga fakulteten leder ett tematiskt samverkansinitiativ för att utveck - 2025-03-05


Education for sustainable development The educational programmes at Lund University provide students with perspectives on sustainable development from a wide range of topics. Basic subject knowledge is a prerequisite for the kind of interdisciplinary, impact-driven force needed to meet our global challenges and to create change. A sustainable student life Get involved in sustainability as a studen - 2025-03-05

HållBAR After Work

It is said that many of the best conversations and ideas arise in informal contexts. We are many who are passionate about sustainability issues in Lund - but many of us have probably never met, some of us feel alone in our workplace and others can not get enough of talking sustainability both at and outside work. The reasons to meet in informal ways are many! HållBAR is an After Work concept, on t - 2025-03-05

Knowledge for Sustainable Development

Lund University Research Conference, 2024 On 4th of December 2024, Lund University invited to its 4th official research conference on sustainable development. The conference is aimed at all researchers at Lund University who want to increase their knowledge about the challenges that lie ahead, learn how their research can contribute to change, and strengthen their contacts with researchers from ot - 2025-03-05

Call for abstracts

Lund University Research Conference Knowledge for Sustainable Development – Our shared future in times of global conflict and crisis. We welcome researchers at Lund University to submit their research contributions relating to sustainable development. The research contributions will be presented orally during the thematic parallel sessions.The deadline to submit an abstract has passed.  Abstract s - 2025-03-05

About the conference

Lund University Research Conference on Knowledge for Sustainable Development - Our shared future in times of global conflict and crisis. The Lund University Conference on Knowledge for Sustainable Development is an interdisciplinary research conference that aims to highlight sustainability research at Lund University. With this year’s sub-title Our shared future in times of global conflict and cri - 2025-03-05