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Highly impaired platelet ultrastructure in two families with novel IKZF5 variants

Heterozygous variants in the IKZF5 gene, encoding transcription factor Pegasus, were recently discovered to be causal of inherited thrombocytopenia (IT). We screened 90 patients suspected of inherited thrombocytopenia for variants in 101 genes associated with inherited bleeding disorders and report the clinical presentation of two Danish families with novel variants in IKZF5. Platelet ultrastructu

Evaluation of the acceptability and usability of the MAGIC-GLASS virtual reality solution as part of the care pathway in people with acute, sub-acute and chronic stroke : a study protocol

Background: Intensive rehabilitation is one of the most important aspects of care for people with stroke, and there is evidence that it leads to better recovery and higher levels of independence. However, pressure on resources in government funded secondary and primary healthcare settings means that for many people with stroke, intense rehabilitation is not available. Effective and efficient ways

Coffeehouses (Re)Appropriated: Counterpublics and Cultural Resistance in Tabriz, Iran

Over the last decade, traditional coffeehouses have attracted increasing interest in the city of Tabriz, Iran, in the contextof consistent state monitoring and restriction of public life—particularly so among non-Persian ethnolinguistic populations.Relying on a combination of ethnographic methods (observations, interviews, and visual documentation), this articleexplores the everyday life of two co

Translocal spaces of encounters on the margins: Everyday urbanism among migrant communities in Malmö, Sweden

The paper will present preliminary findings of my ongoing PhD thesis. The thesis aims atexploring the interplay of spatial and social life of migrants in public spaces and how thisrelates to the construction of relational, multiple, flexible, multi-scalar places of belonging.The thesis investigates how migrants, through the transgression of new territories, producenew meanings between the home cou

A general model of dissonance reduction: unifying past accounts via an emotion regulation perspective

Cognitive dissonance has been studied for more than 60 years and many insightful findings have come from this research. However, some important theoretical and methodological issues are yet to be resolved, particularly regarding dissonance reduction. In this paper, we place dissonance theory in the larger framework of appraisal theories of emotion, emotion regulation, and coping. The basic premise

Rolf G H Henriksson 1937–2020 : Ekonomporträtt

Rolf Henriksson var en av Sveriges ledande ekonomiska doktrinhistoriker. Han började sin bana med en avhandling om den svenska emigrationen men ägnade sig därefter åt att porträttera och analysera svenska ekonomer – Eli Heckscher, Arthur Montgomery, Bertil Ohlin, Erik Lundberg, Erik Dahmén – och organisationer: Konjunkturinstitutet, Industriens Utredningsinstitut, Nationalekonomiska klubben och Na

The association between decision-making skills and subjective decision outcomes among administrative officers in the Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Social insurance administrative officers’ decision-making skills influence their efficiency at work and their general well-being. At work their tasks are characterised by complexity and a need for order and accountability. Moreover, cases should usually be handled and finalised within the imposed time frames. We investigated skills related to decision-making success among social insurance officers

Emerging biomarkers in cardiometabolic disease

AbstractThe epidemiological association between diabetes and heart failure is well-established and the two entities areemerging as global threats, both individually and synergistically, to an aging population. The exploration of multipleproteins can shed light on pathophysiological pathways in both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This canpossibly provide novel diagnostic, prognostic and hopef

Pathway analysis of skeletal kinetic mechanisms for small alcohol fuels at engine conditions

Seven skeletal reaction mechanisms are presented to highlight key chemistry for mechanism reduction of small alcohol fuels at engine conditions. The mechanisms predict ignition delay times, laminar burning velocity, and extinction strain rate, within 5% of their corresponding complex mechanisms used as a start point for reduction. The mechanisms were developed for equivalence ratio range of 0.7–1.

Valaffischer i spåren av den den kvinnliga rösträtten

In 1921, after a long struggle for the right to vote, Swedish women voted in general elections for the first time. This article analyzes how election posters between 1921 and 1936 addressed and represented women. There were four types of posters. The most frequent typewas posters on which all political citizens were portrayed as men. The second type represented women as citizens with a special mis