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Att förstå omsorgsarbete – En studie om hur personal på särskilt boende framställer motiv bakom varför man gör som man gör

The aim of this study was to understand how care providers/ staff in nursing facilities for older people express the way they conduct their work. The purpose was based upon earlier research indicating a gap between policy and everyday practise. The questions were formulated on the basis of earlier research pointing to an inability for nursing homes to be flexible when faced with the needs and righ

Toxiska variationer vid naturliga pH för joniserande läkemedel

Riskbedömningar i Europa har vid flera gånger pekats ut som att undermåliga. En aspekt som ofta förbises är den av pH-nivåer hos det omgivande mediet. Eftersom 80% av alla läkemedel är joniserbara, vilket påverkar biotillgänglighet och därför toxiciteten för ämnet, kommer ett förbiseende av denna aspekt skapa en stor osäkerhet i risk. Denna studie visar att riskerna med joniserbara föreningar i ÖsRisk assessments in Europe have at multiple times been pointed out as being substandard. One aspect that is often overlooked is that of the pH levels of the surrounding medium. Since 80% of all pharmaceuticals are ionizable, which affect the bioavailability and therefore toxicity of the compound, overlooking this aspect will create a great uncertainty in the risk. This study shows that the hazards

Russian Monotowns

Monofunctional towns of Russia represent the extreme case of specialized settlements where the socio-economic development mostly or fully depends on the performance of one or a few town-forming enterprises. This phenomenon obtained attention after the Soviet Union collapse, which has resulted in worsening of the socio-economic situation in monotowns. However, since the 2000s the differentiation in

Business Angels and Value Added: Does it Affect New Venture Performance?

PURPOSE. Business angels are often the first external source from which entrepreneurial ventures can secure financing. In addition to providing financial capital, business angels are known for their extensive value adding involvement in the portfolio ventures. This research seeks to map the effects of value added by business angels to the performance of new ventures in Sweden. METHODOLOGY. Using

”Framtiden börjar i skolan” - Kommunala variationer gällande utbildning för minderåriga EU-migranter.

The future begins at school – municipal differences regarding education for under-aged EU migrants. The number of exposed EU-migrants in Sweden is growing, and so is the number of under-aged EU-migrants who are travelling with their parents. Many of these belong to the Roma minority in countries such as Bulgaria and Romania. The aim of this study is to examine municipal differences in offering ed

'Securitized' Solidarity? Explaining Member States’ Motivations for Participation and Patterns of Participation in Joint Operations at the External EU Borders

Joint Operations at the external borders of the EU are axiomatic for EU’s border management policy and constitute forms of collective action involving the efforts of two or more Member States for the purpose of securing the common borders. Nevertheless, participation in joint operations is based on voluntarism and guided by the principle of solidarity, which should act as catalysts encouraging MSs

Här lades grunden till den arabiska våren

Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire in December 2010 in Tunisia. That was the starting point for what would then be known as the Arabic Spring where public mass protests managed to oust the leaders of countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Protests arose in virtually all arabic states during the following months. In this essay it will not be the revolution itself in focus. Instead it

Medborgaren och myndigheten: En jämförande diskursanalys av makt och förtroende i det demokratiska mötet

Medborgarens möte med myndigheten påverkar hens förtroende för den offentliga förvaltningen som är beroende av medborgarens tillit för att behålla sin legitimitet. Tjänstepersonens bemötande kan vara såväl en tillgång för som ett hot mot demokratin vars ideal ständigt måste upprätthållas av de som har i uppgift att förvalta dem. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka maktrelationer som konstrueras i mötet mel

Civilisationernas kamp mellan USA och Ryssland

Sedan sekelskiftet har relationen mellan Ryssland och USA blivit frostig. Retoriken är djärvare, politiken tuffare och mediala spekulationer om det kalla krigets återvändo är inte ovanligt. En möjlig förklaring ges av Samuel P. Huntington i hans inflytelserika, men enligt somliga kontroversiella, teori om civilisationernas kamp. Enligt honom kommer framtidens konflikter i allt högre grad att äga r

Förstörelse av kulturella, historiska och religiösa objekt under kriget i Bosnien och Hercegovina

Deliberate and systematic destruction of cultural, historical and religious sites was an integral part of the ethnic cleansing policy used by the Serbian separatist forces in Bosnia and Hercegovina during the war between 1992 and 1995. In this essay I discuss deliberate and systematic destruction as a way of “killing memory” in a process of creating new Serbian national identity. In a society such

Smart sensor for wrist movements

The aim of this thesis was to develop a way to evaluate the mobility of the wrist or hand after an injury. To do this a prototype of a compression glove with added conductive silicone was made. A tensile test was done first to test linearity between resistance and elongation. Thereafter this was implemented on the prototype. The silicone, Elastosil LR3162 showed good proprieties for the purpose w

Optimization of biomass materials for use in the Sponge Iron Process

This master thesis was a project in cooperation with Höganäs AB. The aim was to increase the apparent density (AD) of two biomass chars, by three different agglomeration methods. The reason for the investigation is that biomass char could be used as a reducing agent in the sponge iron process at Höganäs AB. The goal was to exchange anthracite in the reduction mixture to agglomerated biomass char.

Mediakriget : en diskursteoretisk studie om demokrati, journalistik och social sammanhållning i en fragmenterad digital offentlighet

Uppsatsen tar avstamp i SOM-insitutets mätning från 2014 som visade att en majoritet av de tillfrågade ansåg att svenska medier inte berättar sanningen om samhällsproblem kopplade till frågor som rör migration- och flyktingpolitik. Samtidigt som med misstroendet mot medierna breder ut sig fortsätter digitaliseringen av medielandskapet vilket leder till en allt mer diversifierad nyhetskonsumtion. DThe essay builds on a public opinion poll from 2014 indicating that a majority of the Swedish citizens believe that mainstream media are hiding “the truth” about social problems related to issues of migration and refugee policy. The outspread distrust of mainstream media takes place during a time of continuing digitalization of the media landscape, which has led to increasingly diversified news co