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Neural networks for image-based wavefront sensing for astronomy
We study the possibility of using convolutional neural networks for wavefront sensing from a guide star image in astronomical telescopes. We generated a large number of artificial atmospheric wavefront screens and determined associated best-fit Zernike polynomials. We also generated in-focus and out-of-focus point-spread functions. We trained the well-known “Inception” network using the artificial
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 3-methyl-2-butenyl acetate, CAS Registry Number 1191-16-8
Recension av Johan Sundeen "Att tjäna är människans storhet. Idéhistoriska essäer om Birger Forell" (2017) och Johan Sundeen "En utsträckt hand till masseländets land. Antinazisten och Tysklandsvännen Birger Forell 1893-1958" (2018)
Early Vascular Aging (EVA) : New directions in cardiovascular protection
Early Vascular Aging (EVA): New Directions in Cardiovascular Protection brings together the last decade of research related to the characterization of EVA, as well as the predictive power of pulse wave velocity (PWV). The book presents a novel approach to the problem of cardiovascular disease, showing it in relation to great vessels disease and revealing a comprehensive approach to the problem of
Digitalization and in-store service encounters: Challenges and changes for frontline employees
Field Measurements for Verification of the Impact of Renovation and Maintenance Measures on Buildings : - regarding Energy Efficiency, Indoor Environment and Moisture Safety
Renovating the European building stock has for almost two decades been a matter of importance to the European Union. Reduction of energy use for existing buildings can be achieved through applying energy efficiency renovation measures. Besides this, there is quite a large renovation need in Sweden due to building materials and services reaching (or having passed) the end of their service life.IncoRenovating the European building stock has for almost two decades been a matter of importance to the European Union. Reduction of energy use for existing buildings can be achieved through applying energy efficiency renovation measures. Besides this, there is quite a large renovation need in Sweden due to building materials and services reaching (or having passed) the end of their service life.Inco
Dynamic multimodal drawing in school : Exploring technology support of drawing skills development in children with visual impairments
BACKGROUND: Technology is widely used in school to assist students with visual impairments. Drawing with traditional methods is still difficult for those users. In this paper, we present and discuss an evaluation of a haptic and sound interactive drawing program (HIPP). OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to identify what aspects of the technological aid support the drawing skill development in ch
Glocality, habitus crises, and interculturally competent music teachers. : Contribution to the confluence symposium
Disentangling the complex interactions in dwellings between tenant behaviour, indoor environmental qualities, public health and heating energy demands
The causality of borrowing : Lexical loans in Eurasian languages
All languages borrow words from other languages. Some languages are more prone to borrowing, while others borrow less, and different domains of the vocabulary are unequally susceptible to borrowing. Languages typically borrow words when a new concept is introduced, but languages may also borrow a new word for an already existing concept. Linguists describe two causalities for borrowing: need, i.e.
Production and utilisation of prebiotic oligosaccharides : Applied bioinformatics of glycoside hydrolases
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, isobornyl methyl ether, CAS Registry Number 5331-32-8
Soft resummation and hard evolution : Renormalization group methods in effective theories and multi scalar models
This thesis is composed out of five papers that deal with various problems intheoretical particle physics. While paper I is a precision calculation in aneffective theory of the Standard Model, paper II to V all deal with beyond theStandard Model physics. Paper IV is a manual for the tools developed during ourwork on paper II to V.Paper I. We calculate the 2-loop soft function for the transverse moThis thesis is composed out of five papers that deal with various problems intheoretical particle physics. While paper I is a precision calculation in aneffective theory of the Standard Model, paper II to V all deal with beyond theStandard Model physics. Paper IV is a manual for the tools developed during ourwork on paper II to V.Paper I. We calculate the 2-loop soft function for the transverse mo
Entrepreneurship as a Career : An investigation into the pre-entrepreneurship antecedents and post-entrepreneurship outcomes among the Science and Technology Labor Force (STLF) in Sweden
This dissertation provides a career perspective on entrepreneurship based on the research question: “How do organizational bureaucracy and relative income affect the career choice of entrepreneurship among employees from the science and technology labor force (STLF); and what are the career outcomes in terms of returns during, and post entrepreneurship on re-entry into paid employment?” More speci
The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters?
Context. In the era of large high-resolution spectroscopic surveys such as Gaia-ESO and APOGEE, high-quality spectra can contribute to our understanding of the Galactic chemical evolution by providing abundances of elements that belong to the different nucleosynthesis channels, and also by providing constraints to one of the most elusive astrophysical quantities: stellar age. Aims. Some abundance
Growth of bacteria in the rhizoplane and the rhizosphere of rape seedlings
The growth of 10 isolates of rhizosphere bacteria was compared in the rhizoplane (RP), rhizosphere (RS) and non-rhizosphere soil of a model system with rape seedlings growing in sterile sand. The colonization of the RP differed little among isolates. However, the bacterial isolates differed according to their degree of dependence on the root for growth, as judged by RS:RP and plant:non-plant ratio
Precision and sensitivity of the measurement of 15 N enrichment in D-alanine from bacterial cell walls using positive/negative ion mass spectrometry
Sensitive detection of cellular components from specific groups of microbes can be utilized as 'signatures' in the examination of microbial consortia from soils, sediments or biofilms. Utilizing capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and stereospecific derivatizing agents, D-alanine, a component localized in the prokaryotic (bacteria) cell wall, can be detected reproducibly. Enrichments o
Striving for democracy in the nordic context: possibilities for change through innovative cases of activist music practices
In this roundtable we will present three cases of activist music education, in other words innovative and inclusive practices of music education initiated by courageous institutional leaders and teachers in the Finnish and Swedish context. By activism we mean professional thinking and action that strives toward new ways of making change inside and outside educational institutions through four char
Complete regioselective addition of grignard reagents to pyrazine N-oxides, toward an efficient enantioselective synthesis of substituted piperazines
(Figure presented) A conceptually new one-pot strategy for the synthesis of protected substituted piperazines via the addition of Grignard reagents to pyrazine N-oxides is presented. This strategy is high yielding (33-91% over three steps), step-efficient, and fast. The synthesized N,N-diprotected piperazines are convenient to handle and allow for orthogonal deprotection at either nitrogen for sel