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Akviferlagers miljöpåverkan i ansökningar och tillstånd

Hur akviferlagers miljöpåverkan beskrivs i ansökningar och hur det påverkar tillstånd Akviferlager är den större och effektivare kusinen till jord- och bergvärme. Systemet använder sig av grundvattnet och ger både värme och kyla. Miljöriskerna är större än för enskilda villors jord- och bergvärme. Men hur väl utvärderas detta? Det finns ett hundratal akviferlager i Sverige som betjänar allt fråThe utilization of groundwater for the use of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is of growing interest in the world. The technique is seen as an environmentally friendly and cheap solution for the purpose of heating and cooling large buildings. Research has shown that an ATES will have physical, chemical and biological consequences for the environment. This study assesses how the consequences

Visualizing Discovery Paths

Business intelligence (BI) is all about making decisions. The purpose of many business intelligence tools is to improve these decisions by making data easy to visualize and understand. Qlik Sense is a BI tool developed by the company Qlik which allows users to visualize and explore data by filtering it (called making selections). At the time of this project Qlik Sense did not support visualization

The Fatherhood Wage Premium in the Main US Regions, 1982-1998

Research on the fatherhood wage premium has found the premium to differ by race, occupation, marital status and the degree of specialization in the division of labor. This paper attempts to see if two additional aspects may be added: whether the premium varies between different regions and whether there is a difference between urban and rural areas. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth

Perceptionshöjande musikundervisning - en explorativ metodstudie och kvalitativ analys av kroppens betydelse för musikaliskt lärande

Vad har kroppen för betydelse vid musikaliskt lärande? I en samhällsstruktur och akademisk tradition, där kroppen mer betraktas som ett transportmedel än som bärare av reell kunskap, ställs frågan i motvind. Denna studie ämnar i första hand undersöka idéstrukturer som omger vår syn på kroppens betydelse för och relation till musikaliskt lärande. Studien är inriktad på att via ett explorativt och What importance does the body hold in a musical learning experience? In a social structure and academic tradition, in which the body is more considered as a means of transport rather than as bearer of real knowledge, the question faces a headwind. This study mainly aims to investigate the preconceptions surrounding our view of the body's relevance and connection to musical learning experiences

Perceptions of Gender Diversity Among Swedish Preschool Teachers - Understanding the Stagnant Inclusion of Men in a Female Dominated Occupation

Thesis Purpose The purpose of this research is to increase the understanding of occupational gender segregation by exploring how preschool teachers and principals perceive gender diversity, what they consider to be the primary issues that hinder men from entering this profession, and what they think a larger inclusion of men in the profession could lead to. Theoretical Perspective We based our re

A critical review of the global minimum variance theory

The main purpose of this thesis is to give a basic understanding of the GMV portfolio theory and the problematics that arise when using the sample covariance matrix as the only parameter. The reason for this is the amount of estimation error that tends to increase as the sample covariance matrix goes to a higher dimension. In an attempt to reduce the amount of error, an alternative approach based

Examining the hybrid nurse manager

Title: Examining the hybrid nurse manager University: Lund University School of Economics and Management Course: BUSN49 Master’s Degree Project Authors: Lovisa Bunner & Kim Rosdahl Supervisor: Charlotta Levay Submission date: 20th of May, 2016 Key words: Professional-managerial hybrid role, Hybrid nurse manager, Identity Purpose: The purpose of the study is to expand our understanding about t

Av ord är du kommen – ord skall du åter varda, Språklig reproduktion av rådande social ordning i Försäkringskassans funktionshinderpolitiska strategi

Författare: Maria Larsdotter Titel: Av ord är du kommen – ord skall du åter varda Språklig reproduktion av rådande social ordning i Försäkringskassans funktionshinderpolitiska strategi Kandidatuppsats: SOC346, 15 hp Handledare: Ann-Mari Sellerberg Sociologiska Institutionen, framlagd vårterminen 2016 Problem/Bakgrund: 1993 antogs Förenta Nationernas (FN) Standardregler och 2006 Konventionen om rät

Social Dominans Orientering, Honesty-Humility och dess effekter på lögn.

