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Does the narrative ability during retelling differ in 5-year-olds born with and without unilateral cleft lip and palate?

Background: A previous study has indicated poorer narrative ability during retelling in 5-year-olds with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) as a group, compared to peers without UCLP. Aim: To investigate if there are any differences between 5-year-olds with and without UCLP in narrative ability during retelling. Methods: A total of 83 children participated, 51 with UCLP and 32 without. They ha

Resource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850-1939

The resource curse literature has established that the taxation of natural resources might limit the long-term development of fiscal capacity in resource-rich countries. This article explores if, and how, natural resource abundance generates fiscal dependence on natural resource revenues. We compare five peripheral economies of Latin America (Bolivia, Chile, Peru) and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden)

Osteologisk analys av djurben från ett sent vikingatida/tidigmedeltida gårdsläge vid Öllsjö

Denna rapport behandlar den osteologiska analysen av djurbenen från en arkeologisk slutundersökning av Öllsjö by i fastigheten Öllsjö 6:22, Skepparslövs socken (L1990:5301), år 2002. Analysen omfattar ben från ett gårdsläge daterad till sen vikingatid-tidigmedeltid. Denna rapport redovisar resultaten från denna analys, samt från två kompletterande 14C-dateringar av ben från två grophus. Analysen h

Biomarker profiling beyond amyloid and tau : cerebrospinal fluid markers, hippocampal atrophy, and memory change in cognitively unimpaired older adults

Brain changes occurring in aging can be indexed by biomarkers. We used cluster analysis to identify subgroups of cognitively unimpaired individuals (n = 99, 64–93 years) with different profiles of the cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers beta amyloid 1–42 (Aβ42), phosphorylated tau (P-tau), total tau, chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40), fatty acid binding protein 3 (FABP3), and neurofilament light (NFL

Economic Decline and Extreme‐Right Electoral Threat: How District‐Level Factors Shape the Legislative Debate on Immigration

This research examines the degree to which legislators respond to their districts by analyzing immigration‐related legislative speeches from the Swedish parliament (2005–16). Using a text‐scaling method, we find that the immigration discourse fluctuates between “socioeconomic responsibility” and “cultural difference” poles. We argue that socioeconomic declines and extreme‐right party success serve

Solar and climate signals revealed by seasonal 10Be data from the NEEM ice core project for the neutron monitor period

10Be in ice cores has been instrumental for reconstructing past changes in solar activity prior to direct observations. For a robust use of these records, it is pivotal to understand the 10Be transport and deposition. However, there are only few high-resolution seasonal 10Be data longer than one full solar cycle (11 years) that could enable a quantification of the influences of atmospheric circula

SMIM1, carrier of the Vel blood group, is a tail-anchored transmembrane protein and readily forms homodimers in a cell-free system

Antibodies to the Vel blood group antigen can cause adverse hemolytic reactions unless Vel-negative blood units are transfused. Since the genetic background of Vel-negativity was discovered in 2013, DNA-based typing of the 17-bp deletion causing the phenotype has facilitated identification of Vel-negative blood donors. SMIM1, the gene underlying Vel, encodes a 78-amino acid erythroid transmembrane

Rules for the Leg Coordination of Dung Beetle Ball Rolling Behaviour

Dung beetles can perform a number of versatile behaviours, including walking and dung ball rolling. While different walking and running gaits of dung beetles have been described in previous literature, little is known about their ball rolling gaits. From behavioural experiments and video recordings of the beetle Scarabaeus (Kheper) lamarcki, we analysed and identified four underlying rules for leg

An institutional view on user improvisation and design

This chapter deals with the significance of the thing as the outcome of labour. In terms of product design, at first a division of labour with manufacture was maintained. The design in a product has somewhat of an imperative power, yet it is has to be reconfigured to become aware. The projects were longitudinal, development project in retail chains in Norway. Even though many professions are engag

Einsteins bekräftelse

År 1919 reste astronomer söderut för att fånga en solförmörkelse och bekräfta Einsteins allmänna relativitetsteori.In 1919 astronomers journeyed south to catch a solar eclipse and to check up on Einsteins theory of general relativity.

A note generalizing “an option mechanism to coordinate a dyadic supply chain bilaterally in a multi-period setting”

The problem investigated in this paper is the one of finding the optimal combination of inventory and options in a stationary multi-period problem with an infinite horizon. The research complements existing literature as it considers the combination of option and wholesale contracts. The paper show how the problem can be transformed to a combination of newsvendor type problems. This alternative in

Muslim prisoners in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic

In a new blog post on prisons during the pandemic, Dr. Rustamjon Urinboyev turns to the experiences of Muslim prisoners in contemporary Russia. Drawing on his extensive fieldwork among migrants from Uzbekistan who have served prison sentences in the Russian Federation, he analyses the everyday practices of these transnational prisoners and their prison communities, and explains how these practices