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Energy Efficient Door Control

A broad study of ways to increase energy efficiency in an automatic sliding door. The study was made up of several distinct phases. A research phase where traffic data was gathered, a modelling phase where the gathered data was used to create a traffic model, a test phase where a physical test door was set up and programmed according to the model, and finally an analysis phase where the gathered t

Konflikter från ett chefsperspektiv

Konflikter är frekvent förekommande i organisationer, de kan ha positiva eller negativa konsekvenser beroende på hur konflikten upplevs och hanteras. Tidigare forskning visar på att det finns ett samband mellan chefers hantering av konflikter i relation till deras hierarkiska position, emotionella intelligens samt maktutövande. Syftet är att undersöka konflikter utifrån ett chefsperspektiv i en o

En studie om svarstider i projekteringsprocessen

Projekteringsprocessen i byggbranschen är i ständig förändring. Större och mer komplicerade byggnadsprojekt med högre krav på sig blir allt vanligare. En lyckad projektering är en lyckad produktion. Detta ligger som grund till att projekteringsprocessen måste fungera på ett effektivt sätt. Enligt Nasa och Stanford university är nyckeln till en lyckad projektering att korta ned tiden mellan fråga o

Vårdpersonalens följsamhet till preoperativ checklista vid patientförberedelser inför elektiv och akut operation

Innan operation skall patienterna förberedas preoperativt. Färdiga checklistor finns som innehåller de preoperativa förberedelserna som vårdavdelningarna skall göra. Syftet var att jämföra vårdpersonalens följsamhet till preoperativ checklista avseende patientens förberedelse inför elektiv och akut operation. Metod var en deskriptiv enkätundersökning där data samlats in från två olika sjukhus i Sk

Representativ Representation

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till ökad förståelse om företagsrepresentantens roll i Employer Branding-sammanhang. Metod: Flera kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts och studerat sju olika företags strategier inom Employer Branding med ett hermeneutistisk fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt. Uppsatsen har en kombination av deduktiv och induktiv ansats där författarna applicerat releva

Questioning the tunnel vision : Assessing the frames and governance of California’s WaterFix megaproject

Over the last century, large-scale water megaprojects have become a globally widespread method of addressing water scarcity by moving water from areas of water surplus to deficit. The U.S. state of California is a megaproject pioneer, having constructed two infrastructural systems in the mid-1900s that transfer water as far as 640 kilometers to satisfy agricultural and urban growth. While these pr

De bortglömda barnen - en kvalitativ undersökning av attityder till intersex hos personer som arbetar med barn och ungdomar inom samhällsinstitutioner i Malmö

Genom att anlägga ett teoretiskt perspektiv av Judith Butler där kategorier som ”kön” och ”genus” betraktas som oseparerbara, och där en heterosexuell matris dikterar de villkor inom vilka kön, kroppar och begär (sexuella) befästs och uppfattas som naturliga och fixerade, har jag undersökt attityder till intersex hos personer som arbetar med barn och ungdomar inom samhällsinstitutioner i Malmö, SvThis study explores attitudes toward intersex amongst people working with children and youth within community institutions in Malmö, Sweden. This has been done by applying a theoretical perspective by Judith Butler where categories such as ”sex” and ”gender” are seen as inseparable and a heterosexual matrix dictates the conditions under which sex, bodies and desires (sexual) are naturalised and vi

Impact of Parameters on Fuel Level Indication

Parameterstudie på bränslenivåvisning Alla är bekanta med bränslenivåvisaren i bilar och litar på att den alltid ska fungera. Det finns några möjliga problem associerade med bränslenivåvisning som är viktiga att kartlägga för att försäkra att bränslenivåvisaren ger korrekt information i samtliga lägen. Bränslenivåvisning består av tre olika delar, mätning av nivån i tanken, filtrering av rådata saFuel level indication is an essential function in a car with the purpose of providing information about the fuel level to the driver at all times. In this thesis, different parameters are tested and evaluated to find the factors that can have an effect on fuel level indication. Tank volume, driving behaviour and fuel sloshing are evaluated as possible parameters. The results presented herein sugge

The Potential of Intellectual Property Rights for Economic Development: A Case Study on India

Intellectual Property Rights’ systems have not yet been admitted as policy instruments favouring economic performance of developing countries, and Intellectual Property itself has not been recognised as an economic asset as yet. While there is strong argument that robust IPR system fosters economic growth and development, suspicions of this argument still hold up in the national and international

Ny svensk modell för nyanlända svenskar?

