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Your search for "*" yielded 533550 hits

Walking alongside psychosis : Strategies of engagement while living with a person with a serious mental illness

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are lifelong illnesses that include psychosis and difficulty maintaining stability. These illnesses are also characterized by limited abilities to self-assess and seek treatment when necessary. Informal caregivers of people living with a serious mental illness are often relatives or spouses. The objective of this study was to determine what strategies were used b

To Measure What Counts or to Count What is Measured? A Foucauldian Genealogy carried out on strategic reports from Lund University

This thesis applies a Foucauldian genealogy to examine the power relations in global univer-sity rankings, by analysing three strategic reports from Lund University. The strategic reports are from 1995-2000, 2012-2016, and 2017-2026. The theory applied is Foucault’s pow-er/knowledge theory. The research question that guides this thesis is What signs of adaptation to rankings can be identified in t

Kan vem som helst erhålla makten? En narrativ studie om vägen till formellt ledarskap och dess utövande.

The aim of this study was to, according to eight managers stories in a service-orientated professions, narrative theory and method, see what factors have made it possible or acted as obstacles to reach a management position and pursue leadership in that position. The used method has been a qualitative analysis with a narrative standpoint and semi-structured interviews. The main results showed that


Kriminalvården erbjuder sina klienter behandlingsprogram vilket syftar till att minska återfall i brott. Tidigare forskning har främst undersökt behandlingsprograms effekt på återfall i brott, och få om klientens upplevelse av programmen. Denna studie syftar därför till att undersöka klienternas upplevelse av det KBT-baserade behandlingsprogrammet One-to-One (OTO) som erbjuds på Kriminalvårdens an

”What becomes of the broken-hearted?” - En socialantropologisk studie om männen som kallar sig incels.

Under det senaste decenniet har världen blivit varse om fenomenet ”incels”. Incels har uppbå-dat stor medial uppmärksamhet till följd av två massmord utförda av män som identifierade sig som incels, vilket har föranlett att en relativt endimensionell bild av incels har fått fäste: incels beskrivs som arga och farliga män som hatar kvinnor för att de förnekas sex. Hur väl stämmer dessa beskrivninga

Batterimetaller - En rättslig undersökning i ljuset av EU-ambition om en batterivärdekedja

Målsättningen att minska koldioxidutsläppen i världen har lett till en ökad efterfrågan på elbilar. Elbilar ses som en nyckelfaktor för EU:s omställning till en klimatneutral ekonomi. Det ökar efterfrågan på nödvändiga råvaror till elbilsbatterier som EU vill trygga tillgången på. För det ändamålet har kommissionen tagit fram en handlingsplan om batterier. Handlingsplanen om batterier identifierarThe goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the world has led to increased demand for electric cars. Electric cars are seen as a key factor for the EU's transition to a climate-neutral economy. This increases the demand for the necessary raw materials for electric car batteries, which the EU wants to secure access to. To this end, the Commission has drawn up an action plan on batteries. T

En harmoniserad rekonstruktionslagstiftning - En analys av direktiv 2019/1023/EU inverkan på borgenärsskyddet vid företagsrekonstruktion

Lagen (1996:723) om företagsrekonstruktion infördes med syftet att erbjuda ett alternativ till konkurs för de företag som i grunden är livskraftiga och har möjlighet att rekonstrueras för att fortsätta sin verksamhet. Lagstiftningen har dock inte varit en succé och kritiken mot förfarandet har i vissa avseenden varit omfattande. Bristen på transparens för borgenärer och enkelspårighet genom att enThe Swedish Company Restructuring Act (1996:764) was originally introduced with the intent of offering an alternative to standard bankruptcy proceedings for viable companies with an ability to be restructured and continue its business going forward. The legislation has however not been a success and the criticism lodged against the legislation has been extensive. The lack of transparency for credi

GDPR och due diligence – personuppgifternas räddare i nöden eller bolagens väg till döden? – En utredning med särskilt fokus på utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens

Antalet företagsförvärv har ökat markant på den svenska marknaden de senaste åren. Med anledning av att företagsförvärv är förknippade med stora risker kan det leda till tvister parterna emellan. Det är därför av vikt att en due diligence görs för att kunna avgöra riskfördelningen när det gäller särskilda förutsättningar som är av betydelse för rättsförhållandet mellan det köpande och säljande bolIn recent years the amount of corporate acquisitions has increased significantly on the Swedish market. Due to the fact that corporate acquisitions are associated with risks, conflicts between the parties can arise. Due diligence must hence be conducted in order to determine the distribution of risks regarding the legal relationship between the buying and selling company. An essential part of the

