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Kommunal samverkan under press - Hur sex skånska kommuner inkluderar nyanlända

Studiens syftet är att undersöka hur kommuner tar emot nyanlända i samverkanmed andra aktörer i en komplex kontext med oklara och kanske konfliktfylldadirektiv under tidspress. I analyserna har vi främst fokuserat hur samverkan harorganiserats och fungerat för kommunerna utifrån ansvarsfördelning ochautonomi. Vi har studerat offentliga dokument och intervjuat främstintegrationssamordnare eller mot

Surface rheology and morphology of beer protein and iso-humulone at air-liquid surface

Foam is one of the unique properties of beer, but how the amphiphilic components stabilize the foam is still not fully understood. This study concerns the main surface active components. For this purpose, protein from barley and iso-humulone from hop, were extracted from raw materials separately to be able to consider their effect separately and in the controlled mixture. The layers were formed in

The feasibility, validity and reliability of a child friendly vestibular assessment in infants and children candidates to cochlear implant

Objectives: The pediatric vestibular assessment has developed significantly in the past two decades, especially in terms of assessment of cochlear implant (CI) candidates. Different methods and test protocols have been applied, however without a general consensus. We present here the feasibility, validity and reliability of a child friendly vestibular testing in use at our department for the asses

Om att undervisa i att hitta och utveckla den egna rösten

På senare år har jag funderat över det faktum att jag och många av mina kollegor undervisar i att hitta och utveckla den egna rösten. Samtidigt som jag känner mig trygg i min roll som lärare och upplever att jag har lätt för att vara konstruktiv i en undervisningssituation har jag också slagits av det motsägelsefulla i att undervisa någon annan i någonting som är så personligt.Hur kan jag hjälpa n

Dynamic Economic Growth as a Constraint on Elite Behavior

Institutional economics has produced a string of findings about the importance of good institutions for economic growth and development. While consensus is lacking about how important institutions are, few scholars argue that institutions have no impact whatsoever. Yet, for all the knowledge produced, the results of institutional reforms are meager. This is not surprising as a central theme in the

Musikaliska ledare i stämman : Körforskning med olika metoder

I antologin är kapitel samlade som ut olika perspektiv behandlar undervisning och lärande i musik samt musiklärares professionsutveckling. Karl Asp problematiserar genrebegreppet och exemplifierar hur det är möjligt att planera sin musikundervisning utifrån resonemang om vad genre kan tänkas vara och innebära. Konsekvenser av genrer och de praktiker som kan uppstå i ensembleundervisning när det gä

Registration of private interests in land in a community lands policy setting : An exploratory study in Meru district, Tanzania

Current Tanzanian land law offers registration of private interests in land in the form of Certificates of Customary Rights of Occupancy (CCROs) within a broader community lands approach. We conducted qualitative research on the issuance of CCROs along a mountain slope transect in Meru district in northeast Tanzania. This area features intensified smallholder agriculture that evolutionary theory s

Association of the bleeding time test with aspects of traumatic brain injury in patients with alcohol use disorder

Background—aim: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) can occur concomitantly and be associated with coagulopathy that influences TBI outcome. The use of bleeding time tests in TBI management is controversial. We hypothesized that in TBI patients with AUD, a prolonged bleeding time is associated with more severe injury and poor outcome. Material and methods: Moderate and seve

Long term transcriptional and behavioral effects in mice developmentally exposed to a mixture of endocrine disruptors associated with delayed human neurodevelopment

Accumulating evidence suggests that gestational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may interfere with normal brain development and predispose for later dysfunctions. The current study focuses on the exposure impact of mixtures of EDCs that better mimics the real-life situation. We herein describe a mixture of phthalates, pesticides and bisphenol A (mixture N1) detected in pregnant w

An In Vitro Partial Lesion Model of Differentiated Human Mesencephalic Neurons : Effect of Pericyte Secretome on Phenotypic Markers

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterised by the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Post-mortem data suggests that the loss of DA markers may long precede the cell death, leaving a window to rescue the DA phenotype. Screening for potential neuroprotective or restorative therapies, however, requires that partial lesions of DA neurons can be

Ordovician graptolite biostratigraphy of the Röstånga-2 drill core (Scania, southern Sweden)

The graptolite biostratigraphy of the 116.11-m-long Röstånga-2 drill core from Scania, southern Sweden, includes the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) Holmograptus lentus, Nicholsonograptus fasciculatus, Pterograptus elegans, Pseudamplexograptus distichus and Jiangxigraptus vagus biozones, and the lower Sandbian (Upper Ordovician) Nemagraptus gracilis Biozone. The early Darriwilian Komstad Limestone

Vertical test results on ESS medium beta elliptical cavity prototype

The ESS elliptical superconducting Linac consists of two types of 704.42 MHz cavities, medium and high beta, to accelerate the beam from 216 MeV (spoke cavity Linac) up to the final energy of 2 GeV. The last Linac optimization, called Optimus+ [1], has been carried out taking into account the limitations of SRF cavity performance (field emission). The medium and high-beta parts of the Linac are co

Effects of 20-minute warm ischemia on coronary endothelial function of pig donor hearts after cardiac death

BACKGROUND: Myocardial and coronary endothelial injury occurs in donor hearts due to warm ischemia during cardiac transplantation. Coronary endothelial structure and function play a critical role in long-term outcomes for patients after cardiac transplantation. OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of hypoxia-induced warm ischemia (20 minutes) on coronary endothelial function of porcine donor hearts afte

Comparative Effectiveness of Different Radical Radiotherapy Treatment Regimens for Prostate Cancer : A Population-Based Cohort Study

Background: It is unclear which radiotherapy technique and dose fractionation scheme is most effective in decreasing the risk of prostate cancer death. Methods: We conducted a population-based cohort study among 15 164 men in the Prostate Cancer database Sweden (version 4.0) treated with primary radical radiotherapy for prostate cancer in Sweden from 1998 to 2016. We calculated hazard ratios with

Analysis and modelling radio-ecological concentration processes of the food chain lichen - reindeer – man. : In memory of my fellow Elis Holm Ph.D. professor

AbstraktVid den första internationella radioekologikonferensen 25-29 april 1966 i Stockholm presenterade jag min studie om överföringen av 55Fe i livsmedelskedjan lav-ren. Det här dokumentet presenterades den 6–9 november 2016 i Sevilla (Spanien) för den 2: a INTERNATIONELLA KONFERENSEN OM RADIOEKOLOGISKA KONCENTRATIONPROCESSER (50 år senare) som organiserades av prof. Elis Holm, Göteborgs univers