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Islet Function in the Pathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes Mellitus

Cystic fibrosis-related diabetes mellitus (CFRD) is the most common non-pulmonary co-morbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR), which leads to aberrant luminal fluid secretions in organs such as the lungs and pancreas. How dysfunctional CFTR leads to CFRD is still under debate. Both intrinsic effects of dysfu

The composite channel method : Efficient experimental evaluation of a realistic MIMO terminal in the presence of a human body

The immediate environment of the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) antennas, including the antenna casings and the users holding the antennas, has a strong impact on the propagation channel and thus on wireless systems. In this paper we experimentally evaluate a method that synthetically combines double-directional measurements of the propagation channel (without the user influence) with measured ant

Value Destruction in Information Technology Ecosystems : A Mixed-Method Investigation with Interpretive Case Study and Analytical Modeling

Many of today’s software systems are created by leveraging ecosystems consisting of heterogeneous “complementors” and “hub” firms. In fact, the reliance on ecosystems is prevalent in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) domain, where larger ERP vendors form collaborative relationships with smaller industry-specific vendors to co-create value for themselves and their customers. However, value cre


Förord till Johan Nordström: Föredrag om Sigfrid Aronus Forsius hållet vid Lärdomshistoriska samfundets årsmöte i Rikssalen 12/5 1935

Samverkan med konkurrerande kunskapsanspråk inom lokal aktiveringspolitik

Samverkan mellan Arbetsförmedlingen och kommunerna lyfts av staten upp som en kungsväg till framgångsrik lokal aktiveringspolitik. Detta problematiseras med utgångspunkt i organisationernas konkurrerande logiker. Resultatet visar att samverkan kan reproducera en aktiveringspolitik som både upprätthåller en svag ställning för de arbetslösa och riskerar att leda till lokalt godtycke.

Probing surface-sensitive redox properties of VOx/TiO2 catalyst nanoparticles

Redox processes of oxide materials are fundamental in catalysis. These processes depend on the surface structure and stoichiometry of the oxide and are therefore expected to vary between surface facets. However, there is a lack of direct measurements of redox properties on the nanoscale for analysing the importance of such faceting effects in technical materials. Here, we address the facet-depende

Tecknets historicitet : En möbeldetalj och dess meningsskapande variation

Syftet med kapitel är att dels visa på potentialen i att studera även små till synes triviala detaljer i vardagliga objekt, dels att visa på betydelsen av det historiska sammanhanget för den semiotiska analysen. Detta har genomförts utifrån en analys av en för traditionell möbelproduktion vanligt förkommande teknik, nämligen sinkning, i tre olika historiska kontexter med såväl pre- som postindustr

Training the trainers : Finding new educational opportunities in the virtual world

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted scientific gatherings and conferences, opening up opportunities for virtual learning platforms. Realizing the potential of online academic exchanges, the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) also developed virtual avenues and information systems for capacity building of mental health professionals across the world. Among its first such initiatives, the WPA organi

Measuring symptoms severity in carpal tunnel syndrome : score agreement and responsiveness of the Atroshi-Lyrén 6-item symptoms scale and the Boston symptom severity scale

Purpose: To assess score agreement between the Atroshi-Lyrén 6-item symptoms scale and the Boston 11-item symptom severity scale and compare their responsiveness in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome before and after carpal tunnel release surgery. Methods: This prospective cohort study included 3 cohorts that completed the A-L and Boston scales (conventional score 1–5) on the same occasion: a pr

Remembering, forgetting and memorialising : 1947, 1971 and the state of memory studies in South Asia

The “cultural turn” in memory studies acknowledges that collective memory has a distinctive social aspect reflected in the manner in which it is communicated orally from one individual or generation to another. However, the point of departure is the emphasis on the need to account for the fact that memory is, in equal measure, shaped and mediated by tangible channels such as texts, images, objects

Composition of analytic paraproducts

For a fixed analytic function g on the unit disc D, we consider the analytic paraproducts induced by g, which are defined by Tgf(z)=∫0zf(ζ)g′(ζ)dζ, Sgf(z)=∫0zf′(ζ)g(ζ)dζ, and Mgf(z)=f(z)g(z). The boundedness of these operators on various spaces of analytic functions on D is well understood. The original motivation for this work is to understand the boundedness of compositions of two of these opera

Modelling temperature dynamics in sewer systems – Comparing mechanistic and conceptual modelling approaches

The vast majority of the energy consumed for urban water services is used to heat tap water. Heat recovery from wastewater is consequently an area of rapidly growing concern, both in research and by commercial interest, promoting the path towards a circular economy. To facilitate a system-wide evaluation of heat recovery from wastewater, this paper compares two one-dimensional models (mechanistic