The Swedish Model is a somewhat vague concept that can mean many things, depending on who you ask. But usually it is characterized by the great deal of autonomy the labour market organizations enjoy. Traditionally, the unions and the employer associations in question are responsible for the functioning of the labour market (e.g. the wage formation), with none or very little involvement from the st

Daddies pushing strollers: How family policies can affect gender equality: A case study of parental leave reforms in France

Because gender inequalities in the private sphere have for consequences the development of a second-class citizenship for women, aiming for gender equality in the private sphere is fundamental in order to tend towards equality in the society as a whole. Yet, it is a complex goal to reach. Indeed, family policies are only a small part of a system where social, economic and cultural factors are inte

Chemical Hazard Assessment under Uncertainty Evaluated by Robust Bayesian Evidence Synthesis

Chemical hazard assessment is a procedure in chemical regulation to set which concentrations of chemical substances that are safe to an ecological system, i.e. where a majority of the species in the systems is not negatively affected by the substance. The Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) is an assessment model to estimate hazardous concentration based on toxicity data from representative spe

Combination of nanoparticles from polystyrene and the hormone 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in water.

Interagerar plast och hormon med varandra i vatten? Utsläpp av läkemedel bidrar till att ett av de vanligaste syntetiska hormonen Ethinylestradiol (EE2) hamnar i akvatiska miljöer. Årligen bildas enorma mängder plast, när plasten hamnar ute i miljön bryts ned den till små nanopartiklar med speciella egenskaper. Denna studie undersöker hur EE2 och nanopartiklar binder till varandra i vatten. Av allPlastic materials and synthetic hormones are found in aquatic environments globally. Plastic in water can degrade to nanoparticles (NP) with special characteristics, in the environment nanoparticles and hormones have a proven effect on wildlife. Synthetic hormones are widely used in contraceptives and medications and one of the most common synthetic hormones used is 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2)

kontroll. mitt vårt allas - en territoriell undersökning i Almhög, Malmö

Stora delar av bostadsbeståndet i Sverige är uppfört efter modernistiska planeringsideal med uppluckrade gränser mellan det privata och publika. I dessa miljöer är alla ytor inte direkt avläsbara ifråga om ägarförhållanden och användning. I många fall är det inget problem, det kanske finns tillräckligt med ytor för alla,underförstådda överenskommelser regleraranvändning effektivt, men i andra fallA great part of the Swedish housing stock is built according to modernistic planning ideals where boundaries between public and private propertiesare not always visible, neither in ownership nor in use aspects. In many cases this is not a problem, there is plenty of space for everyone and implicit agreements regulate use, but in other cases areaswon’t be used, conflicts occur or fences will close

Tillverkad av vem?

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Tillverkad av vem? Seminariedatum: 2017-06-01 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Marknadsföring, 15 HP Författare: Linus Bratt, Johan Eriksson, Aisha Mossberg Handledare: Annette Cerne Fem nyckelord: Country of Origin, Country of Manufacture, Country of Brand, Country of Design, Country of Ownership Syfte: Att förstå hur studenter vid Ekon

Inventory control of finished goods for the aftermarket.

Background TitanX Engine Cooling is a global supplier of powertrain cooling solutions to commercial vehicles, both for OEMs and the independent aftermarket. The company with annual sales of over 1.6 billion SEK (US$ 192 million) has some 800 employees worldwide. TitanX is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden and has manufacturing sites in Sweden, USA, Brazil, China and Mexico. Its manufacturing fac

Folding carton and internal printing: a technical approach to consumer differentiation and food safety

Packaging can be used to offer to consumers a complete brand experience. The emotional level enhanced during opening moment make consumers engage with the product and therefore, with the brand. Brands can firstly use printing to stand out at the point of sale and can use internal printing to enhance consumer experience at home. Internal printing needs to be analyzed through the lenses of three pil

Global brand image creation by Swedish born globals

Introduction: Born globals are increasingly prevalent and very successful in doing business globally, which is quite remarkable when keeping in mind they operate with limited human and financial resources and international business experience. They have to utilise capabilities in a unique way in order to internationalise rapidly and successfully. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain insig

The 30-hour Workweek - A Promising Alternative for Knowledge Workers?

Long working hours and burnout as well as other stress-related symptoms are common concerns amongst knowledge workers. An obvious solution might be to reduce working hours, for example, to a 30-hour workweek. Hence, this explorative study is interested in exploring the effects of the 30-hour workweek on knowledge workers. Object of study is a digital marketing agency; eleven semi-structured interv

Exploring Scientists' Communication Behaviour - A Theory of Planned Behaviour Approach

In this globalised world, the interest of the general public in scientific knowledge is ever increasing. Research institutions and especially the scientists are more and more in demand to communicate their research findings and inform the general public. Surveys, however, suggest that the scientists’ engagement is lacking, as only a small amount of is actually engaging. This study explores key fac