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Renblåsning och termofores

Syftet med denna arbetsrapport är undersöka hur termofores påverkar renblåsningen och att därmed komplettera andra arbetsrapporter om renblåsning enligt ovan. Termofores transport- erar partiklar från varmt mot kallt, vilket är tillämpligt i en rotorkanal både i uteluftssektorn och i frånluftssektorn. Detta kan kanske förbättra renblåsningens funktion.

Controlling Lost Opportunity Costs in Agile Development – the Basic Lost Opportunity Estimation Model for Requirements Scoping

We present a model for estimating the final keep/cancel decision point, on a per-feature basis, for scope inclusion in a future release. The Basic Lost Opportunity Estimation Model (BLOEM), based on data from a company that uses an agile-inspired software development model, supports feature selection when the time-dependent business value estimates change as the requirements analysis progresses. T

Exploring small heat shock protein chaperones by crosslinking mass spectrometry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Byggstenarna av allt liv på denna planet är celler. Vår egen kropp till exempel består av ungefär 10 biljon (1013) celler. De flesta bakterier består av bara en cell. Inne i cellerna finns alla de biomolekyler som styr livet, såsom proteiner, sockerarter, lipider, och DNA. Celler är otroligt fullpackade, särskilt vad gäller proteiner, med protein koncentrationer av up tTogether with other molecular chaperones, small heat shock proteins are key components of the protein quality control system, which is comprised of several hundred proteins and acts to maintain proteome homeostasis in the cell. Small heat shock proteins bind unfolding proteins at an early stage, to prevent these from further unfolding and aggregating. Partially unfolded proteins are being held in

Attitudes towards Sustainable Development. Priorities, Responsibility, Empowerment

Popular Abstract in Swedish FN:s konferens om miljö och utveckling i Rio 1992 blev startpunkten för det lokala Agenda 21 arbetet och många svenska kommuner påbörjade lokala Agenda 21 processer under 1993. Avhandlingen syftar till att undersöka hur människor i fyra svenska kommuner upplever hållbar utveckling. Vad är viktigt för människor, och vem/vilka har ansvaret? Vidare analyseras individens käThe UN conference in Rio on Environment and Development in 1992 was the starting point for the local Agenda 21 work and several Swedish municipalities began their local Agenda 21 processes in 1993. This thesis aims at investigating how people perceive sustainable development in four Swedish municipalities. What is important and who is responsible? Individual influence and strategies for implementa

Mathematics Communication within the Frame of Supplemental Instruction – SOLO & ATD Analysis

Teaching at Swedish primary and secondary school is often combined with collaborative exercises in a variety of subjects. One such method for learning together is Supplemental instruction (SI). Several studies have been made to evaluate SI in universities throughout the world, while at lower levels, hardly any studies have been made until now. The present study aimed at identifying learning condit

Insikt och handling 22: Temanummer om filosofins nytta

Den här volymen består av en serie bidrag på temat filosofins nytta. Frågan om filosofins nytta har varit utgångspunkten för de enskilda texterna, men har inte satt gränser för innehållet i dem. Bidragen skär in i varandra på många olika sätt. Att gruppera dem har inte varit lätt. Därför uppmanas läsaren att pröva andra kombinationer än den vi fastnat för. I detta förord vill vi ge en kort beskriv

Rational Design Methodology for Fire Exposed Load Bearing Structures

The state-of-art of reliability studies in the area of fire-exposed structures or structural members is illustrated, taking examples from published papers concerning load-bearing building structures of steel, reinforced concrete, and wood. In parallel, trends are described in the present development of rational structural fire design methods, principally adapted to modern loading and safety philos

Multiple Interactions and Saturation in High Energy Collisions

Energy conservation is a large part of the NLO corrections to BFKL. A formalism is presented which includes effects of energy-momentum conservation in the dipole formalism in transverse coordinate space. Energy conservation gives a very strong suppression at small x, which implies that the effect of multi-pomeron exchange and saturation are pushed to very small x-values or very high energies. Pert