Den här undersökningen avsåg svara på frågor om relationen mellan lögner, Social Dominans Orientering (SDO) och Honesty-Humility. Social önskvärdhet undersöktes också i relation med alla variabler. Metoden som valdes för den här undersökningen var webbaserade enkäter med ett bekvämlighetsurval, med 131 deltagare. Resultatet blev att Honesty-Humility hade en signifikant stark negativ korrelation meThis paper was designed to answer some questions about the relationship between lies, Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and Honesty-Humility. Social desirability was also investigated in relation to all the other variables. The method chosen for this paper was a web based survey with a comfort selection and 131 participants. The result was that Honesty-Humility had a significant strong negative c

Undersökning av möjligheter till optimering av CashComplete

This thesis work was done in the SCAN COIN headquarters in Malmö, Sweden. In the work, we investigate the possibility to optimize the product SCAN COIN CashComplete POS. CashComplete is a closed system that makes it easy to pay with notes and coins and get the correct change back. To make CashComplete more attractive in a self-checkout environment the products price must be decreased. This work fo

Från verksamhet till mottagare: en fallstudie av sjukvårdens kallelser

Målet med uppsatsen är att studera hur en välfungerande kallelsemall kan se ut samt att studera processen att ta fram en ny kallelse. Metoden som används är textanalys med kritisk diskursanalys som teoretisk ram. Två mallar för kallelse till cellprov har analyserats – en äldre version från region Stockholm Gotland samt en ny nationell cellprovskallelse. Analysen av språkhandlingar, attityder, närh

Light-trapping nanostructures in ultrathin GaAs solar cells : towards a record efficiency

Producing electrical power with photovoltaic solar panels is very attractive as the sun constitutes an inexhaustible source of clean energy. However, in order to make it a better alternative to other energy sources, its drawbacks must be addressed. In particular, scientific research is very active to find technologies that increase the efficiency of the solar cells, or decrease their cost. Reducin


Ribonucleotide reductases (RNR) are key enzymes for transformation of RNA building blocks (NTPs) to DNA building blocks (dNTPs), an essential step in biological systems. RNRs are known to be the first enzymes identified with free radical chemistry and play an important role in having a tight control over dNTP levels, as these DNA building blocks are needed for vital cellular processes such as cell

Guardians of Life: Making Sense of Gender Equality and Women´s Activism Within Ecuador´s Indigenous Movement

Much attention has been paid to Indigenous gender ideologies and Indigenous women´s political participation in Latin America. The construction of gender equality and its implications for Indigenous women’s activism in Ecuador´s Indigenous movement is, however, widely undiscovered terrain. The purpose of this qualitative case study of CONAIE was to address this gap and connect the dots by asking: H

Nyttan med miljöcertifiering av fastigheter

Miljöcertifieringar är en växande marknad i Sverige där intresset och efterfrågan från hyresgäster ökar. Många fastighetsföretag har idag som policy att all nyproduktion och större ombyggnader ska miljöcertifieras. Mycket tyder på att miljöcertifieringar kan bli en framtida praxis i den svenska fastighetsbranschen. Certifieringar har flera ekonomiska fördelar som positivt kan påverka en fastighet

Development of the endurance test program and the assembly fixture for TRITON11™

The engineers at Westinghouse Electric Company have developed a new nuclear fuel design called TRITON11™, which will be used in Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). This project has been to develop a test program and an assembly fixture for TRITON11™. The test program can not be fully presented in this repport due to confidentiality. The test program is for the first scoping test that will be performed o

Land Surface Phenology as an indicator of performance of conservation policies like Natura2000

Considering the growing pressure on various ecosystems all around the world, the development of ecological indicators for assessing the health and condition of the ecosystems has become an integral part of environmental management and policy making efforts. Such indicators do not only simplify the complex ecosystem processes but can also act as a measure of performance of a conservation policy. Th