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Politik och jämlikhet

Jämlikhet står inte i strid med variation och mångfald i samhället, utan är en garanti för att varje människa ges reella möjligheter att utveckla sin särart.

Professionens problematik : lärarkårens kommunalisering och välfärdsstatens förvandling.

Popular Abstract in Swedish År 2011 är det exakt 20 år sedan lärarkåren kommunaliserades. Reformen ger fortfarande upphov till diskussioner, inte minst från liberalt håll diskuteras idag lärarprofessionens status och vilka konsekvenser kommunaliseringen har medfört. I Professionens problematik analyseras motiven bakom kommunaliseringen. Historikern Johanna Ringarp visar att reformen var ett led i On 8 December 1989, the Swedish Parliament resolved that the state regulation of teaching positions would be terminated beginning on 1 January 1991. The parliament’s decision came on after fierce debates that took place in both teacher staff rooms and in public in 1989. Almost 20 years later, the reform still gives rise to controversy, and current political debates also touch on the possibility of

Identifying and Modelling Multipath Clusters using Measurement Data

In this paper, a new algorithm that is able to identify and track multipath clusters in the delay-angular domain is introduced. The introduced algorithm avoids calculations of a single distance measure from quantities with different nature; instead it performs the clustering via extracting multiple 1D waveforms from the 2D delay-angular domain. The results from applying this algorithm to measured

The discursive construction, reproduction and continuance of national cultures: A critical study of the cross-cultural management discourse

Considering that businesses, whether they operate on a global or a domestic market, are affected by globalization, cross-cultural management is without doubt an urgent topic in current management and education. However, despite this urgency and the commendable intention behind the endeavour to enhance people’s cultural knowledge, current models on national cultures are problematic since they rely

Roman blir film

This article deals with David Lean's cinematic adaptation of Dickens's Great Expectations.

Node Localization in Unsynchronized Time of Arrival Sensor Networks

We present a method for solving the previously unstudied problem of localizing a set of receivers and directions from transmitters placed far from the receivers, measuring unsynchronized time of arrival data. The same problem is present in node localization of microphone and antenna arrays. The solution algorithm using 5 receivers and 9 transmitters is extended to the overdetermined case in a stra