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Lund University Hardship Scholarship

The following information is for current students at Lund University whose financial situation has changed dramatically since they started their studies at Lund University. Please note that this page is only for current students at Lund University. If you are not yet a student at Lund University, please visit the page for prospective students instead.Scholarship information for prospective student - 2025-03-11

Short interview with Programme Director Rajni Hatti-Kaul

What is your educational background?"I have a PhD in Biochemistry." Do you have any experience from industry?"I have not worked in an industry, but I collaborate with several companies in my research projects and I have myself co-founded five start-ups so far. One of the start-ups has recently become a public company." What drew you to a career in academia?"I enjoy research and the freedom to thin - 2025-03-11

What Niklas says about the Master's in Service Management, Supply Chain Management

Niklas from Sweden What is the best thing about your programme?"The best thing about my programme is the variety of courses and knowledge obtained, which contributes to a solid foundation to stand on within the area of supply chain management and related areas." Why did you choose the specialisation in Supply Chain Management?"The specialisation Supply Chain Management has so much to offer and the - 2025-03-11

Current students

Quick links Key systems and support. CanvasWebmailLadokServices and support  In focus Latest updates, events and opportunities. International opportunities on campus and abroad Become an international mentor in autumn 2025 Help new international students settle into student life at Lund and everyday life in Sweden.Find out more and apply to the International Mentor Programme by 20 April Welcome to - 2025-03-11


Learn about and join the Alumni Network Check out the Alumni Network Blog See upcoming events for alumni Read the Alumni Newsletter – Lundensaren What does it mean to be Lund University alumni? Watch the video on YouTube. - 2025-03-11

Innovation in the Public Sector

Capacity development programme based on Agenda 2030 Over the last couple of years, Lund University has provided several different education programmes within the framework of the Swedish Institute’s Public Sector Innovation Programme and is running three more during the academic year 2024/2025. The purpose is to strengthen the capacity of professionals to contribute to innovation in the public sec - 2025-03-11

What Jason says about the Master's in Archaeology and Ancient History

Jason from the USA What did you do before coming to Lund to study Archaeology? “I have a Bachelor’s in Archaeology, but I wound up going into software development and GIS for five years. I wanted to do Viking and medieval Norse studies and medieval archaeology, however.”  Why did you choose this specific Master’s programme? “Lund’s Archaeology Master’s is pretty heavy on the digital aspects. Since - 2025-03-11

New students

Welcome to Lund University (LU for short)! We're delighted to welcome students from all over the world to Lund. We know there's a lot to organise when you arrive, so we've put together some top tasks and important information to help you settle in. Also be sure to check out the digital Orientation Guide in Canvas.Shortcuts to page content:Arrival and registrationStudent lifePractical matters for y - 2025-03-11

What Abdallah says about the Master's in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science

Abdallah Smith from Ghana“I came to LUMES wanting to expand my capacities as a global citizen to impact positive change for Ghana. Now, at the end of the programme, I believe I can do just that. LUMES teaches you to see and understand with different eyes, a quality needed more than ever in today’s world where difference seems to be emphasised above all else.” ”The goal is more of learning together - 2025-03-11

What Lisa says about the Master's in European Studies

Lisa from Sweden“I particularly enjoy the interdisciplinary nature of MAPES. The mix between historical, cultural and political aspects has given me a broader perspective and helped me to visualise my future career goals. I am also very happy to be part of a group of international students, where different viewpoints often make for interesting and eye-opening discussions.” Meet our student ambassa - 2025-03-11

What Vlad says about the Master's in Linguistics

Vlad from Russia“You have the opportunity to apply for various courses from the other specialisations. This is a good system, because you can choose what you’re interested in, end up in a course with people from different specialisations and also learn from each other. The programme is not only theoretical but also very practical. The courses quite often involve experiments and that’s what I like - 2025-03-11

What Tina says about the Master's in Visual Culture

Tina from Greece, alumna of the programme"There is a kind of misunderstanding that visual culture is a version of art history. I have realised that it's not. It deals with a lot of technological and sociological issues. After the Master's, I have become more aware of the visual construction of our surroundings. I think Visual Culture is a programme for those who are interested in media, aesthetics - 2025-03-11

Short interview with Senior Lecturer Christian Fuentes

Christian Fuentes, Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer Could you describe the programme in Sustainable Service Management? "The programme offers a broad social science approach to sustainability and service management. In the programme, students learn about sustainable business models, environmental governance and social sustainability. In my course on sustainable consumption we talk about wha - 2025-03-11

What Albert says about the Master's in Service Management, Culture and Creativity Management

Albert Montañez from the USA and Colombia Why did you choose the specialisation in Culture and Creativity Management?  "I am a classical artist with a vast experience in education and performance, but I felt I wanted to have a better understanding of nonprofit organisations in Europe and culture and creativity perspectives in Scandinavia. I also wanted to have knowledge of governmental policies fo - 2025-03-11

What Viktoria says about the Master’s in Chemistry, Biochemistry

Viktoria Bågenholm from SwedenViktoria previously completed her Master’s in Protein Science, a programme at Lund University that utilised the same courses as the new Biochemistry specialisation. She has since completed her PhD in the same department at Lund. Why do you think it’s important to study Biochemistry?“I think it is an important field because it has such an increasing number of important - 2025-03-11

What Amanda says about the Master’s in Chemistry, Physical Chemistry

Amanda from SwedenWhy did you choose the Master’s in Physical Chemistry programme at Lund University? “I did my Bachelor’s degree in Lund, and I really enjoyed it. It felt like a natural continuation to do my Master’s here as well. Since the second year of my Bachelor’s, I have mostly been interested in physical and theoretical chemistry. That is why for my Master’s degree I focused on courses wit - 2025-03-11

What Wilma says about the Master’s in Service Management, Retail

Wilma from SwedenWhat is the best thing about your programme?“If you have a passion like I do, my love of second hand, you can niche yourself in almost every course. In the end you have the Master’s thesis work, where you can dive into a specific topic of your choice.” What is the biggest difference compared to studying a Bachelor’s programme?“The biggest difference, compared to a Swedish Bachelor - 2025-03-11

What Anwen says about the Master’s in Human Geography

Anwen Davis from the United Kingdom What about the Human Geography programme appealed to you?“I did my Bachelor’s in Geography. Even though it was both the physical side of things and human geography, I’ve always been more of a human geographer. I think it’s super interesting, the diversity of it all. In this programme, you start off doing a course in geographical thought, the history of doing geo - 2025-03-11

Short interview with Professor Emma Sparr

Emma Sparr, Professor in Physical Chemistry and Colloidal Biology What courses do you teach?"Surface and Colloid Chemistry at the Bachelor's level (KEMB07) and Advanced Surface and Colloid Chemistry (KEMM77)." What is the best thing about your courses?"They cover an area of chemistry where there is a close connection between the fundamental theory and the many applications. It is easy to understan - 2025-03-11

Short interview with Senior Lecturer Margareta Sandahl

Margareta Sandahl, Senior lecturer What courses do you teach? "I teach Analytical Chemistry at the Bachelor's level and Advanced Analytical Chemistry, Chromatographic Analysis and Project in Chemistry at the Master's level." What is the best thing about your courses?"The best thing is that students get acquainted with analytical methods and techniques that are used to identify and quantitate speci - 2025-03-11