Vår tids stora berättelser: om tv-serier, deras stil och författare
On the contemporary tv-serial, its visual style and the rampant auteurism within this particular world.
On the contemporary tv-serial, its visual style and the rampant auteurism within this particular world.
Motivational internalism - the idea that there is an intrinsic or necessary connection between moral judgment and moral motivation - is a central thesis in a number of metaethical debates. In conjunction with a Humean picture of motivation, it provides a challenge for cognitivist theories that take moral judgments to concern objective aspects of reality. Versions of internalism have potential impl
This paper describes some exploratory attempts to apply a combination of finite state transducers (FST) and transformation-based learning (TBL, Brill 1992) to the problem of letter-to-sound (LTS) conversion for Swedish. Following Bouma (2000) for Dutch, we employ FST for segmentation of the textual input into groups of letters and a first transcription stage; we feed the output of this step into a
The article summarizes a study of tonal courses in Mongolian yes-no and question word interrogatives. The investigation concerns local characteristics of utterances, namely focal and boundary signaling gestures. A phonological analysis of the gestures is proposed based on the acoustic data.
This thesis deals with the methodological advances of diagnostic PCR including reliability of PCR and pre-PCR processing of food and feed samples. Diagnostic PCR has been greatly improved by the introduction of the second generation of PCR, so-called real-time PCR. Automated closed-tube quantitative real-time PCR favours the analysis of food-borne pathogenic bacteria. However, in common with conve
The present work is mainly focused on the development of enzyme-based bioanalytical devices, which can further be applied as analytical tools for industrial, medical and environmental applications. The first part of the work deals with the practical applications of thermometric biosensors for determination of various sugars (fructose and lactose) in a real samples. Thermometric biosensors possess