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Revolutionen : ett högt pris för kopternas frihet

120 kristna mördades, 128 kidnappades, det genomförde 146 attacker mot kyrkor och 700 kristna familjer tvingades fly sina hem under 2013. Detta var priset för att Muslimska Brödraskapet utövade makten i Egypten under ett år. Ett högt pris för kristna i Egypten men kan inte jämföras med andra länder i regionen.

It was not a hip fracture – you were lucky this time – or perhaps not! A prospective study of clinical outcomes in patients with low-energy pelvic fractures and hip contusions

Introduction: Prehospital and hospital emergency care guidelines have been developed for patients with suspected hip fracture. Initial radiography can identify a number of patients with other injuries, generally pelvic fractures and hip contusions. Little is known about the prognosis for these patients. The aim of this study is twofold: i) to investigate the injury pattern of patients assessed in

Measuring Institutions : What We Do Not Know

The last two decades have seen a significant increase in the number and quality of cross-national measures of institutions, which are also covering longer and longer time spans. However, despite the considerable progress that has been made, important measurement issues linger. This chapter argues that the key future challenge for the measurement of institutions is how to square objective or direct

Stochastic Theory of Continuous-Time State-Space Identification

Presents theory, algorithms and validation results for system identification of continuous-time state-space models from finite input-output sample sequences. The algorithms developed are methods of subspace model identification and stochastic realization adapted to the continuous-time context. The resulting model can be decomposed into an input-output model and a stochastic innovations model. Usin

Structure of Ca13Cd76 : A novel approximant to the MCd5.7 Quasicrystals (M = Ca, Yb)

The closest cubic approximant to the MCd5.7 (M = Ca, Yb) quasicrystals known so far, namely Ca13Cd76, was obtained by high-temperature reaction of the elements. It exhibits a new type of structure for intermetallic compounds with an unprecedented arrangement of triacontahedral clusters (see structure), which could prove useful in modeling the structures of the MCd5.7 quasicrystals.

Second cancers and causes of death in patients with testicular cancer in Sweden

While treatment for testicular cancer (TC) has become standardized after the 1980s with an associated significant improvement in patient survival, this has been accompanied by an increased risk of second primary cancers (SPCs). Patients were identified from the Swedish Cancer Registry spanning the years from 1980 to 2015, including 8788 individuals with primary TC and their SPCs. Relative risks (R

Online Minimum-Jerk Trajectory Generation

Robotic trajectory generation is reformulated as a controller design problem. For minimum-jerk trajectories, an optimal controller using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is derived. The controller instantaneously updates the trajectory in a closed-loop system as a result of the changes in the reference signal. The resulting trajectories coincide with piece-wise fifth-order polynomial trajector

Synthesis and crystal structure of Ca2Ag1.83Al 0-67Ge1-50 - A solid solution with the NbCoB-type structure

The crystal structure of the new phase, Ca2Ag 1.83Al0.67Ge1.50(1) (1) was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, after the compound was obtained by high temperature synthesis technique. 1 crystallizes with the NbCoB type structure in the orthorhombic space group Pmmn (no. 59) with unit cell parameters: a = 20.505(1) Â, b = 4.3807(2) Å c = 7.2211(3) Å, V= 648.65 Å3 (Z = 5). The structure o

Structure and bonding properties of (Bi2Se3)m(Bi2)n stacks by first-principles density functional theory

We have investigated crystal structure, chemical bonding, and electronic properties of the compounds Bi2Se3, BiSe, Bi4Se3, and Bi2Se by first-principles calculations within the density functional theory. The compounds are members of a general series of stacks (Bi2Se3)m(Bi2)n composed of five-layer blocks Se-Bi-Se-Bi-Se and two-layer blocks Bi-Bi. Both types of blocks can be considered as closed-sh

(3 + 1)-dimensional structure refinement of the fresnoite framework-structure type compound Ba2TiGe2O8

The incommensurately modulated structure of the fresnoite framework-structure type compound Ba2TiGe2O8 has been solved using a (3 + 1)-dimensional superspace approach. The structure is orthorhombic and adopts the superspace group Cmm2(0,β,1/2)s00 with β ≃ 0.635 at room temperature. The refinement was based on neutron powder diffraction data obtained from a powdered single crystal grown by Czochral

New strontium and rare earth-based mixed niobium misfit sulfides

New niobium-based misfit sulfides (Ln1/3Sr2/3S)1.5]1.15 NbS2 (Ln = Sm, Tb) have been synthesized from a mixture of SrS, Ln2S3, Nb(m), and S in evacuated and sealed silica tubes by annealing at 1000 °C for 144 h under a sulfur partial pressure of 49.3 kPa. The compounds have been characterized by EDX analysis, X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction, electron diffraction, and magnetic susceptib

Synthesis of structurally controlled nanocarbons - In particular the nanobarrel carbon

Nanoporous carbons have been prepared through a selective etching reaction, performed by halogenisation of aluminum carbide. The structures obtained can be controlled by varying the chlorination temperature. The unique set of nanocarbons obtained include nanoporous amorphous structures, the nanobarrel structure and a nanographitic structure as chlorination temperatures were increased from 400 °C t

The effect of schizophrenia on length of in-hospital stay and major adverse cardiac events following acute coronary syndrome in Denmark

Background: The relationship between schizophrenia and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) has already been established. This study aims to investigate the difference in length of in-hospital stay (LoS) between a population with schizophrenia and a psychiatric healthy control (PHC) population following admission for a first ACS. Methods: Data for this retrospective study was collected from three nation