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Analysis of promoter regions of co-expressed genes identified by microarray analysis
Background: The use of global gene expression profiling to identify sets of genes with similar expression patterns is rapidly becoming a widespread approach for understanding biological processes. A logical and systematic approach to study co-expressed genes is to analyze their promoter sequences to identify transcription factors that may be involved in establishing specific profiles and that may
A highly sensitive flow-through amperometric immunosensor based on the peroxidase chip and enzyme-channeling principle
A concept based on the Peroxidase-chip (P-chip), antibody co-immobilization, competitive and enzyme-channeling principle was exploited to develop an integrated flow-through amperometric biosensor for detection of environmental pollutants such as s-triazine herbicides. In this concept, recombinant peroxidase is immobilized on the gold electrode (P-chip) in such a way that direct electron transfer i
Borrowings - A Source of Innovation in the Class of Interjections
The present article is part of a larger project investigating the various types of linguistic change that affected and might affect the word class traditionally known under the label of interjection. The results of our research, as outlined here, concern the inter-linguistic mobility of units, i.e., borrowings, which in the source language can be (but not necessarily) interjections, and which are
Ultrafast exciton dynamics in molecular systems
The theory of subpicosecond Frenkel exciton dynamics in molecular systems is reviewed with emphasis on a stepwise imp loved description of the coupling to intra- and intermolecular vibrations. After introducing the concept of multiexciton states the motion of electronic Frenkel excitons as they appear in light harvesting antennae of photosynthetic organisms is discussed. The description is based o
Assignment of the surface core-level shifts to the surface layers of Be(10(1)over-bar0)
Photoemission studies and layer resolved Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) multiple scattering calculations are used to find the assignment of the surface core-level shifts to the top layers of the Be(10 (1) over bar0) surface. Striking similarities between experimental and calculated data make it possible to assign the largest shift to layer two, the second largest shift to layers three and four, and
The metabolic syndrome: a glance at its history.
Extracellular ATP: a growth factor for vascular smooth muscle cells
1. Extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is mitogenic for vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and stimulates several events that are important for cell proliferation: DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, increase of cell number, immediate early genes, cell-cycle progression, and tyrosine phosphorylation. 2. Receptor characterization indicates mitogenic effects of both P2U and P2Y receptors. The
Imagery in a process perspective
Since many of the data offered in his text, and many of his conclusions, give the indication of agreeing with what is more or less loosely termed process psychology, I would like to try my own hand at drawing a theoretical sketch of how images can be conceptualized within a theory of perception. The sketch agrees basically with what Quill, inspired by Whitehead, takes to be the requirements of a t
The meaning of problem solving in critical situations
The objective was to explore the meaning of the phenomenon of problem solving in midwifery when the midwife is faced with a critical situation in the absence of an obstetrician or any physician. A qualitative method was used and critical incidents from delivery wards and/or antenatal clinics in the south of Sweden were narrated by midwives and transcribed verbatim. The interwievs were then analyse
The Birth of Swedish Ice Hockey : Antwerp 1920
Sex frågor ställda till sex decennier
A survey of the sixty years of the annual selection of the Art of the Swedish Book. Discussed are its aims, workings and criteria, as well as how Swedish a book has had to be, classicism versus modernism in design, trends in typefaces, and the question of actual effects on the trade.
Gudrun - en kolbomb
An Image Laboratory
Prefabrication with HSC
This article outlines a numerical study on the benefit of using high-performance and high-strength concrete (HPC/HSC) for fabrication of concrete elements. A comparison is made between the cost of existing beams with normal strength concrete and optimized beams made of HPC/HSC. Background is given concerning the most essential properties of HPC/HSC such as strength, creep, shrinkage, carbonation,
Weight of cultural bridges on cities integration project
After having evaluated various different integration projects in the city of Malmo, carried out within the framework of the Swedish Metropolitan project during a period stretching from 1999 till 2004, we have a stable base for drawing some general conclusions concerning issues inherent in successful integration methods. In this paper we discuss the link work model, i.e. a method connecting people
Recension (fakultetsopposition) av Anne-Christine Lindvall, Anpassade för tillfället. Bruket av personvers i Norrköpings Tidningar 1760 till 1869
LDC modell 80? - Datakraft vid Lunds Datacentral och Lunds Universitet under 80-talet : Utredning på uppdrag av Datorstyrelsen vid Lunds universitet 1979-80
Structural integrity of prestressed nuclear reactor containments
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett kärnkraftverk är utrustat med ett omfattande försvar avsett att förhindra radioaktivt utsläpp vid en eventuell reaktorolycka. Detta försvar är uppbyggt av ett antal skyddsbarriärer, där reaktorinneslutningen utgör den sista barriären mot omgivningen. Inneslutningens primära uppgift är att motstå det inre övertryck som kan förväntas vid en reaktorolycka. Alla svenskaA nuclear power plant is provided with an extensive defense intended to prevent radioactive discharge in case of a reactor accident. This defense is built up of several independent safety barriers, where the reactor containment constitutes the last barrier to the environment. The fundamental safety function of the containment is to withstand the internal pressure expected in the event of an accide
Developmental history of the Glover-Nilsson smoking behavioral questionnaire
Objective: To develop a simple, easily administered pencil-and-paper questionnaire to determine the degree to which behavioral patterns play a role in smoking dependence. Methods: A modified Delphi technique was used to identify initial questions and to eliminate obvious duplications. Phase 2 utilized multiple statistical methods (principal components analysis, cluster analysis, stepwise multiple