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Förekomst av buller på återvinningsstationer med olika avskärmningsmetoder

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka förekomst av buller på återvinningsstationer och olika avskärmningsmetoders effektivitet, vilket gjordes genom ljudnivåmätningar och intervjuer. Ljudnivåmätningar gjordes vid tömning av glasinsamlingsbehållare på en återvinningsstation och vid glasinsamling på fyra återvinningsstationer med olika avskärmningsmetoder. Ljudnivåmätningar gjordes även avThe purpose of this study was to investigate noise at recycling stations and the effect of shields in noise reduction, this was done through sound level measurements and interviews. The sounds level measurements took place at five recycling stations, at one recycling station while containers where emptied and at four recycling stations with different shield methods while recycling glass. Sound lev

Var är min hemvist? - En jämförelse mellan hemvistbedömningen i EU:s arvsförordning och svensk skatterätt

Det blir allt vanligare att människor flyttar mellan länder för att bo, studera, arbeta eller leva som pensionär. Till en persons hemvist knyts allt fler rättigheter och skyldigheter i samhället vilket skapar ett ökat behov för individen och staten att kunna fastställa var en person har sin hemvist. Idag finns ingen enhetlig tolkning av hemvistbegreppet. En persons hemvist kan därför variera mellaToday it is common for people to move across borders to live, study, work or retire. A person’s residence is linked to an increasing number of rights and obligations in society, which creates an increased need for both the individual and the state to determine where a person has its residence in different situations. Today there is no uniform interpretation of the concept. Where a person is consid

En fallstudie av propositionen 2015/16:174 i ljuset av FN:s barnkonvention

The Swedish government is currently discussing whether to incorporate the UN:s convention on the rights of the child (CRC) into legislation or not. Furthermore, the UN:s committee on the Rights of the Child has criticized the fact that the convention is not incorporated in Swedish law. In addition, the country's way of processing child asylum cases has been questioned. Initially, the governmen

The European Union and Arms’ Embargoes

This is a comparative study of China, Iran, Russia and Saudi Arabia, from an EU perspective. The EU imposed arms’ embargoes on China, Iran and Russia for reasons such as democratic concerns and military aggrandisement, the purpose of this study is therefor to find explanations to why the EU have not imposed arms’ embargoes on Saudi Arabia, a state who have arguably committed similar acts as the ot

”Poliser ska göra polisarbete och specialister ska göra specialistarbete. Var och en ska göra det den är bäst på.”

In 2015, a new police regulation was enacted in Sweden, which gave civilian police officers increased authority. Prior to the enactment of the law, a departmental memorandum suggested the legislative changes as a means to increase the effectiveness of the Swedish Police without risking the rule of law. Four unions that represent police employees were asked to deliver statements of opinion in which

Vad kan förklara oljestaters investeringar i europeisk klubbfotboll?

This bachelor thesis aims to explain why the United Arab Emirates and Qatar invests so heavily in European football clubs. By doing a descriptive case study of these two countries my intentions are to illustrate this phenomenon. Hopefully this thesis can be the start of other studies regarding investments in European football clubs from countries outside Europe. Different kinds of modernization th

Försoning efter folkmord: En komparativ studie av försoningsprocesserna i Rwanda och Bosnien Hercegovina

Denna uppsats undersöker hur långt försoningen kommit i Rwanda och Bosnien Hercegovina efter folkmorden. Försoningsprocesserna undersöks utifrån en modifierad version av Auerbachs försoningspyramid för att se huruvida respektive land uppfyllt de fyra steg vi valt ut: mötet, erkännandet, ursäkten och narrativ infogning. Inom varje steg undersöks olika aspekter som visar hur vardera land tagit sig a

Impact of the other bystander’s likelihood of helping on the global Bystander Effect

When a victim is in need, people are less likely to help when there are other persons present. In general, this means that the probability of helping decreases in negative correlation to the number of bystanders affected. In social psychology literature, researchers refer to this phenomenon as the individual Bystander Effect. From another perspective, the decreased probability for the victim to re

The Origin and Implementation of the Smart-Sustainable City Concept: The Case of Malmö, Sweden

The concept of a smart-sustainable city (SSC) has recently come to dominate urban sustainability political agendas and academic discourses in Europe. This thesis investigates (1) the origination of the SSC concept, (2) how it is being framed as an approach to sustainable urban development, and (3) how it can be contextualized in concrete projects and urban planning initiatives in the city of Malmö

E-Government in Singapore: strengthening political control over society

Developing an e-government in a state has become a new trend in the world of political reform. However, e-government itself as a way of public service digitalization does not incline that political regime of the state will be democratic and inclusive. When e-government has been usually researched in the democratic setting, question marks remain of how it works in the non-democratic one. This paper

Pariserkorrespondenten Claes Lundin. En studie i 1860-talets "Pariserbref" och mediesystem

