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Utvärdering av sensorer för personräkning i dörröppningar

Det kan i dagsläget vara svårt att veta hur många som vistas i en byggnad. Detta är problematiskt sett ur räddningstjänstens perspektiv. Om räddningstjänsten under räddningsinsatser vet hur många personer som finns kvar i en byggnad samt var de befinner sig, kan räddningsinsatsen effektiviseras. Utrymningssystem som har kännedom om personers position i en byggnad medger möjlighet att i realtid vägIf during an emergency, the rescue service have knowledge of how many people are left in a building and where they are located, the rescue service’s response could be more effective and reduce the overall risk. Dynamic crowd management is a new way of managing crowd movements during an emergency. For this system to work,sensors capable of tracking people in need of evacuation, is required. In Octo

On the variational characterization of quasi-periodic standing waves of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Vi studerar en särskild typ av lösningar till den endimensionella kubiska icke-linjära Schrödingerekvationen (NLS). Denna ekvation dyker upp inom fysiken, t.ex. då man vill modellera Bose-Einstein kondensat. Detta är ett aggregationstillstånd som en gas bestående av bosoner med låg densitet kan övergå till vid nedkylning till temperaturer nära den absoluta nollpunk- ten, varvid bosonerna delar samWe consider quasi-periodic standing wave solutions U(t, x) = exp(i(ωt−px))Ψ(x) to the one-dimensional defocusing cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation, where we assume that Ψ : R → C is 2π−periodic. We study a constrained minimization problem associated with these solutions, and we show that solutions with minimal period of Ψ(x) strictly less than 2π cannot be minimizers, whereas locally the minimu

Diskrimineringsförbud: Nyckeln till det låsta rummet arbetsgivarens arbets- och verksamhetsledningsrätt

Arbetsgivarprerogativet utgör en allmän rättsgrundsats i svensk rätt och innebär att arbetsgivaren åtnjuter fri beslutande rätt inom viktiga områden: arbetsgivarens fria anställningsrätt, fria uppsägningsrätt, fria arbetsledningsrätt samt fria verksamhetsledningsrätt. Historiskt sett har arbets- och verksamhetsledningsrätten inskränkts enbart av "god sed på arbetsmarknaden". Den arbetsräThe managerial prerogative constitutes a general principal of law in Swedish national law, and means that the employer enjoys the right to free decision-making in a number of important areas: right to free employment, free termination of employment, free work management and free operations management. From a historical point view, the free work and operations management has been limited only by th

The Failed American Dream? Representation of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man

The American Dream has been a central theme of American literature since the early nineteenth century. The American Dream has subsequently become a tool for depicting the uniqueness of America. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby (1925) and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man (1952) are two classic American novels, depicting the American Dream in different social and racial contexts. This essay exami

Conservation of saproxylic beetles in a wooded pasture in northern Scania

The area of wooded pasture in Europe has decreased drastically over the last centuries due to abandoned management. Herrevadskloster is a newly formed nature reserve in northern Scania with an unusually long continuity of being an open, grazed woodland containing large old trees. In this study, the reserve was studied to evaluate its potential to further the conservation of the redlisted saproxyli

Human Development through Fair Gold Mining? A case study of the Fairmined certification

This thesis aims to investigate to what extent the principles of the Human Development and Capability Approach (HDCA) are reflected in Fair Gold Mining (FGM). The Fairmined certification of the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) is taken as a case study. The principles of the HDCA are based on the idea of achieving people-centered development by promoting capabilities and a better quality of li

Ingen text står för sig själv: En studie av tre transtextuella relationer i Ida Börjels Ma

Denna uppsats är en undersökning av Ida Börjels Ma, genom att använda Gérard Genettes teori om transtextuella relationer, undersöker uppsatsen Mas relation till Inger Christensens Alfabet, Jaques Roubaud Någonting svart och Birgitta Trotzig Sjukdomen. Framförallt undersöker uppsatsen om Christensens Alfabet kan betraktas som en hypertext till Ma och vilka element som gör att dessa två samlingar st

De kommersiella volontärresebyråerna : En kvalitativ studie om svenska volontärresebyråers perspektiv på volonturism

International work aid is a form of social work that historically has been conducted by non-profit organizations. When the commercial volunteer agencies entered the market they did so with a well-known product but with a different organizational form. The for-profit social enterprise does not only aim to create social value but also financial value. The commercial volunteer travels, called volunto

