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The Role of Cooperation in the Evolution of Protolanguage and Language
Food-Related Gram-Positive Bacteria: Enterotoxin A Expression in Staphylococcus aureus and a New Regulation Mechanism in Lactococcus lactis
Popular Abstract in English Foods, microorganisms, and humans have been tightly associated from the start of human history. Foods are not only the source of nutrients for humans, but also good media for microorganisms. Although we humans discovered the existence of microorganisms relatively recently, we have been dealing with them for hundreds and thousands of years. We have used some microorganisStaphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is the most common enterotoxin found in outbreaks of staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP). Based on the amount of SEA produced, S. aureus strains were divided into two main groups, high- and low-SEA-producing strains. The differences in the amounts of SEA formed were found to be associated with the levels of expression of the sea gene and the bacteriophage version
Motsägelser och nytänkande i svensk uppdragsarkeologi.
Modeling Diesel Engine Combustion with Detailed Chemistry Using a Progress Variable Approach
In this work, we present an unsteady flamelet progress variable approach for diesel engine CFD combustion modelling. The progress variable is based on sensible enthalpy integrated over the flamelet and describes the transient flamelet ignition process. By using an unsteady flamelet library for the progress variable, the impact of local effects, for example variations in the turbulence field, effec
Magnetic Field Diagnosis in HgMn Stars
Variability in driving patterns over street environments in three European cities
Supervised Architectures for Internal Simulation of Perceptions and Actions
Transmission improvement of useful signals through energy saving glass windows using frequency selective surfaces
Measurements of oscillator strengths of astrophysical interest
[abstract missing]
A computational framework for risk-based power system operations under uncertainty. Part II: Case studies
With larger penetrations of wind power, the uncertainty increases in power systems operations. The wind power forecast errors must be accounted for by adapting existing operating tools or designing new ones. A switch from the deterministic framework used today to a probabilistic one has been advocated. This two-part paper presents a framework for risk-based operations of power systems. This framew
Oscillations in Systems with Relay Feedback
Warmth and competence in implicit stereotypes and discrimination
Popular Abstract in SwedishEtt väl etablerat fynd inom personbedömningsforskning är att vi människor bedömer varandra på ett mer nyanserat sätt än enbart en endimensionell skala (bra-dålig). Istället använder vi oss av två grundläggande dimensioner för personbedömningar. Den första dimensionen (värme) ger oss svaret på andra människors avsikter (t.ex. vänligt eller fientligt inställda till oss). DIt is well established that we do not judge other people on a one-dimensional scale (i.e., good - bad), but rather based on two fundamental dimensions. The first dimension is warmth, which essentially answers the questions of what the other person’s intentions are (e.g., friendly or malicious). The second dimension is competence, which in contrast answers the question regarding the person’s capabi