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The ultimate goal of the research performed in my laboratory is to understand the pathogenesis of laminin a2 chain deficient muscular dystrophy (also known as MDC1A) and to develop a pharmacological treatment for this deteriorating disorder.

Experimentell Epilepsi

Epilepsi är en av vår tids mest förödande neurologiska sjukdomar. Den försämrar livskvaliteten för mer än 60 miljoner människor världen över och trots vissa framsteg i utvecklingen av nya läkemedel är de behandlingsformer som finns tillgängliga endast symptomatiska. Medicinerna har allvarliga biverkningar och saknar dessutom fullgod effekt hos en tredjedel av patienterna. Nyligen upptäckte man atEpilepsy is one of the most devastating neurological diseases, affecting at least 60 million people worldwide. But despite certain progress in antiepileptic drug developmental, available pharmacological treatments are only symptomatic, have side effects and fail to adequately control seizures in a third of patients. Recently, neuropeptides and neurotrophic factors emerged as strong regulators of

Celldöd, Lysosomer och Artificiell Intelligens

Understanding and therapeutic targeting of lysosome-dependent cell death 1. Deciphering the molecular machinery of lysosome-dependent cell death and its interactions with other cell death and survival processes 2. Understanding the role of lysosomes in diseases with altered cell death 3. Therapeutic modulation of lysosome-dependent cell death 4. Development of novel tools and methods for studyUnderstanding and therapeutic targeting of lysosome-dependent cell death 1. Deciphering the molecular machinery of lysosome-dependent cell death and its interactions with other cell death and survival processes 2. Understanding the role of lysosomes in diseases with altered cell death 3. Therapeutic modulation of lysosome-dependent cell death 4. Development of novel tools and methods for study


Osteoporos drabbar till övervägande del äldre kvinnor och dess kliniska konsekvens - fraktur - resulterar i smärta, förlorad självständighet och för tidig död. I vår forskning undersöker vi hur genetiska faktorer och omgivningsfaktorer bidrar till skelettstyrka hos unga vuxna och hos äldre kvinnor. Tonvikten ligger på att definiera gener, åldersrelaterade interaktioner mellan gen och miljö och intOsteoporosis predominantly, but not exclusively affects older women and its clinical consequence, fracture, results in pain, lost independence and premature death. In our research we investigate the genetic and non-genetic factors contributing to skeletal strength in young adults, men and elderly women, with an emphasis on defining the genes, age related gene-environment interactions and interact


Birgitta Nyström, Vilhelm Persson, Jenny Julén Votinius, Daria Davitti, 2 suppleanter: Martin Sunnqvist, Ulrika Andersson

Husstyrelser, LTH

Husstyrelser har ansvar för bl a lokalytor och gemensamma faciliteter, vaktmästeri och reception. Husstyrelser finns för följande lokalområden: E-huset, M-huset, V-huset och A-huset. Vid övriga lokalområden, Kemicentrum, Fysiska institutionen, LTH Ingenjörshögskolan i Helsingborg och Matematikcentrum utövas husstyrelsefunktionen av institutionsstyrelsen.Joint services are responsible for premises and facilities, caretaking and the receptions in the various buildings at LTH. Joint services operate in four of LTHs buildings. In other cases, Departmental Boards have the corresponding responsibilities.


Vi bedriver forskning och utbildning med inriktning mot funktionshinder och rehabilitering. Målgrupperna är personer med neurologiska funktionsnedsättningar till följd av stroke, traumatisk hjärnskada, ryggmärgsskada post-polio, multipel skleros, Parkinsons sjukdom och neuromuskulär sjukdom. Forskargruppen leds av en professor i rehabiliteringsmedicin. I gruppen ingår två disputerade forskare oWe conduct research and education with a focus on disability and rehabilitation. The target groups are individuals with neurologic disabilities as a result of stroke, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, post-polio, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and neuromuscular disorders. The research group is led by a Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and includes two researchers who

Medicinsk strukturbiologi

The main objectives for Lindkvist laboratory are to make use of structural biology techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, and combine that with microscopy to reveal mechanisms of action in the metabolic systems in the human body. We have for many years been studying the role of bacterial toxins (superantigens) in the immune system, as well as the specificity of certain channels facilitating th

Pediatrisk hematologi

Our research group on paediatric haematology is focused on bleeding- and coagulation disorders in children, in particular on haemophilia and venous thrombosis. Haemophilia A and B are hereditary, X chromosomal recessive bleeding disorders caused by deficiency or absence of coagulation factors VIII (FVIII) or IX (FIX) in the blood. The general aim of this part of the research program is to improve Our research group on paediatric haematology is focused on bleeding- and coagulation disorders in children, in particular on haemophilia and venous thrombosis. Haemophilia A and B are hereditary, X chromosomal recessive bleeding disorders caused by deficiency or absence of coagulation factors VIII (FVIII) or IX (FIX) in the blood. The general aim of this part of the research program is to improve


Examensavdelningen handlägger examensansökningar. Vi ger även råd och stöd i examens- och evalueringsfrågor, tillgodoräknanden samt vissa studieadministrativa frågor. Examensavdelningen ansvarar även för administration av tillgodoräknande av reell kompetens vid universitetet (ej LTHs och Medicinska fakultetens ärenden). Mer information för studenter och telefontider: Degree Office deals with applications for degree certificates. We also offer support and advice on issues relating to degrees and evaluations, credit transfer and certain study administration services. The Degree Office is also responsible for the administration of credit transfer for prior learning at the University (not including cases at LTH and the Faculty of Medicine). More information fo