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The Seventh International Tourism and Media (ITAM) Conference

24-26 August, 2016 Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, is proud to invite tourism and media researchers to the seventh International Tourism and Media (ITAM) conference to be held at Campus Helsingborg, Helsingborg, Sweden on the 24-26 of August 2016. Researchers are invited to participate in developing the relationship between tourism and the media, including popular culture. The aim of the conf - 2025-01-09

Preliminary outline of the program

Venue: Campus Helsingborg, Lund University in the city of Helsingborg, Sweden. Tuesday 23/818:00 - 20:00  Welcome reception with drinks and snacks (Campus Helsingborg, Room C7) Wednesday 24/809:00 - 10:00  Registration with tea and coffee, entrance level Campus Helsingborg10:00 - 11:00  Welcome words and Keynote: André Jansson (Karlstad University) (, room - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists Autumn 2016

Autumn Semester 2016 Semester 1 SMMS10 Service Management: Theory - Development and Traditions (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list SMMP11 Service managment: Managing service organisations (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list Semester 3 SMMP31 Sustainability in service organisations (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Tourism SMMR32 Value creation and innovation in tourism (15 credit - 2025-01-09

Orientation Weeks

Welcome to Sweden and the Department of Service Management and Service Studies!During the Orientation Weeks, an extensive welcome programme is available for new Master's students. In order to better prepare for some of the events, we would like you to register. Please fill out the form below, at the latest Sunday 11 August 6 pm.  Name (required) Specialisation (required) Culture and Creativity Man - 2025-01-09

Supplemental Instruction

complementary help alongside the regular lectures SI stands for Supplementary Instruction which implies complementary help alongside the regular lectures students attend. We as SI leaders have completed the courses earlier and are now in our second year of the Service Management Masters programme. What is SI?The concept of SI is to meet with the new students and have general discussions in order t - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists

Spring Semester 2017 Semester 2 SMMR21 Methods in Social Sciences (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list SMMM11 Master's (One Year) Thesis (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Tourism SMMS22 Destination Development and Marketing (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Retail SMMR23 Service Logistics in Retail (7.5 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Retail - 2025-01-09

Digitalisation and Services

SEMA51, 7,5 credits Do you want to learn more about digital services and the challenges of digitalisation? Apply to our course in Digitalisation and Services, which gives you an understanding of how digitalisation affects the service sector and service organisations. In today's digital society, we need an understanding of digitalisation and its impact on our society. In this course you will get an - 2025-01-09

Exchange student

Information for incoming exchange students The Department of Service Studies is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University that is ranked among the top 50 in the world in several subjects (Times Higher Education and QS). It is a successful and interdisciplinary department that focuses on health, hotel and restaurant, retail, tourism and logistics in customer-oriented service organis - 2025-01-09

Bachelor level courses

for incoming exchange students Service Management is about managing and organising businesses in which customers and services are the main focus. Every year, we offer a range of stand-alone courses within the field of service management. During the autumn semesters we offer five stand-alone bachelor courses in English within the field of service management. These courses are available as elective - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists

Autumn Semester 2017 Semester 1  SMMS10 Service Management: Theory - Development and Traditions (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list SMMP11 Service managment: Managing Service Organisations (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list Semester 3 SMMR31 Service Studies Perspectives on Sustainability Issues (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list For specialisation Tourism SMMR32 Value Creation and Innovation in Tou - 2025-01-09

Master level courses

for incoming exchange students By becoming an exchange student at Lund University and the Department of Service Studies you will enter an exciting chapter in your life! We offer a number of Master’s level courses in English for exchange students at Campus Helsingborg. To apply for these courses you have to be nominated as an exchange student by a partner university of the Department of Service Stu - 2025-01-09

Visiting the City Hall

Welcome to Sweden and the Department of Service Management and Service Studies. We are invited by the City of Helsingborg to the City Hall. We will be served a Swedish "fika" and would thus like to know how many we can exepect. So please register for the event below and answer no later than Sunday 20 August at 24:00. This form is now closed. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submis - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists

for the master programme Here you will find syllabi, reading lists and examiners for courses on advanced level.  Spring 2025Autumn 2024Spring 2024Autumn 2023Spring 2023Autumn 2022Spring 2022Autumn 2021Spring 2021Autumn 2020Spring 2020Autumn 2019Spring 2019Autumn 2018Spring 2018Autumn 2017Spring 2017Autumn 2016Spring 2016Autumn 2015Spring 2015Autumn 2014Spring 2014Autumn 2013Spring 2013  Programme - 2025-01-09

Einladung zur Teilnahme an unserem Informations-Experiment

Im Rahmen einer größeren Untersuchung wollen wir mehr über das Informationsverhalten deutscher Touristen in Schweden lernen. In dieser Teilstudie geht es darum, einen Kurztrip nach Ystad oder Vimmerby zu buchen, und zwar zu Hause am eigenen Computer. Während Sie sich im Netz über Anreise, Übernachtung und Aktivitäten informieren, sind wir über Skype dabei und filmen ihre Aktivitäten und Kommentare - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists

Spring Semester 2013 Semester 2SMMN20 Service Management T&H: Strategic Management in Tourism and Hospitality (15 credits)Syllabus and Reading list SMMN30 Service Management Retail: Retail and Organization (15 credits)Syllabus and Reading list SMMN40 Service Management Logistics: Transport System, Intermodality and Traceability (15 credits)Syllabus and Reading list SMMN10 Service Management: Theor - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists

Spring Semester 2018 Semester 2 SMMR21 Methods in Social Sciences (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list   SMMM11 Master's (One Year) Thesis (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list   For specialisation Tourism SMMS22 Destination Development and Marketing (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list   For specialisation Retail SMMR23 Service Logistics in Retail (7.5 credits) Syllabus Reading list   For specialisation - 2025-01-09

Syllabi and reading lists

Autumn Semester 2013 Semester 1  SMMP10 Service management: Theory of science and research field (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list SMMP11 Service management: Managing service organisations (15 credits) Syllabus Reading list   Semester 3  SMMN25 Service Management T&H: Value Creating Processes in Tourism and Hospitality (30 credits) Syllabus and Reading list   SMMN35 Service Management Retail: Ret - 2025-01-09

Giant Cell Arteritis

This project focus on evaluating and optimizing photoacoustic (PA) imaging as a method to non invasively diagnose giant cell arthritis. Giant cell arteritis (GCA) also known as temporal arteritis is a sight- and life-threatening, granulomatous large-vessel condition. Typical symptoms are headache, fever, fatigue, night sweats and weight loss. GCA may not only cause permanent loss of vision, but al - 2025-01-09

Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI)

LSCI is a non-invasive technique to measure blood perfusion. The method that visualizes tissue blood perfusion in real time. The system uses an invisible 785 nm laser beam that is spread over the surface of the skin by a diffuser, creating a speckle pattern formed by random interference in the backscattered light from the area illuminated by the laser. Blood perfusion is calculated by analyzing th - 2025-01-09

‘In-house’ Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) utilizes white light with a known spectrum, which is guided to the surface of the skin via an optical fiber. As light penetrates into the tissue, photons either scatter or become absorbed where only a fraction of the injected photons manage to escape back from the skin surface. This light is captured by a second fiber and measured with a spectrometer. Dependi - 2025-01-09