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Explorations in the New Economic Geography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling har den Nya Ekonomiska Geografin, ett mycket snabbt växande forskningsområde inom internationell ekonomi, som utgångspunkt. Avhandlingen består av fyra kapitel; det första är ett introduktionskapitel och de tre följande är teoretiska studier. Avhandlingen kan sammanfattas som följer. I kapitel ett ges en introduktion till forskningsfältet. Det nyspiranThe point of departure of this thesis is the rapidly growing research field known as the New Economic Geography (NEG). It consists of four chapters, one introductory chapter and three self-contained theoretical studies. The chapters may be summarised as follows. The first chapter gives a brief account of the NEG. It explains the soaring interest in the location of economic activity, and it review

Release of cartilage and bone macromolecules into synovial fluid: differences between psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

OBJECTIVE: To elucidate whether differences in the destructive tissue process in cartilage and bone in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be recognised by different release patterns of molecular fragments derived from joint tissue. METHODS: Aggrecan, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), and bone sialoprotein (BSP) were quantified by immunoassays in knee joint synovi

High-resolution electron spectroscopy of different adsorption states of ethylene on Pd(111)

The adsorption of ethylene at 100 K on clean and oxygen precovered Pd(1 1 1) surfaces and the thermal evolution of the ethylene adsorbate layers have been investigated experimentally by high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS), high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation, thermal desorption spectroscopy and theoretically by ab initio density functi

Differential exoprotease activities confer tumor-specific serum peptidome patterns

Recent studies have established distinctive serum polypeptide patterns through mass spectrometry (MS) that reportedly correlate with clinically relevant outcomes. Wider acceptance of these signatures as valid biomarkers for disease may follow sequence characterization of the components and elucidation of the mechanisms by which they are generated. Using a highly optimized peptide extraction and ma

Fungal biomass production and turnover in soil estimated using the acetate-in-ergosterol technique

We report the first attempt to estimate fungal biomass production in soil by correlating relative fungal growth rates (i.e., acetate incorporation into ergosterol) with fungal biomass increase (i.e., ergosterol) following amendments with dried alfalfa or barley straw in soil. The conversion factor obtained was then used in unamended soil, resulting in fungal biomass productions of 10–12 μg C g−1 s

Temperament and character in adults with Asperger syndrome

To study the personality characteristics of adults with Asperger syndrome, and investigate the value of self-rating personality inventories, we administered the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) to 31 outpatients with Asperger syndrome.The TCI is a self-rating personality inventory that has been validated in the Swedish general population. The results were compared with age- and sex-matche

The inverse scattering problem for a homogeneous bi-isotropic slab using transient data

Transient wave propagation in a finite bi-isotropic slab is treated. The incident field impinges normally on the slab, which can be inhomogeneous wrt depth. Dispersion and bi-isotropy are modeled by time convolutions in the constitutive relations. Outside the slab the medium is assumed to be homogeneous, non-dispersive and isotropic, and such that there is no phase velocity mismatch at the boundar

Requirements Engineering Challenges in Market-Driven Software Development – An Interview Study with Practitioners

Requirements engineering for market-driven software development entails special challenges. This paper presents results from an empirical study that investigates these challenges, taking a qualitative approach using interviews with fourteen employees at eight software companies and a focus group meeting with practitioners. The objective of the study is to increase the understanding of the area of

Binding Characteristics Determine the Neutralizing Potential of Antibody Fragments Specific for Antigenic Domain 2 on Glycoprotein B of Human Cytomegalovirus

Site I of antigenic domain 2 (AD-2) on human cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B (gB) is poorly immunogenic in both man and mouse and knowledge about antibody repertoires reactive with this epitope is thus limited. Here we have characterized a phage display-derived repertoire of antibody fragments specific for this epitope in terms of antigen recognition, fine-specificity, and virus-neutralizing capaci

Dissociation of phosphorylase a activation and contractile activity in rat portal vein

Isometric force, glycogen phosphorylase activity and lactate production were measured under conditions known to alter intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP to assess the role of these messengers in the coordination of metabolism with contractility in rat portal vein. Total phosphorylase (a + b) activity, was independent of treatment. The activity ratio phosphorylase activity ratio in the presence of isoprot

Approximation algorithms for optimization problems in graphs with superlogarithmic treewidth

We present a generic scheme for approximating NP-hard problems on graphs of treewidth k = omega (log n). When a tree-decomposition of width l is given, the scheme typically yields an l / log n-approximation factor; otherwise, an extra log k factor is incurred. Our method applies to several basic subgraph and partitioning problems, including the maximum independent set problem.

Interaction of bovine coagulation factor X and its glutamic-acid-containing fragments with phospholipid membranes. A surface plasmon resonance study.

The interaction of blood coagulation factor X and its Gla-containing fragments with negatively charged phospholipid membranes composed of 25 mol% phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) and 75 mol% phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) was studied by surface plasmon resonance. The binding to 100 mol% PtdCho membranes was negligible. The calcium dependence in the membrane binding was evaluated for intact bovine factor

Breeding synchrony does not affect extra-pair paternity in great reed warblers

Breeding synchrony is hypothesised to influence the occurrence and frequency of extra-pair fertilisations (EPFs) in birds irrespective of the social mating system. The two proposed hypotheses make opposite predictions. (1) Synchronous breeding leads to a lower frequency of EPFs because males face a trade-off between mate guarding and obtaining additional matings via extra-pair copulations (EPCs) (

Preoperative vestibular ablation with gentamicin and vestibular 'prehab' enhance postoperative recovery after surgery for pontine angle tumours - first report

Conclusions. Preoperative gentamicin in combination with vestibular 'prehab' offers a possibility to reduce postoperative malaise and speed up recovery and may be used for patients undergoing such surgery when there is remaining vestibular function. Objectives. Removal of pontine angle tumours in a patient with remaining vestibular function causes symptoms of acute vestibular loss. A simultaneous