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The additive effect of allopregnanolone on ghrelin's orexigenic effect in rats

The progesterone metabolite, allopregnanolone (AlloP), is a GABAA receptor modulating steroid and is known to have orexigenic and pro-obesity effects. The neurobiological mechanisms underpinning these effects are most likely due to enhanced GABAergic signaling in the lateral arcuate nucleus (ARC) and medial paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. Inspired by the finding that GABAergic s

Mechanical chest compressions for cardiac arrest in the cath-lab : When is it enough and who should go to extracorporeal cardio pulmonary resuscitation?

Background: Treating patients in cardiac arrest (CA) with mechanical chest compressions (MCC) during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is now routine in many coronary catheterization laboratories (cath-lab) and more aggressive treatment modalities, including extracorporeal CPR are becoming more common. The cath-lab setting enables monitoring of vital physiological parameters and other clini

A practical approach for supporting decisions in bridge condition assessment and monitoring

In this contribution a practical and rational decision-making approach is presented to be applied for common bridges typically managed by public authorities. The authors have developed a model with the intention to be applicable for practical cases for common bridges in the daily work of bride operators responsible for a large number of assets, yet still maintain the principles of more generic fra


The aim of this study was to develop a morphological model for long-term inlet evolution to be applied using a minimum amount of input data and requiring low computational costs. The model was implemented numerically and then validated for a real inlet application: Mundaú inlet (northeastern Brazil), a dynamic inlet with a marked freshwater seasonality and alongshore sand transport, reduced by ree

A novel starch-binding laccase from the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici highlights the functional diversity of ascomycete laccases

Background: Laccases are multicopper oxidases, which are assigned into auxiliary activity family 1 (AA1) in the CAZy database. These enzymes, catalyzing the oxidation of phenolic and nonphenolic substrates coupled to reduction of O2 to H2O, are increasingly attractive as eco-friendly oxidation biocatalysts. Basidiomycota laccases are well characterized due to their potential in de-lignification of

Oxidative Cleavage of Cellobiose by Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase (LPMO)-Inspired Copper Complexes

The potentially tridentate ligand bis[(1-methyl-2-benzimidazolyl)ethyl]amine (2BB) was employed to prepare copper complexes [(2BB)CuI]OTf and [(2BB)CuII(H2O)2](OTf)2 as bioinspired models of lytic polysaccharide copper-dependent monooxygenase (LPMO) enzymes. Solid-state characterization of [(2BB)CuI]OTf revealed a Cu(I) center with a T-shaped coordination environment and metric parameters in the r

”Så har Malmö lyckats få ner våldsbrottsligheten”

Under de senaste tre åren har Malmö haft 26 dödsskjutningar. Men efter att polisen börjat sätta hårt mot hårt med ett effektivt spanings­arbete, punktmarkering av tongivande kriminella, samverkan med andra myndigheter och en satsning på avhopparverksamheten har våldet med skjutvapen minskat betydligt, skriver kriminolog Ardavan Khoshnood.Over the past three years, Malmö has witnessed 26 homicides by firearm. Only after that the police responded with vigorous countermeasures like a more effective surveillance, marking high offending and leading criminals, collaboration with other authorities and a massive investment in the defector's program. Ardavan Khoshnood, Criminologist, writes that these measurements have contributed to a sig

Estimating effects of arable land use intensity on farmland birds using joint species modeling

Declines in European farmland birds over past decades have been attributed to the combined effects of agricultural intensification and abandonment. Consequently, aspirations to stop declines should focus attention on reversing these changes through voluntary or policy-driven interventions. The design of such interventions should ideally be informed by scientific knowledge of which aspects of the t

Caring as sharing. Negotiating the moral boundaries of receiving care

Informal caregiving is increasingly considered a health care delivery-resource within the North European welfare states. While ‘informal’ often refers to non-professional, ‘caregiving’ connotes both affective concern (caring about) and practical action (caring for). This duality of meanings, however, often refers to the one direction in which care is given. Care, we suggest, is relational and also

Measuring plasma C4D to monitor immune complexes in lupus nephritis

Objective Because currently available assays that measure circulating immune complexes (ICx) are suboptimal, a novel assay was recently developed measuring C4d, a stable product of activation of the classical complement pathway. The present study aimed to establish the value of measuring plasma C4d levels in a longitudinal cohort of patients with severe refractory SLE who were treated with a combi

Whole-genome sequencing based on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded endomyocardial biopsies for genetic studies on outcomes after heart transplantation

Background Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of heart transplant recipient- and donor-derived cardiac biopsies may facilitate organ matching, graft failure prediction, and immunotolerance research. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of WGS based on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded endomyocardial biopsies. Methods and results The study included serial donor- and recipient samp

Oral corticosteroid use, morbidity and mortality in asthma : A nationwide prospective cohort study in Sweden

Background: Patterns and determinants of long-term oral corticosteroid (OCS) use in asthma and related morbidity and mortality are not well-described. In a nationwide asthma cohort in Sweden, we evaluated the patterns and determinants of OCS use and risks of OCS-related morbidities and mortality. Methods: Data for 217 993 asthma patients (aged ≥ 6 years) in secondary care were identified between 2

Designing motivating interactive balance and walking training for stroke survivors

In the ActivAbles and STARR projects we are developing interactive training tools for stroke survivors. Our initial user studies pointed to balance being a key ability, therefore one of the developed tools is an interactive balance pad. Equipment exists for persons with good balance (eg. Wii), but most consumer games and exercises are less suited for many stroke survivors. The development process

A review of in situ real-time monitoring techniques for membrane fouling in the biotechnology, biorefinery and food sectors

Pressure-driven membrane processes are often used for the separation and purification of organic compounds originating from biomass. However, membrane fouling remains a challenge as these bio-based streams have a very complex composition and comprise a high fouling tendency. Conventional, the fouling is monitored based on either a decrease in flux or an increase in pressure over time. Those conven


The water exchange between the sea and a lagoon or bay through an inlet due to tides is a classical topic that has been investigated in a large number of studies (Keulegan, 1967; O’Brien and Dean, 1972; O’Brien and Clark, 1974; Escoffier, 1977). In this paper, a simple semi-analytic model of the flow induced by tides through an inlet connecting the sea to a lagoon or bay is developed. The model is

A Single-Electron Transistor Made of a 3D Topological Insulator Nanoplate

Quantum confined devices of 3D topological insulators are proposed to be promising and of great importance for studies of confined topological states and for applications in low-energy-dissipative spintronics and quantum information processing. The absence of energy gap on the topological insulator surface limits the experimental realization of a quantum confined system in 3D topological insulator

Bile but not chyle lipoprotein is an important source of arachidonic acid for the rat small intestine

Arachidonic acid (AA) functions as a structural component, eicosanoid precursor and surface material for chylomicron production in the gastrointestinal tract. The origin of this AA is poorly characterized. [3H]AA labelled chylomicrons and [14C]AA albumin-FFA were injected intravenously into biliary diverted rats and controls. Radioactivity in tissue lipids was measured after different time interva

Den nya ekonomin i ett historiskt perspektiv

Den nya ekonomin har inspirerat till djärva utsagor om vår ekonomiska framtid. Här granskas fem sådana utifrån ett historiskt perspektiv. Hur påverkar den nya ekonomin följande fem fenomen: konjunkturcykeln, de ekonomiska kriserna, inflationen, stabiliseringspolitiken samt den svenska modellen? Svaren är förvisso preliminära men pekar på att den nya ekonomin på vissa områden inte leder till någon