Acoustic trapping of droplets

Droplet microfluidics is a technique that can improve biochemical analyses through higher throughput, lower sample volumes, and reduced costs. For several applications of droplet microfluidics, manipulation of the droplets is required. Trapping is one technique to manipulate the droplets, and can be used for incubation and monitoring of the droplets, allowing enough time for chemical processes to

The phenomenology of eye movement intentions and their disruption in goal-directed actions

Many modern psychological theories still assume that humans know about themselves to a wide and accurate extent, in line with the early classical cognitive frameworks. Other competing frameworks, such as dynamic cognition, propose that intelligent behavior can arise from an interaction between the brain, body, and environment, without the need of manipulating explicitly represented knowledge-state

En parasocial vänskap? : Om digitala relationer och upplevelsen av vänskap, närhet och intimitet

Denna uppsats ämnar att undersöka och omdefiniera den parasociala relationen och har haft som ambition att förstå dess natur i det nya socialt kodade medialandskapet. Det är med bakgrund till den snabbt utvecklade sociala mötesplats som internet blivit som motiverar val av ämne. Vårt beteende har mer och mer förflyttats till internet och därmed bör våra sociala relationer studeras där liksom det t

Organisationer i förändring, vad händer då?

Precis som vår värld är även organisationer i ständig för-ändring. Förändring kan vara frivillig och den kan också vara tvingande. Men vad händer med organisationerna som hamnar i dessa situationer? Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att analysera hur olika delar av en organisation kan påverkas av en förändring.

Undersökning gällande installation av tekniska system avseende skydd mot anlagda bränder i svenska skolor

I Sverige har anlagda bränder i skolbyggnader varit ett samhällsproblem i flera årtionden och problemen kulminerade i mitten av 00-talet. Ett forskningsprogram initierades som genomfördes under perioden 2007 – 2012. Slutrapporten publicerades 2013. Forskningsprogrammet var tvärvetenskapligt med fokus på dels sociala orsaker och faktorer som bidrar till att ungdomar anlägger bränder. Dels lämpliga

Determinants of Stock Price Volatility: A quantitative study on the Swedish stock market between 2004-2016

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om utdelningars utbetalningsgrad, vinstvolatilitet, storlek och hävstång har någon inverkan på aktiebolagets volatilitet. Vidare syftar denna uppsats till att undersöka huruvida dessa samband är tillämpliga på både Large Cap-företag och företag som listas på Mid och Small Cap. Teorierna bygger på rådande teorier i området, bland annat Bird in the hand hypThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether Payout ratio, Earnings volatility, Size, and Leverage have any effect on the volatility of the stock. Furthermore, this thesis seeks to investigate whether these relationships apply to both Large Cap firms and firms listed on Mid and Small Cap. The theories are based upon prevailing theories in the area, among them Bird in the hand hypothesis,

Degustando La Bombonera de ADRs (Tasting the ADR chocolate box)

Title: Degustando La Bombonera de ADRs - A study on the determinants of the market-adjusted return of Latin American ADRs issued between 1999 and 2014 Seminar date: 2018-01-11 Course: FEKH89, Corporate Finance Degree Project,Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS Authors: Nino Dahl Merckling, Dustin Said, Erik Sjöholm Advisor: Anamaria Cociorva Key words: ADR, Latin America, Introduction Puzzle, 3-mark

Predicting Customer Behaviour in the Web Hosting Industry - A Study in Mathematical Modelling

Companies want to keep their customers. Especially, when they offer subscription based services instead of one time purchases. In the former case, if customers want to leave the company, they need to cancel their subscription. This is called customer churn. On the example of, a company that offers subscription based web hosting, a mathematical model is developed to predict customer churn,

Residents’ perception regarding household preparedness in areas prone to sudden natural hazards

The purpose of this case study was to investigate residents’ perception regarding household preparedness in areas prone to sudden natural hazards. The study was conducted in Namacu, Koro Island, Fiji. The main method for data collection was through semi-structured interviews and observations. Many of the factors affecting perception regarding the residents’ household preparedness were connected to

Applying concurrent engineering in an established multi-site companya concurrent process for a developing and manufacturing company’s new product introduction in production.

Background As new product development is becoming more important due to higher and more global competition the new product introduction process needs to be efficient in order to launch new products before they become obsolete. Therefore, a more efficient development process with integrated functions is needed. Concurrent engineering claims to be this and has support in much research. However, conc