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High follicular phase luteinizing hormone levels in young healthy BRCA1 mutation carriers: Implications for breast and ovarian cancer risk.

BRCA1 mutation carriers have up to 80% life-time risk of developing breast cancer and 20-40% risk of developing ovarian cancer. High LH levels have been linked to increased risks of both breast and ovarian cancers in some studies and it is unknown whether gonadotropin levels are associated with BRCA1 mutation status. The aim of the study was to explore whether gonadotropin levels were associated w

Gender, Power and European Integration Theory

The European integration process both affirms and challenges gender relations in Europe. Yet integration theories have contributed little to understanding gender dynamics. The article presents a feminist critique of integration theories and argues that they have failed to look at how gender relations impact the 'driving forces' of European integration. This lacuna is attributed t t he implicit mal

A description of some aspects of the triangular meeting between immigrant patients, their interpreters and GPs in primary health care in Stockholm, Sweden

Objectives. The first aim was to describe some aspects of each of the three perspectives in the triangular meeting between immigrant patients, interpreters and GPs, including their experiences, reflections and interactions during the consultation in primary health care. The second aim was to analyse patients' satisfaction with the consultation; whether satisfaction is influenced by respect for pat

Chronic widespread pain: A three year followup of pain distribution and risk factors

Objective. To describe the change of pain reports over time in 3 cohorts derived from the general population: (1) no chronic pain (NCP, n = 1156); (2) chronic regional pain (CRP n = 502) and (3) chronic widespread pain (CWP; n = 242). To identify risk factors that predict the development or persistence of chronic widespread pain. Methods. A 3-year followup from 1995 to 1998 with postal questionnai

Gene expression profiles in a panel of childhood leukemia cell lines mirror critical features of the disease

The development of new drugs against cancer requires established cell lines. They are needed for in vitro studies to identify candidate drugs and in xenograft models to measure drug efficacy in vivo. Specific criteria need to be fulfilled by cell lines used in the evaluation of potential novel therapeutic agents. It is imperative that they display the features of the particular cancer under invest

Reduction of GnRH and infertility in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease.

Reductions in testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels and reduced sexual functions have been reported in Huntington's disease (HD) patients. Atrophy of the reproductive organs and loss of fertility have also been observed in the R6/2 mouse, which is currently the most studied transgenic model of HD. In an effort to define the cause of infertility we studied the expression of gonadotropin-relea

Gene expression profiling in primary breast cancer distinguishes patients developing local recurrence after breast conservation surgery with or without postoperative radiotherapy

Introduction Some patients with breast cancer develop local recurrence after breast-conservation surgery despite postoperative radiotherapy, whereas others remain free of local recurrence even in the absence of radiotherapy. As clinical parameters are insufficient for identifying these two groups of patients, we investigated whether gene expression profiling would add further information. Methods

Untreated ADHD in Adults Are There Sex Differences in Symptoms, Comorbidity, and Impairment?

Objective: To analyze sex differences among adult, never-treated patients referred for central stimulant treatment of ADHD. Method: Data for 600 consecutive patients from northern Norway referred for evaluation by an expert team during 7 years were analyzed. General background information, diagnostic and social history, and symptom profiles were compared between previously never-treated men and wo

Identification of proteins released by mammalian cells that mediate DNA internalization through proteoglycan-dependent macropinocytosis

Naked DNA plasmid represents the simplest vehicle for gene therapy and DNA-based vaccination purposes; however, the, molecular mechanisms of DNA uptake in mammalian cells are poorly understood. Here, we show that naked DNA uptake occurs via proteoglycan-dependent macropinocytosis, thus challenging the concept of a specific DNA-internalizing receptor. Cells genetically deficient in proteoglycans, w

Genomic typing of the Kidd blood group locus by a single-tube allele-specific primer PCR technique

The Kidd (JK) blood group system is clinically important in transfusion medicine. Alloantibodies to antigens in this system may be produced following blood transfusion or during pregnancy and can result in serious haemolytic transfusion reactions and haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). JK antigens on erythrocytes are carried by glycoproteins with the capacity to transport urea through cell me

DynaReP: a discrete event simulation model for re-planning of software releases

Software release planning can be described as a process consisting of the following three phases: (i) strategic release planning, i.e., the assignment of features to subsequent releases; (ii) operational release planning, i.e., the allocation of resources to tasks within each individual release; and (iii) dynamic re-planning, i.e., the revision of plans in order to handle unexpected changes impose

Extreme values and crossings for the chi^2-process and othe functions of multidimensional Gaussian processes, with reliability applications

Extreme values of non-linear functions of multivariate Gaussian processes are of considerable interest in engineering sciences dealing with the safety of structures. One then seeks the survival probability P{(X1(t),⋯ ,Xn(t))∈ S, all t∈ [0,T]}, where X(t)=(X1(t),⋯ ,Xn(t)) is a stationary, multivariate Gaussian load process, and S is a safe region. In general, the asymptotic survival probability for

Observations and simulations of some divergent-light halos

We deal with some halos generated by the divergent light from a nearby source. After discussing how the divergent light transforms some halo features, we give an outline of a method of handling the simulation of a divergent-light halo. The simulation method is then successfully tested on some well-documented halo observations. We also present a "simulation atlas" that shows halos produced by cryst

Chemiluminescence sensor for local equivalence ratio of reacting mixtures of fuel and air (FLAMESEEK)

This paper describes a Cassegrain optics-based chemiluminescence sensor (CS) for measurements in gas turbine combustors. The chemiluminescence sensor measures the equivalence ratio of reacting fuel and air mixtures, and can identify the flame location, in partially premixed flames. It has the potential for monitoring the degree of premixedness of reacting fuel and air in industrial gas turbine com