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Ghost Installation: Rönnells

In January of 2022, I made an installation event at Rönnells. I set larger speakers up on the balcony, and played three of the large-scale multi-channel compositions from this project– Skogen är bäst på bild, Vädersolsmodernitet and Vart ska dom ta vägen nu?–at a very much lowered volume. I made them hoping they could function both as concert pieces and as installations. The event at Rönnels prove

Bland Ådor och Rapphönor: en etnologisk studie av kvinnliga skådarnätverk

This study in ethnology is about birdwatching and birders through a female perspective. How female birders develop their skills through participation in an all-female network. These networks are designed specifically to cater and push women to take on higher positions of power in birder societies. The networks also offer a sense of community and a non-competitive form of birdwatching. In this stud

Law as the Game of Truth in the Case of Xerzan Cemetery

From legal positivism describing law through correctness and certainty to critical studies challenging law's formal truth-seeking by elaborating on its inevitable distance to experience, the relation of law to truth has been long discussed. Adopting a Foucauldian understanding of truth that depends on the deployment of various knowledges, this article focuses on the law's participation in truth-ma

Preliminary Evidence of Efficacy and Target Engagement of Pramipexole in Anhedonic Depression

OBJECTIVE: To investigate feasibility and target engagement of high-dose, add-on pramipexole treatment in anhedonic depression.METHOD: In this open-label pilot study, we included 12 patients with unipolar or bipolar, moderate-to-severe depression and with significant anhedonia symptoms. All patients were on a stable dose of one or a combination of antidepressants and/or mood stabilizers and receiv

Debatt: Sverige måsta satsa på utveckling av nya halvledare

Utan effektiva, energisnåla och specialanpassade chip riskerar både digitaliseringen och de energibesparingar som krävs för en grön omställning att undergrävas eller utebli. Sverige måste engagera sig i samarbeten om halvledarteknologi, skriver Erik Renström och Heiner Linke.

Introduction to Handbook of Sustainable Transport

This chapter sets the scene for the Handbook by examining definitions of sustainable transport and explaining the rationale and structure of the book. The four parts of the book are outlined, including the brief that authors were given for their contributions to the book.

Linguistic stability and change under small-scale egalitarian language contact : a mixture model approach

This paper investigates the outcomes of small-scale egalitarian language contact in an attempt to address whether different linguistic domains exhibit different degrees of stability and resistance to convergence among cohabitant speakers of Jahai and Jedek, two closely related Aslian (Austroasiatic) language varieties spoken in northern Peninsular Malaysia. Using nonparametric Bayesian mixture mod

Information and BMI limits for patients with obesity eligible for knee arthroplasty : the Swedish surgeons’ perspective from a nationwide cross-sectional study

Background: In the past decades, the incidence of obesity has increased worldwide. This disease is often accompanied with several comorbidities and therefore, surgeons and anesthesiologists should be prepared to provide optimal management for these patients. The aim of this descriptive cross-sectional study was to map the criteria and routines that are used by Swedish knee arthroplasty surgeons to

Access to Green Spaces and Equitable Economic Growth - The impact of Copenhagen’s green infrastructure on socio-economic mobility

The aim of Copenhagen municipality to attract socio-economically strong residents with its green infrastructure strategy inspired the analysis which aimed to assess whether improving access green areas in the city has had any impact on socio-economic mobility of its residents. Additionally, the concerns of potential displacement of socio-economically weaker residents warranted consideration of how

On the regional distribution of cerebral microvascular ‘raspberries’ and their association with cerebral atherosclerosis and acute circulatory failure

IntroductionIn this follow-up study, cerebral microvascular formations termed ‘raspberries’ were quantified according to cerebral atherosclerosis (C-ASCL) and acute circulatory failure (ACF). We also examined the regional distribution of raspberries throughout the brain.Materials and methodsThe study population consisted of adult individuals who had undergone a diagnostic neuropathological autopsy

Gendered Self-Views Across 62 Countries: A Test of Competing Models

Social role theory posits that binary gender gaps in agency and communion should be larger in less egalitarian countries, reflecting these countries’ more pronounced sex-based power divisions. Conversely, evolutionary and self-construal theorists suggest that gender gaps in agency and communion should be larger in more egalitarian countries, reflecting the greater autonomy support and flexible sel

Sitagliptin improves plasma apolipoprotein profile in type 2 diabetes : A randomized clinical trial of sitagliptin effect on lipid and glucose metabolism (SLIM) study

AIM: This study aims to evaluate the effect of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors on lipid metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D).METHODS: This is a multicenter, open-labeled, randomized controlled study. T2D patients with HbA1c 6.9-8.9% (52-74 mmol/mol) who were under treatment with sulfonylurea were randomly allocated to either the sitagliptin group or the non-sitagliptin grou

Man gör det för barnets bästa - En intervjustudie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att sticka barn venöst

Bakgrund: Venpunktion är en omvårdnadsåtgärd som kan orsaka smärta och obehag. Barns negativa upplevelser av vården kan ge konsekvenser för välmående och utveckling, varför sjuksköterskor som arbetar med barn spelar en viktig roll i att förhindra dessa. Sjuksköterskor ska motverka all form av onödigt lidande som åsamkas av vården och barnets rättigheter behöver synliggöras och skyddas eftersom bar

Kommunikation som verktyg

Bakgrund: Barnfetma är en av de största och allvarligaste utmaningarna för folkhälsan i vårt århundrade. Förekomsten av fetma bland barn har mer än fördubblats under de senaste två decennierna och debuterar redan i förskoleåldern. Sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården finner att genomförandet av hälsosamtal med föräldrar och barn kan vara en stor utmaning trots relevant utbildning. Behovet av att ko

#1ed760: How green is Spotify? The importance of reporting for democratic and sustainable digitalisation

Internet services can aid steps towards sustainability, but can also be a means of exploitation and power-ownership. Data centres are an intrinsic part of this system, but reporting regulations do not require full disclosure on them. This paper takes the position that incomplete or misleading reporting is a form of delay discourse. Using the case study of Spotify, a structured literature review wa

The European Solar Telescope

The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a project aimed at studying the magnetic connectivity of the solar atmosphere, from the deep photosphere to the upper chromosphere. Its design combines the knowledge and expertise gathered by the European solar physics community during the construction and operation of state-of-the-art solar telescopes operating in visible and near-infrared wavelengths: the Sw