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Litteraturlista: Beräkningsvetenskap: Teoretisk biofysik (BERN05) vårterminen 2024

KursansvarigCarl Troeincarl [dot] troein [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (carl[dot]troein[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)KurslitteraturPhysical Biology of the Cell, second edition, Rob Phillips, Jane Kondev, Julie Therot, Hernan G. Garcia. Garland Science (2012). (Bokfynd, Campusbokhandeln, University Library) - 2025-01-10

Kursanalys: Industriell miljöekonomi för miljövetare (MVEC20) vårterminen 2023

KursansvarigHåkan Rodhehakan [dot] rodhe [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] seStatistik Antal studenter 24Antal svar 13Betyg(antal G, VG): G 9, VG 15Sammanfattning av kursvärderingenKursen mottas väl som helhet (4,5), är relevant för utbildningen(4,8), har förberett väl för framtida yrkesroll (4,6), har skapatförståelse för industrins miljöarbete (4,8) och för hur samhälletskapar incitament för detta (4,6) - 2025-01-10

Kursanalys: Miljöpolitik och förvaltning (MVEB16) vårterminen 2023

KursansvarigÅsa Knaggårdasa [dot] knaggard [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] seAntal studenter14Antal svar11Betyg4,6 (medel på frågan om jag är nöjd med kursen)Sammanfattning av kursvärderingenElva av fjorton studenter svarade på utvärderingen. De flesta studenter var mycket nöjda med kursen. Kursen fick betyget 4,6 (medel). Studenterna upplevde att kursen var relevant för deras utbildning (medel 4,6) och - 2025-01-10

Kursanalys: Miljö- och hälsoskydd, metodik och praktik (MVEN22) vårterminen 2023

KursansvarigAndrea Hjärneandrea [dot] hjarne [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (andrea[dot]hjarne[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)Antal studenter14Antal svar 7BetygKursen ger endast GSammanfattning av kursvärderingenEndast hälften av studenterna svarade på utvärderingen. Över lag var kursbetyget något lägre än de föregående år (från 4,8 till 4,1) med två studenter som endast satte medel/bra (3) på "nöjdhet med kurs - 2025-01-10

Kursanalys: Miljöövervakning (MVES04) vårterminen 2023

KursansvarigYann Cloughyann [dot] clough [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] seAdam Kristenssonadam [dot] kristensson [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] seStatistikAntal studenter12Antal svar7Betyg7 VG, 5 GSammanfattning av kursvärderingenMycket sämre betyg än normalt. Totalt medelbetyg 2.1 (av 5).Oengagerade lärare kommenterade några.GIS och statistik hade framförallt kommentarerna att statistikövningarna var klippa - 2025-01-10

Scooters, Sharing & Sustainability

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Given the global sustainability challenges that we face, we need new forms of production and consumption. However, will the sharing economy be a part of the solution? Or, part of the problem? In this month's episode, Sofie and Steven discuss the sharing economy broadly before elaborating on business models in the sharing economy. Speaking critically, they elaborate - 2025-01-10

"Is anyone listening?" Reflections on Evaluating Research Impact

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS There is growing interest by funding agencies, governments, and society in general to evaluate the impact of research conducted within academia. However, evaluating research impact is tricky and finding as well as leveraging impact pathways can be daunting without first considering the desired impact early in the research planning process. This is especially relevan - 2025-01-10


The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) Library New to the library? Learn about the library's space and services Book a librarian A one-on-one appointment LUBcat The library catalog at Lund University for printed materials and e-resources.   My loans Log in to your library account to check your loans, renew materials, pay late fees or chat with a librarian. LUBse - 2025-01-10

Interlibrary loans

Requesting interlibrary loans If you are a student or employee at IIIEE and you need materials for study or research which are not available from any library at Lund University, you can request the materials by interlibrary loan through us. Search first Search first in the library catalogue LUBcat, or in LUBsearch for articles. You can find some articles that have been published in printed journal - 2025-01-10

Lending conditions

The IIIEE Library is part of the network of libraries at Lund University. For loans, we apply our common terms and conditions for library loans. Our material is available on open shelves and can be removed from the library on loan. Reference books and journals must be consulted on library premises. E-books Most e-books can be downloaded and it is also usually possible to print some pages. To be ab - 2025-01-10

Library card

You need a library card to borrow books from the IIIEE Library Students and staff use their LU card as library card. Other users receive a library card at the circulation desk. The library card, which is valid at all the libraries at Lund University, is used to borrow material. Getting a library card Students and staff: Pick up your LU card at a card station. To be able to use the LU card as libra - 2025-01-10

Loan periods

LOAN PERIODS AT THE SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY LIBRARY Due to the outbrake of Coronavirus and Covid-19 Inter library loans At the moment we can not order interlibrary loans from libraries outside Sweden. Loan periods and overdue fees No overdue fees will be generated as from Thursday 19 March and until further notice. Course books can now be renewed automatically 11 times, if there is no reservation. - 2025-01-10

Overdue fees

The IIIEE Library charges a late fee of SEK 10/book and day for course books returned after the loan has expired. This applies to all borrowers. The fee is to be paid at the library where the debt was incurred. The late fee is applied as of the day after the stated return date. No fee is generated during days when the library is closed, or during weekends. Books, returned in book drops, are checke - 2025-01-10

Picking up and returning books

Direct pick-up When the book is listed in LUBcat as being at "IIIEE" under the section "Available on shelf", you can pick it up yourself.  The IIIEE library is closed for the public right now but you can reguest books Lubcat and pick them up at a library of your choice. Most books are classified by author surname. Exceptions are books with an editor or books with more than three authors, which are - 2025-01-10

Renew your loans

How long you may keep a book depends on the sort of book you have borrowed; a course book, a long term loan or an interlibrary loan. Read more here! Renewing loans on course books The loan period for a course book is 2 weeks. Unless no one else is waiting to borrow the book, the loan will be automatically renewed and you can have it for 2 more weeks. There is maximum of 5 automatic renewals, if yo - 2025-01-10

Joining Forces for Sustainability: The value of interdisciplinary education

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Our global sustainability challenges are complex and require partnerships and collaboration across disciplines and sectors. As such, as a society, we must value interdisciplinary perspectives and work together to address these challenges. In this episode, we discuss the value of interdisciplinary education to address our complex sustainability challenges. We share t - 2025-01-10

Circular Business Models for Sustainability - Part 1

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS The circular economy is highlighted as key if to address sustainability challenges, while still maintaining access to goods and services that we have come to rely on. Closing, narrowing and slowing loops are key strategies towards pursuing a more sustainable way of producing, accessing, using, and re-using goods. In order to allow a deeper exploration of the circula - 2025-01-10

Circular Resource Flows in Cities - Part 2

ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS The global population living in cities is expected to reach nearly 70% by 2050. This trend in urbanisation will require massive amounts of infrastructure to be built from concrete and other natural and manufactured materials. In the second episode of our miniseries on the circular economy, we explore the business case for circular resource flows - such as concrete, - 2025-01-10