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On the difference between additive and subtractive QM/MM calculations

The combined quantum mechanical (QM) and molecular mechanical (MM) approach (QM/MM) is a popular method to study reactions in biochemical macromolecules. Even if the general procedure of using QM for a small, but interesting part of the system and MM for the rest is common to all approaches, the details of the implementations vary extensively, especially the treatment of the interface between the

Emergent, distributed, and orchestrated : Understanding leadership through frame analysis

Leadership scholars are beginning to understand leadership as a distributed phenomenon, produced in interaction and emerging in social situations. Although this perspective has contributed to understanding leadership processes in more detail, it has also been noted that its proponents have largely neglected power and asymmetrical hierarchical relations. In this paper, I address these issues by dra

Deswelling behaviour of ionic microgel particles from low to ultra-high densities

The swelling of ionic microgel particles is investigated at a wide range of concentrations using a combination of light, X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. We employ a zero-average contrast approach for small-angle neutron scattering experiments, which enables a direct determination of the form factor at high concentrations. The observed particle size initially decreases strongly with the pa

Children’s use of gesture and action with static and dynamic verbs

The present study investigates the use of gestures by 18-, 24- and 30-month-old Swedish children, as well as their practical actions in coordination with verbs. Previous research on connections between children’s verbs and gestures has mainly focused only on iconic gestures and action verbs. We expand the research foci in two ways: we look both at gestures and at practical actions, examining how t

Geografisk tillgänglighet för cykling i städer : Modellutveckling och fallstudier

Målsättningar för och behov av hållbara transporter i städer är idag ett etablerat område inom trafik- och samhällsplaneringen och ökad cykling har sedan många år varit högt prioriterat av politiker och planerare. Trots dessa ambitioner har cyklingen i stället minskat på många håll under senare år. Det finns alltså ett stort behov av att identifiera och utveckla strategier och åtgärder som främjar

Socialt ansvarstagande i Trafikverkets upphandlingar

vilket påverkar hur vi ser på hållbarhetsaspekter vid planering av städer och i förlängningen enskilda bygg- och anläggningsprojekt. Detta medför att bygg- och fastighetsföretags sociala ansvarstagande blir en alltmer relevant del av verksamheten, inte minst vad gäller upphandling av entreprenörer och konsulter där det läggs en större vikt avseende sociala aspekter än tidigare.Trafikverkets upphan

Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics in drylands : Evaluating vegetation optical depth (VOD) using AVHRR NDVI and in situ green biomass data over West African Sahel

Monitoring long-term biomass dynamics in drylands is of great importance for many environmental applications including land degradation and global carbon cycle modeling. Biomass has extensively been estimated based on the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as a measure of the vegetation greenness. The vegetation optical depth (VOD) derived from satellite passive microwave observations i

Assessing woody vegetation trends in Sahelian drylands using MODIS based seasonal metrics

Woody plants play a major role for the resilience of drylands and in peoples' livelihoods. However, due to their scattered distribution, quantifying and monitoring woody cover over space and time is challenging. We develop a phenology driven model and train/validate MODIS (MCD43A4, 500 m) derived metrics with 178 ground observations from Niger, Senegal and Mali to estimate woody cover trends from

Using earth observation-based dry season NDVI trends for assessment of changes in tree cover in the Sahel

The co-existence of trees and grasses is a defining feature of savannah ecosystems and landscapes. During recent decades, the combined effect of climate change and increased demographic pressure has led to complex vegetation changes in these ecosystems. A number of recent Earth observation (EO)-based studies reported positive changes in biological productivity in the Sahelian region in relation to

An automated field spectrometer system for studying VIS, NIR and SWIR anisotropy for semi-arid savanna

This paper presents the Dahra field spectrometer system (DAFIS) sited in Senegal, West Africa. DAFIS is a unique system that automatically measures the spectro-directional reflectance properties of a semi-arid savanna in the spectral range of 350-1800. nm, daily from sunrise to sunset. The instrumental setup allows studying surface anisotropy for different phenological phases. First data retrieved

Monitoring coal fires in Datong coalfield using multi-source remote sensing data

Numerous coal fires burn underneath the Datong coalfield because of indiscriminate mining. Landsat TM/ETM, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and infrared thermal imager were employed to monitor underground coal fires in the Majiliang mining area. The thermal field distributions of this area in 2000, 2002, 2006, 2007, and 2009 were obtained using Landsat TM/ETM. The changes in the distribution were th

Human population growth offsets climate-driven increase in woody vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa

The rapidly growing human population in sub-Saharan Africa generates increasing demand for agricultural land and forest products, which presumably leads to deforestation. Conversely, a greening of African drylands has been reported, but this has been difficult to associate with changes in woody vegetation. There is thus an incomplete understanding of how woody vegetation responds to socio-economic