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Plate end debonding : a modified approach to predict stress in FRP–concrete bond
An important failure mode of RC beams retrofitted with FRP plates is plate end debonding. Design codes provide equations for estimating shear stress at the plate end, but none of these equations include the FRP to concrete width ratio. This paper suggests an improved equation for calculating shear stress that includes the width ratio. The new equation was obtained by fitting 3D nonlinear FEM resul
Inte bara en vision: Dyrön Åstol
Bohuslän - Kustlivets landskap. Camilla Läckberg.
Guldgrävarromantik på italienska. Puccinis Flickan från Vilda Västern
Statistics for Finance
Bridging the gap between theoretical books on stochastic finance and applied books on financial engineering, this text provides an introduction to statistical methods for finance. Designed for mathematics and statistics students, the book discusses the role that statistics and mathematics play in financial engineering. It covers the necessary mathematical and statistics background and explores sec
Delegation to Supranational Institutions: Why, How, and with What Consequences?
Closely located dual PIFAs with T-slot induced high isolation for MIMO terminals
This paper presents an efficient technique to enhance the isolation between two closely spaced PIFAs for MIMO mobile terminals. The proposed decoupling method is based on a T-shape slot impedance transformer and it enables an inter-PIFA spacing of 1 mm to be achieved. The 10 dB impedance bandwidth and 20 dB isolation bandwidth cover the 2.4 GHz WLAN band (2.4-2.48 GHz), with a maximum isolation of
Simulations of ionisation triggering
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Biosynthesis of decorin and glypican glycosaminoglycan chains
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om biosyntesen av proteoglykaner. Dessa består av en proteindel som har långa kedjor av sockermolekyler bundna till sig. Det finns huvudsakligen två typer av sockerkedjor, kondroitinsulfat och heparansulfat, som båda tillverkas på en identisk fyra molekyler lång sockerkedja. Man kan likna tillverkningen eller biosyntesen vid ett löpande band inne i Proteoglycans consist of core proteins substituted with glycosaminoglycan chains. The galactosaminoglycans (GlcUA/IdoUA-GalNAc) and the glucosaminoglycans (GlcUA/IdoUA-GlcNAc) are both initiated on the same tetrasaccharide linkage region GlcUA-Gal-Gal-Xyl-protein. The proteoglycan decorin is bound to collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix and is substituted with a single galactosaminoglycan
The effect of protective gloves on tactile sensitivity in the cold
Optimization of sub-channel bandwidth for mobile OFDM systems
Incremental dependency parsing using online learning
We describe an incremental parser that was trained to minimize cost over sentences rather than over individual parsing actions. This is an attempt to use the advantages of the two top-scoring systems in the CoNLL-X shared task. In the evaluation, we present the performance of the parser in the Multilingual task, as well as an evaluation of the contribution of bidirectional parsing and beam search
Organizational Barriers and the Implementation of Customer Value Map Analysis: A Case Study of a Global Manufacturing Firm in the Polymer Technology Industry
Prior studies have found that firms often find it difficult to implement innovative pricing strategies, such as value-based pricing, due to the organizational barriers they face in the implementation process. This case study of a manufacturing firm’s implementation of value-based pricing through the use of customer value map analysis (CVMA) examines the effect of these organizational barriers. Key
Semplates: a guide to identification and elicitation
Semplates are a new descriptive and theoretical concept in lexical semantics, borne out of recent L&C work in several domains. A semplate can be defined as a configuration consisting of distinct layers of lexemes, each layer drawn from a different form class, mapped onto the same abstract semantic template. Within such a lexical layer, the sense relations between the lexical items are inherite
Appointment by lottery in ancient Athens - a mistake with important consequences
Brandgasspridning via ventilationssystem för flerrumsbrandceller
Energieffektivisering vid renovering av rekordårens flerbostadshus
Under rekordårens bebyggelse 1960-1975 byggdes en stor del av dagens befintliga flerbostadshus. Byggnaderna är ofta prefabricerade och har liknade form i stora delar av Sverige, vanligast är trevånings lamellhus utan hiss. Dessa fastigheter står nu inför ett omfattande renoveringsbehov. Då de i flesta fall i nuläget även drar stora mängder energi för uppvärmning, är det av yttersta vikt att när re
Optimotaxis: A Stochastic Multi-agent on Site Optimization Procedure
We consider the problem of seeking the maximum of a scalar signal using a swarm of autonomous vehicles equipped with sensors that can take point measurements of the signal. Vehicles are not able to measure their current position or to communicate with each other. Our approach induces the vehicles to perform a biased random walk inspired by bacterial chemotaxis and controlled by a stochastic hybrid