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Your search for "*" yielded 532143 hits

Plasma matrix metalloproteinase 2 is associated with severity and mortality in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a life-threatening disease characterized by vasoconstriction and remodeling of the pulmonary vessels. Risk stratification in PAH could potentially be improved by including novel biomarkers related to PAH pathobiology. We aimed to investigate the relationship between extracellular matrix (ECM)-related proteins, survival, and European Society of Cardiology an

Thermodynamically Favourable States in the Reaction of Nitrogenase without Dissociation of any Sulfide Ligand

We have used combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical (QM/MM) calculations to study the reaction mechanism of nitrogenase, assuming that none of the sulfide ligands dissociates. To avoid the problem that there is no consensus regarding the structure and protonation of the E4 state, we start from a state where N2 is bound to the cluster and is protonated to N2H2, after dissociation of H

Global mapping reveals increase in lacustrine algal blooms over the past decade

Algal blooms constitute an emerging threat to global inland water quality, yet their spatial and temporal distribution at the global scale remains largely unknown. Here we establish a global bloom database, using 2.91 million Landsat satellite images from 1982 to 2019 to characterize algal blooms in 248,243 freshwater lakes, representing 57.1% of the global lake area. We show that 21,878 lakes (8.

Presence of Delocalized Ti 3d Electrons in Ultrathin Single-Crystal SrTiO3

Strontium titanate (STO), with a wide spectrum of emergent properties such as ferroelectricity and superconductivity, has received significant attention in the community of strongly correlated materials. In the strain-free STO film grown on the SrRuO3 buffer layer, the existing polar nanoregions can facilitate room-temperature ferroelectricity when the STO film thickness approaches 10 nm. Here we

Tio »väsentliga aktiviteter« framtagna för läkarprogrammen

De 10 EPA som presenteras här (Fakta 1) har tagits fram av läkare och studenter som representerar läkarutbildningarna vid samtliga lärosäten. Utvecklingsarbetet baserades på internationell litteratur och förslagen har genomgått valideringsprocesser [2]. Samtliga avser aktiviteter som ingår i en läkares dagliga arbete och som läkaren ska klara självständigt (i förhållande till handledare) första da

Radial distortion triangulation

This paper presents the first optimal, maximal likelihood, solution to the triangulation problem for radially distorted cameras. The proposed solution to the two-view triangulation problem minimizes the L2-norm of the reprojection error in the distorted image space. We cast the problem as the search for corrected distorted image points, and we use a Lagrange multiplier formulation to impose the ep

Polarimetric relative pose estimation

In this paper we consider the problem of relative pose estimation from two images with per-pixel polarimetric information. Using these additional measurements we derive a simple minimal solver for the essential matrix which only requires two point correspondences. The polarization constraints allow us to pointwise recover the 3D surface normal up to a two-fold ambiguity for the diffuse reflection.

Taking flight to Utopian practice

In this chapter I study the ways in which people in intentional communities during the late 1970s related to geographies of escape, politics and engagement. The individuals taking part in the back-to-the-land communes of the 1960s and 1970s were seen as escapists by many in their time. They left the city and, therefore, were presumed to have left the political and societal spheres. Studies of comm

Surgical outcomes in patients with haemophilia A or B receiving extended half-life recombinant factor VIII and IX Fc fusion proteins : Real-world experience in the Nordic countries

Introduction: Perioperative dosing recommendations vary across Nordic haemophilia treatment centres (HTCs) for extended half-life (EHL) factor concentrates in haemophilia A/B (HA/HB) patients. Aim: To summarise Nordic real-world surgical experiences with EHL recombinant factor VIII/IX Fc (rFVIIIFc/rFIXFc) fusion proteins using retrospective data from clinical records at four HTCs in Finland, Swede

The Fertile Desert : A History of the Middle Euphrates Valley until the Arrival of Alexander

The Fertile Desert studies a region of the Euphrates Valley between the Balikh and Khabour in Syria that remains little known. Partial reports, isolated interventions, and proposals for a hypothetical reconstruction of the relationship and processes of cultural expansion between Mesopotamia and the Jazira suggest that the Euphrates has always been a major traffic route. But suggestions on a map mu

Barndomsrelaterade förklaringar i samtalsterapi

Samtalsterapi – som inom socialt arbete utförs av exempelvis kuratorer och familje- rådgivare – syftar bland annat till att finna en tolkningsram för den hjälpsökandes svåra upplevelser. I detta arbete finns en utmaning: att å ena sidan peka ut problematiska tankar, känslor och beteenden och å andra sidan stärka den hjälpsökandes positiva självbild. I kapitlet ser vi hur personers olyckliga barndo

A novel X-ray diffraction approach to assess the crystallinity of regenerated cellulose fibers

Here, a new accurate approach is presented to quantify the degree of crystallinity of regenerated cellulose textile fibers using wide-angle X-ray scattering. The approach is based on the observation that the contributions to the scattering from crystalline and amorphous domains of the fibers can be separated due to their different degree of orientation with respect to the fiber direction. The meth

Psychometric properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in wrist osteoarthritis : test–retest reliability and construct validity

Background: Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are frequently used to assess the effects of treatments in patients with wrist osteoarthritis (OA), but their psychometric properties have not been evaluated in this group of patients. Our aim was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS pain at rest, pain on motion without load, and pain on load), the Disabiliti

Effect of Mg2+ions on energy generation by Reverse Electrodialysis

Reverse Electrodialysis is today recognized as one of the most promising technology to harvest Salinity Gradient Power (SGP-RE). However, the effectiveness of SGP-RE in real practice is still not clearly defined due to the lack of specific studies in literature, being in large part limited to investigations on pure NaCl solutions. In this work we experimentally investigated the effect of Mg2+, the

PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge V2: Calling variants from short and long reads in difficult-to-map regions

The precisionFDA Truth Challenge V2 aimed to assess the state of the art of variant calling in challenging genomic regions. Starting with FASTQs, 20 challenge participants applied their variant-calling pipelines and submitted 64 variant call sets for one or more sequencing technologies (Illumina, PacBio HiFi, and Oxford Nanopore Technologies). Submissions were evaluated following best practices fo

Uppföljning - HRG riktlinjer

Presentation av enkät till alla kliniker som opererar pacemaker och utvärdering av effekten/kunskapen om HRG's riktlinjer för pacemaker- och ICD-kirurgi

Vulnerability and stressors on the pathway to depression in a global cohort of young athletics (track and field) athletes

This research set out to identify pathways from vulnerability and stressors to depression in a global population of young athletes. Retrospective data were collected at age 18–19 years from Athletics athletes (n = 1322) originating from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas. We hypothesised that sports-related and non-sports-related stressors in interaction with structural vulnerability

InGaAs Nanowire and Quantum Well Devices

To fulfill the increasing demand for high-speed electronics used for computation or communication is one everlasting challenge for the semiconductor industry. Emerging fields such as quantum computation also has a need for circuits operating at cryogenic temperatures. The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is the main component in modern electronics, traditionally fabricate