A Benevolent Autocracy and the Environment

Democracy is often thought to be the most beneficial political regime for the environment. However, a persistent line of argument lays claim that a specific authoritarian type of governance is needed to manage environmental crises effectively. Authoritarian environmentalism is a concept that emerged during the 1970s when rapid industrialization caused severe environmental hazards. This ideology ad

The battle for talent

This thesis is placed in the context of talent management and revolves around the phenomena of talent and talent wars. The two phenomena have received increased attention in the talent management discourse during the last decades as the international competitiveness for talents among organizations has become amplified. The purpose of this thesis has been to explore, analyze and compare different p

Självbestämmande, urfolkskvinnor och tillgång till rättvisa- en fallstudie i Amazonas regnskog

De 14 olika urfolken i Ecuador har landrättigheter och rätt till kollektivt självbestämmande. Inom ramen för detta har urfolk också rätt till att utöva urfolksrättiva. Detta innebär att urfolk har rätt att skapa, utveckla och utöva sitt eget rättssystem för att lösa tvister och problem inom det egna sahället, tolkat och applicerat genom egna kulturella värderingar och normer. Denna rättighet finns

Encapsulating catalysts in MOFs

Föreställ dig att du kunde producera vatten från luft, eller ha arean av en fotbollsplan i ett gram pulver. Det är två utav många fenomen som syntetiska metall-organiska ramverk (MOF) kan åstadkomma eftersom de ofta besitter kristallporer i storlek av nanometrar. Denna studie fokuserar på att kapsla in katalysatorer i MOF:ars porer. Sådana ramverk kan kallas catalyst@MOF och syftet är att lätt kunMetal-organic frameworks (MOF) are hybrid organic-inorganic porous materials with a crystalline framework. The MOF frameworks contain specific nano-sized pores that can be used for gas storage, gas separation, drug storage, luminescence sensoring, artificial photosynthesis, drug delivery, catalysis etc. The aim of this study was to encapsulate three diiron hexacarbonyl and one Ni(II) catalysts in

To waste, or to resource? A comparative Life Cycle Assessment of recovering bottom ash from waste incineration for use in road construction in Malmö.

The low-carbon benefits and emissions savings from circular economy (CE) strategies are not yet well understood, yet are crucial for global development within Planetary Boundaries. Using the mineral fraction of waste incinerator bottom ash (MIBA) as construction material in road construction is one application of a CE strategy that could lead to environmental gains by substituting energy-intensive

Green is the new brown : ecology in the metapolitics of the French far right today

In this thesis I examine the metapolitics of the French far right, a sphere of organisations and personalities that are waging a counter-hegemonic cultural fight, thought to be a precondition to political change. In France, singularly an incubator for a green nationalist narrative, this “Gramscianism of the right” is today embodied by countless media outlets. This research, grounded in a socio-con

How Can Unit Pricing Be Employed and Improve Municipal Waste Management in Shanghai?

China is on a transition to waste management charging reform and pursuing effective eco-nomic incentives on an individual level. Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT)/Unit pricing is recog-nized as an important and effective means to waste prevention and source segregation ren-dered by the government mostly in the developed countries. Following the in-depth case study analysis and the environmental, the study e

Functionality of oat based food ingredients

This master thesis work was performed in collaboration with the agricultural cooperative Lantmännen. With the ambition to take a world leading role in the development of unique products based on oats, Lantmännen has developed two oat based powders; one protein powder, PrOatein™, and one β-glucan powder, PromOat®. The aim of this master thesis project was to investigate the functional properties of

The (Un)Political Lay Judge System in Sweden - An Interview Study of Lay Judges’ Views on Their Roles and The Lay Judge System, from a Perspective of Politicization

Lay judges are used in the Swedish courts to attain a democratic representation of judges, but the system has received criticism for giving weight to political affiliation in a role that ought to be unpolitical. The aim of this study is to investigate politicization of the laymen system through lay judges’ own perspectives of their roles, and their views of the structure of the lay judge system. H

Aktörer för jämställdhet

The importance of descriptive representation within politics, for example an adequate female descriptive representation, is a debated issue. The argument is supported by Phillips’ theory about Politics of presence, assuming that an increased number of women in parliament would lead to an increased female substantive representation. The purpose of this study is to investigate if there is a clear re

Möjligheternas kris

During the summer of 2018, Sweden’s crisis management experienced a massive challenge due to widespread forest fires. After the fires the Swedish public authority, Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB), got an expanded mandate and therefore ability to operate the Swedish crisis management system. This essay aims to find the answer to why MSB got this mandate and what was the reason beh

Språkliga mediekonstruktioner av gängkriminalitet

Using van Dijks’ critical discourse analysis as a theoretical and methodological point of departure, this paper strives to analyze the ways in which gang-related crime is illustrated in the Swedish media. This study seeks to outline how the media portrays the problems, causes and proposed solutions of gang-related crime. This thesis is descriptive in nature, and does not intend to argue or investi