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El Sistema - musiklärare i en spänningsfylld modell för inkluderande pedagogik.
The Still, Sad Music of Humanity in Doom Metal's Romanticizing Machine
Protein SIC secreted from Streptococcus pyogenes forms complexes with extracellular histones that boost cytokine production
Innate immunity relies on an effective recognition of the pathogenic microorganism as well as on endogenous danger signals. While bacteria in concert with their secreted virulence factors can cause a number of inflammatory reactions, danger signals released at the site of infection may in addition determine the amplitude of such responses and influence the outcome of the disease. Here, we report t
Immune gene expression and response to chemotherapy in advanced breast cancer
Background:Transcriptomic profiles have shown promise as predictors of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (BC). This study aimed to explore their predictive value in the advanced BC (ABC) setting.Methods:In a Phase 3 trial of first-line chemotherapy in ABC, a fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was obtained at baseline. Intrinsic molecular subtypes and gene modules related to i
‘Successful’ low-carbon energy transitions at the community level? An energy justice perspective
The aim of this paper is to critically analyse so-called ‘successful’ low-carbon energy transitions under the energy justice magnifying glass. We focus on two case studies that have been arguably referred to as successful local energy transitions in the literature: Samsø (Denmark) and Feldheim (Germany). The study examines community perspectives and causal inferences about perceived energy (in)jus
Projektet Arbetskraftsmigration, fack och arbetsgivare : Sammanfattning av resultaten
Effects of dark-chocolate on appetite variables and glucose tolerance : A 4 week randomised crossover intervention in healthy middle aged subjects
Cocoa is a well acknowledged polyphenol-rich functional product. However, the mechanisms and effects of cocoa products on glucose metabolism and appetite regulation are not clear. A crossover randomised study was carried out in twenty (4male; 16female) healthy middle-age (62.6 ± 6.5 yr) subjects with normal BMI (23.0 ± 2.0 kg/m2). Effects on postprandial glucose-, insulin- and subjective appetite
The role of Small Firms in the Technology Development of China
Science & Technology (S&T) is high on the Chinese policy agenda and the country aims at becoming an innovation-driven economy. Small firms have been important in technology development in other East Asian countries but the situation in Chinese small firms has been far less explored. We examine how much S&T has been accounted for by small firms and how their S&T intensity differs ac
The Shareholder Base Hypothesis of Stock Return Volatility : Empirical Evidence
We use Swedish ownership data to explore whether a large and diversified shareholder base leads to lower volatility by improving the information content of stock prices. We find that volatility increases in the number of shareholders with respect to both the number of relatively large shareholders and the fraction of shares held by investors with stakes below 0.1%. Volatility is also positively re
The network mediation of an incubator : How does it enable or constrain the development of incubator firms' business networks?
Incubators are organisations or structures that usually offer five types of services in order to accelerate start-up development: access to physical resources, administrative services, access to financial resources, assistance with start-up procedures and access to networks. The aim of the present paper is to investigate the mediating role of the incubator. More specifically, it examines how the i
Justice in the Prophetic Tradition
In my recent study Divining History: On Prophetism, Messianism and the Development of the Idea of the Spirit (Berghahn, 2016), I explored the notion of justice in the biblical-prophetic tradition. This paper is partly an extraction of the first and the last chapter of the book, but also goes further, as I try to delve deeper into the particular nature of this specific idea of justice. The paper co
Delaktighetsforskning och funktionshinder : Kartläggning av kunskapsläge och forskningsbehov med särskilt fokus på teknik- och designperspektiv
Begreppet delaktighet har idag en central roll i styrdokument och forskning inom funktionshinderområdet. Det har en gränsöverskridande karaktär och utgör en mötesplats på tvärs av forskningstraditioner och praktiksammanhang. Samtidigt är det ett komplext begrepp med många innebörder och delkomponenter. Syftet med denna kartläggning är att beskriva och analysera rådande kunskapläge för den forsknin
Ritonavir-boosted darunavir combined with raltegravir or tenofovir-emtricitabine in antiretroviral-naive adults infected with HIV-1 : 96 week results from the NEAT001/ANRS143 randomised non-inferiority trial
BACKGROUND: Standard first-line antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infection includes two nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NtRTIs), but these drugs have limitations. We assessed the 96 week efficacy and safety of an NtRTI-sparing regimen.METHODS: Between August, 2010, and September, 2011, we enrolled treatment-naive adults into this randomised, open-label, non-inferiority t
Den här boken handlar om hur man planerar, genomför, avrapporterar och bedömer utredningar, såväl forskningsinriktade som utredningar i praktiken. Författarna diskuterar olika metodologiska synsätt och går igenom olika forsknings- och utredningsmetoder. Vilka är metodernas för- och nackdelar och i vilka situationer kan och bör de tillämpas?Denna fjärde upplaga av boken är kraftigt omarbetad och up
Den här boken sätter fokus på den trend inom företagsorganisation som kallas nätverksorganisation. Det stora integrerade företaget, som håller ihop en hel produktionsprocess, håller på att ersättas av nätverk av företag som specialiserar sig på var sin del av värdekedjan eller produktionsprocessen. Företagsledare höjer sina blickar för att hitta resurser och kompetenser runt om i världen och knyte
Management : att leda verksamheter och människor
Management handlar om att leda såväl verksamheter som människor. Ledning av verksamheter går ut på att utforma och genomföra mål, strategi, organisation och styrning på ett sådant sätt att verksamheten skapar värde för kunder och andra in-tressenter. Att leda människor handlar om att mobilisera lust, energi och engagemang hos de människor, som är verksamma i organisationen.Det unika med denna bok
Why European and United States drug regulators are not speaking with one voice on anti-influenza drugs: regulatory review methodologies and the importance of 'deep' product reviews
Background: Relenza represents the first neuraminidase inhibitor (NI), a class of drugs that also includes the drug Tamiflu. Although heralded as breakthrough treatments in influenza, NI efficacy has remained highly controversial. A key unsettled question is why the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved more cautious efficacy statements in labelling than European regulators for both dBackgroundRelenza represents the first neuraminidase inhibitor (NI), a class of drugs that also includes the drug Tamiflu. Although heralded as breakthrough treatments in influenza, NI efficacy has remained highly controversial. A key unsettled question is why the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved more cautious efficacy statements in labelling than European regulators f
The Evolving Future of Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio and Fractional Flow Reserve
In this review, the authors reflect upon the role of coronary physiology in the modern management of coronary artery disease. They critically appraise the scientific background of the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) and fractional flow reserve (FFR), from early experimental studies to validation studies against indexes of ischemia, to clinical trials assessing outcome. At this important junctu
Myocardial performance index in female athletes
Background: Long-term intensive training leads to morphological and mechanical changes in the heart generally known as "athlete's heart". Previous studies have suggested that the diastolic and systolic function of the ventricles is unaltered in athletes compared to sedentary. The purpose of this study was to investigate myocardial performance index (MPI) by pulsed wave Doppler (PWD) and by tissue