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Fair scheduling of uplink traffic in HiperAccess

In HiperAccess, the scheduling problem takes two forms; firstly, the base station reserves capacity on the uplink for the different terminals, and secondly, the terminals schedule their respective traffic in its assigned share of the channel capacity. Further, the base station generally has less and older information than the terminals, hence, the base station and the terminals may act differently

Arbetsrehabilitering och myndighetssamverkan - Utvärdering av Samordningsförbundet i Svedala

Ett i den politiska debatten centralt område är arbetsrehabilitering. Inom detta område går det att se en ökad politisk aktivitet som många gånger mynnar ut i begreppet "samverkan". Ropet på samverkan beror möjligen på att det blir allt svårare för enskilda myndigheter att såväl överblicka som hantera sitt verksamhetsfält i takt med att omvärlden ter sig allt mer komplex. Föreliggande rapport byg

Insight through participation. Bridging the gap between cultural anthropology, cultural studies and music education.

In the last decades there has been an increased influence of ethnomusicology in music education research. This is reflected in the activities of international associations such as International Society for Music Education (ISME), International Music Council (IMC) and Cultural Diversity in Music Education (CDIME), as well as in a growing body of research (e.g. Drummond, 2005; Schippers, 2010; Szego

Using Alliances to Increase ICT Capabilities

Popular Abstract in English Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is perhaps the most important, emblematic and ubiquitous technology of contemporary society. ICT is used increasingly in new product areas and help resolve problems and challenges to mankind; it has even gotten to a point where life without ICT is hard to imagine. For many incumbent firms, the infusion of ICT into their inInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is perhaps the most important, emblematic and ubiquitous technology of contemporary society. ICT is used increasingly in new product areas and help resolve problems and challenges to mankind; it has even gotten to a point where life without ICT is hard to imagine. Over the last decades ICT has become a core technology within the music, literature an

On The Origins of Risk-Taking in Financial Markets

Risk-taking in financial markets is highly correlated between parents and their children; however, little is known about the extent to which these relationships are genetic or determined by environmental factors. We use data on stock market participation of Swedish adoptees and relate this to the investment behavior of both their biological and adoptive parents. We find that stock market participa

Recovery from Acidification - Policy Oriented Dynamic Modeling

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det försurande nedfallet över Europa har minskat kraftigt sedan 1970- och 1980-talen. Detta beror delvis på framgångsrikt arbete inom konventionen om långväga gränsöverskridande luftföroreningar (LRTAP), inom ramen för FN:s ekonomiska kommission för Europa (UNECE). Marken i många områden i Sverige och övriga Europa är fortfarande kraftigt försurad trots det minskade nedDynamic biogeochemistry models are important tools for determining the time-scales of recovery from acidification. In the review process of the 1999 UNECE LRTAP Gothenburg protocol, results from dynamic models will probably be included when determining further reductions of acidifying emissions. This thesis describes modeling of recovery from acidification using the dynamic multi-layer soil chemi

Experimental and Reactor Network Study of Nitrogen Dilution Effects on NOx Formation for Natural Gas and Syngas at Elevated Pressures

Gas turbines emissions, NOX in particular, have negative impact on the environment. To limit the emissions gas turbine burners are constantly improved. In this work, a fourth generation SIT (Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery) burner is studied to gain information about the formation of NOX emissions. The gas mixtures for the full burner are limited to natural gas with different nitrogen dilutions.

Ascending evacuation - Walking speed in stairs as a function of height

During ascending evacuation in long stairs, there is reason to believe that factors such as fatigue, and change in human behaviour will influence the possibility of satisfactory evacuation and affect the ascending walking speed. Based on these assumption, a 2-year research project was initiated at Lund University. This paper gives a brief description of the project and highlight some initial findi

Surface Forces in Complex Liquid Systems

Surface force measurements, combined with ellipsometry, were performed on several colloidal liquid systems. We studied the forces between mica surfaces in presence of dilute aqueous solutions of ethylenediamine (divalent) and spermidine (trivalent) hydrochlorides. With increasing the diamine concentration the electrostatic repulsion is reduced and later it disappears completely. At equivalent tri