Uppsatsen är en beskrivning och analys av pariskorrespondenten Claes Lundins arbete och artiklar från Paris till svensk press men också av den bild av det franska samhället under 1860-talet, som Lundin förmedlar till tidningarnas läsare. Utrikeskorrespondentens position i mediesystemet analyseras både utifrån begrepp i Ulf Hannerz forskning kring utrikeskorrespondenters arbetssätt och arbetsvillko

Social networks of young Serbian migrants living in Malmö

The general aim of the research is to explore the formation, maintenance, and use of social networks or social capital, which young migrants of Serbian origin living in Malmö have at their disposal. The research is circumscribed to second-generation Serbian immigrants (i.e. ‘young migrants of Serbian origin’) in Malmö, who were born or have lived here since childhood, with both parents of Serbian

Digital veganism : en studie av veganska företags marknadsföring och kommunikation i sociala medier

This thesis focuses on how vegan companies digitally market themselves on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Three vegan companies were chosen to collect data from: Oatly, Anamma and Bulldog. The questions guiding this thesis are: 1) Which types of digital marketing do the companies use in their social media posts? 2) How do the companies communicate with their consumers and followers

Staten och kapitalet: en kritisk diskursanalys av prop. 1988:92 ny minerallag

One of the biggest threats against reindeer herding and Sami culture is the exploitation of natural resources in Sápmi, Sami land (Samiskt informationscentrum a). Mines require large areas of land, where the reindeer usually feed. With a post-colonial approach, I, in this essay analyse the discourses behind the law that regulates mines and mineral extraction. With a critical discourse analysis of

Functional study of domains of class B penicillin-binding proteins 4b and SpoVD in Bacillus subtilis

How are penicillin-binding proteins sorted in cells? A bacterial cell wall can be regarded as a brick building, in which the bricks and the cement hold the building together, provide structure for the building, protect its contents, and allow only certain substances to enter. Many antibiotics target proteins that function in cell wall morphogenesis (the process of building the brick wall in this

Journey to the Centre of the Museum: Cognitive, Object and Introspective User Experiences in a Design Museum

This thesis applies an ethnographic approach to investigate museum visit practices, which shape user experiences in a design museum. Specifically, it explores individual users’ meaning making processes through the embodiment of thoughts and lived experiences. To frame the study, it takes on a phenomenological approach to investigate how the body, self, space, and objects relate with each other in

A Model-based Approach to Evaluating Chromatography Capture Steps

MER FÖR MINDRE – FRAMTIDENS LÄKEMEDELSFRAMSTÄLLNING KAN SNART VARA HÄR Kemiindustrin har traditionellt varit något av boven i dramat när det kommer till negativ miljöpåverkan. Men nu utvecklas nya resurssnålare framställningsprocesser för läkemedel som kan leda till billigare mediciner, med mindre miljöpåverkan i framtiden. Välden står idag inför stora utmaningar när det kommer till miljön, dels Recent advances in upstream production of biopharmaceuticals have not yet been matched by equivalent advances in the downstream processing. As chromatography is currently the primary downstream processing method in production of biopharmaceuticals new methods for multicolumn processes are being developed. This paper investigates one such method, the three-column periodic counter-current (3C-PCC) p

Study of the effect of vacuum impregnation with different substances on respiration and color of packed baby spinach leaves.

In this study, vacuum impregnation (VI) was used to investigate the effect of different solutions: sucrose 21 % (w/v), calcium lactate 1 % (w/v), ascorbic acid 0.1 % (w/v), and GABA 0.075 % (w/v) on atmospheric composition, color, and shelf life of packed baby spinach leaves. VI was performed at two different temperatures: 21 C and 7.5 C. The packed, impregnated leaves were stored for 8 days at 21Vegetables and fruits hold a vast amount of air within their structure. Vacuum impregnation is a process used to remove the air from plant tissues and replace it with an external solution. For impregnation, vacuum is applied to the plant tissue helping air to escape through the plant´s pores. Then by restoring the atmospheric pressure, the solution surrounding the plant will penetrate the plant ti

A self-serviced price calculator for modern IT services

As online shopping continues to increase in popularity, more and more pressure is put on businesses to reevaluate which of their services that can be sold from a web- site. While the telecom market for businesses still only use expert salespersons to describe and put a price on their services, innovative companies such as Telavox are looking into new ways of exposing more of their information onli

Ett effektivare inköpsarbete genom produktkategorisering

Titel: Ett effektivare inköpsarbete genom produktkategorisering Författare: Martin Lundgren & Henrik Sjöstrand Handledare: Anne Landin Professor, avdelningen för Byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Annika Pålsson Projektchef, Midroc Construction Problem: Det har gjorts lite forskning inom inköp i byggbranschen. Byggföretagen själva anser att det finns stor potential inom inköpsarbete saTitle: More efficient purchasing with product classification Authors: Martin Lundgren & Henrik Sjöstrand Supervisors: Anne Landin Professor, Department of Construction Management, Lund University Annika Pålsson Project Manager, Midroc Construction Problem: Small amount of research regarding purchasing in the construction industry even though the construction companies see a large potential