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Student vid ML

Musiklärarutbildningen, KPU och Kulturskolepedagog Här hittar du information för dig som redan är student på musiklärarutbildningen, KPU eller studerar till kulturskolepedagog. Ämneslärarutbildningen Utbildningsplan och utbildningsöversikt hittar du härFör studenter antagna innan 2020:Översikt ämneslärarutbildningen - studenter antagna innan 2020 (PDF 288kB, nytt fönster)Examensarbete Kompletteran - 2025-02-11

Kursplaneutskottet (KUS) vid ämneslärarutbildningen i musik

Kursplaneutskottet (KUS) vid ämneslärarutbildning i musik stöttar ämneslärarutbildningen i arbetet med kursplaner på grund- och avancerad nivå. Syftet med KUSSyftet med kursplaneutskottet är att säkerställa att alla kursplaner, både i programutbildning och fristående kurser, håller god kvalitet och är rättssäkra. Detta är en del av ämneslärarutbildningens kvalitetssäkringsarbete.ArbetsgångKUS träf - 2025-02-11

Concert production (student)

Here you will find information on how to give a concert as a student. 1. Contact the right personAt Malmö Academy of Music there are several employees who work with concert production. Register your concert at least three weeks before the intended date by sending an email. The following applies:Graduation concertsGraduation concerts are booked by the academy's graduation concert coordinators toget - 2025-02-11


Studentinflytande är otroligt viktigt för Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Både för att upprätthålla en hög kvalitet på utbildningarna och för att driva skolans utveckling framåt. Som student finns det flera sätt att engagera sig i olika frågor. StudentkårenStudentkåren vid Konstnärliga fakulteten är en sammanslutning av studenter vid Musikhögskolan, Konsthögskolan och Teaterhögskolan. Varje institution ha - 2025-02-11


Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder ett flertal stipendier inom olika musikaliska inriktningar. Syftet med stipendierna är att de ska bidra till fortsatt utveckling för dig som student genom att möjliggöra exempelvis vidareutbildning eller instrumentköp.Fördelningen av stipendierna beslutas av Musikhögskolan i Malmös ledningsgrupp i samråd med ämnesnämnder, enskilda lärare eller donatorer/representant - 2025-02-11


Malmö Academy of Music offers a range of scholarships aimed at different musical specialisations. The scholarships intend to contribute to your continued artistic development by enabling, for example, further education or the purchase of a new instrument. The distribution of the scholarships is decided by the academy's Board of Directors in consultation with educational committees, individual teac - 2025-02-11

School premises

As a registered student or employee at Malmö Academy of Music, you are welcome to use the school premises for activities connected to education, research, and collaboration. In some cases, we rent out our concert halls and other spaces to external stakeholders. You cannot book or use the school premises for private purposes or private activities. The following applies:Rooms and concert halls can b - 2025-02-11

Practice rooms

Rooms for rehearsal and practice are located in corridors A200, D200 and Y200. Instructions for practice rooms in corridors A200 and D200Write your name and the time you enter the room on the piece of paper next to the door. The room is yours to practise in for one hour, then it is someone else's turn. However, if no one shows up, you can sign up for another hour.Instructions for practice rooms in - 2025-02-11


The classrooms at Malmö Academy of Music are always in high demand. It is therefore paramount that they are both booked and cancelled as early as possible.Only the academy’s own students are allowed to be taught in the classrooms.  Book a room - 2025-02-11

Computer rooms

There are three computer rooms at Malmö Academy of Music. One is open to all students with a LU card, the other two are only for teaching and students who study media technology. Room T200 - Computer room for all studentsIn room T200, also known as the computer room, you find computers which students can use Monday to Sunday between 07.00 – 22.45. You must have access to the computer room added to - 2025-02-11

Exam and degree

The Performance and Church Music Programmes As stated in the Higher Education Ordinance, the degree project is mandatory for graduating:For artistic [bachelor/master] degree the student shall, within the frame of the course requirements, have fulfilled an independent work (degree project) of at least 15 academic credits within the main area of the programme (SFS, 1993:100).Your artistry as an inst - 2025-02-11

Course evaluation and report

The Performance and Church Music Programmes The Higher Education Ordinance stipulates that all students must be given the opportunity to present their experiences and give opinions on completed courses. The purpose is partly to collect students' perceptions of the course and partly to create a basis for course development and feedback to the students. At the end of the course (usually the end of t - 2025-02-11

Forms MuKy

The Performance and Church Music Programmes Study breakApplication form - Study break (PDF 317 kB, new tab)Request for deferment of studiesApplication form - Request for deferment of studies (PDF 156,6 kB, new tab)Declaration of non-completion of studiesApplication form - Declaration of non-completion of studies (PDF 148,6, new tab)   Contact Alvi JoensenProgramme Administratoralvi [dot] joensen [ - 2025-02-11


The communication unit at Malmö Academy of Music offers strategic and operational support to the managers, teachers and employees in matters concerning communication.  Communication planMalmö Academy of Music has a clear communication plan that describes how the external and internal communication should be conducted. The communication plan is based on the school's six strategic focus areas and st - 2025-02-11

Current student

HelpdeskSchedule (TimeEdit)CanvasWebmailThe Student WebLibrary Get started! Useful information for newly admitted students Doctoral student Everything you need to know Student at MuKy FAQ - who do I ask?Exam and degreeCourse evaluation and reportForms Academic year 2024/2025 Autumn term:2 September 2024 - 19 January 2024Spring term:20 January 2025 - 8 June 2025Academic Year Overview 24/25Meetings - 2025-02-11


HelpdeskSchedule (TimeEdit)CanvasThe Teacher's WebLibrary Get started! Useful information for new employees (LU) Employment Everything you need to know about working at Lund University (LU) Academic year 2024/2025 Autumn term:2 September 2024 - 19 January 2024Spring term:20 January 2025 - 8 June 2025Academic Year Overview 24/25Meetings Overview 24/25In case of emergencyDial 112University guard: + - 2025-02-11