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Your search for "*" yielded 532329 hits

Frequency selection for coda wave interferometry in concrete structures

This study contributes to the establishment of frequency recommendations for use in coda wave interferometry structural health monitoring (SHM) systems for concrete structures. To this end, codas with widely different central frequencies were used to detect boreholes with different diameters in a large concrete floor slab, and to track increasing damage in a small concrete beam subjected to bendin

A generic framework to analyse the spatiotemporal variations of water quality data on a catchment scale

Most spatiotemporal studies treat spatial and temporal analysis separately. However, spatial and temporal changes occur simultaneously and are correlated. In this study, we propose a generic framework to simultaneously analyse the spatial and temporal variations of water quality on a catchment scale. Specifically, we analyse the heterogeneity of temporal evolution of water quality data among diffe

The Harmonized Parabolic Synthesis Methodology for Hardware Efficient Function Generation with Full Error Control

The Harmonized Parabolic Synthesis methodology is a further development of the Parabolic Synthesis methodology for approximation of unary functions such as trigonometric functions, logarithms and the square root with moderate accuracy for ASIC implementation. These functions are extensively used in computer graphics, communication systems and many other application areas. For these high-speed appl

Oxygen therapy in suspected acute myocardial infarction

BACKGROUND: The clinical effect of routine oxygen therapy in patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction who do not have hypoxemia at baseline is uncertain. METHODS: In this registry-based randomized clinical trial, we used nationwide Swedish registries for patient enrollment and data collection. Patients with suspected myocardial infarction and an oxygen saturation of 90% or higher were r

The added value of a mobile application of Community Case Management on referral, re-consultation and hospitalization rates of children aged under 5 years in two districts in Northern Malawi : Study protocol for a pragmatic, stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial

Background: There is evidence to suggest that frontline community health workers in Malawi are under-referring children to higher-level facilities. Integrating a digitized version of paper-based methods of Community Case Management (CCM) could strengthen delivery, increasing urgent referral rates and preventing unnecessary re-consultations and hospital admissions. This trial aims to evaluate the a

Impact of spatial rainfall resolution on point-source solute transport modelling

Numerical simulations of unsaturated solute transport from point sources were carried out using HYDRUS-1D. Three different soil types cropped with spring wheat were considered at three different locations in Sweden: Malmö, Norrköping and Petisträsk. Two types of rainfall data were used, point-scale raingauge measurements and a gauge-adjusted weather radar product at four spatial resolutions, 2 × 2

De novo transcriptome analysis of the common New Zealand stick insect clitarchus hookeri (Phasmatodea) Reveals genes involved in olfaction, digestion and sexual reproduction

Phasmatodea, more commonly known as stick insects, have been poorly studied at the molecular level for several key traits, such as components of the sensory system and regulators of reproduction and development, impeding a deeper understanding of their functional biology. Here, we employ de novo transcriptome analysis to identify genes with primary functions related to female odour reception, dige

Search for Heavy Higgs Bosons A /H Decaying to a Top Quark Pair in pp Collisions at s =8 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

A search for heavy pseudoscalar (A) and scalar (H) Higgs bosons decaying into a top quark pair (tt) has been performed with 20.3 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy s=8 TeV. Interference effects between the signal process and standard model tt production, which are expected to distort the signal shape from a

Measurement of the W+W− production cross section in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

The production of opposite-charge W-boson pairs in proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV is measured using data corresponding to 3.16 fb−1 of integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider in 2015. Candidate W-boson pairs are selected by identifying their leptonic decays into an electron, a muon and neutrinos. Events with reconstructed jets are not included

Multi-modal sensory feedback system for upper limb amputees

Providing sensory feedback for myoelectric prosthetic users can not only increase the manipulation ability but can also introduce a feeling of embodiment. Previous research has demonstrated the feasibility of providing mechanotactile or vibrotactile feedback on the remaining stumps of amputees. To improve the recognition rate and reduce mental work load when identifying stimulation patterns, we pr

Between Malthus and the industrial take-off: regional inequality in Sweden, 1571-1850

The causes and extent of regional inequality in the process of economic growth are at the core of historical economic research. So far, much attention has been devoted to studying the role of industrialization in driving regional divergence. But empirical studies on relatively unequal countries such as Italy or Spain show that inequality was already high when their modern industrialization began (

Modeling the Polarimetric mm-wave propagation channel using censored measurements

This paper presents results based on polarimetric radio channel measurements at 60 GHz in a small room and in an empty, unfurnished, medium-sized room. The measurements in the small meeting room were performed using dual-polarized virtual antenna array elements at both the transmitter and receiver sides and includes LOS and NLOS scenarios. In the unfurnished room, a directional horn antenna was sc

Design of two-column batch-to-batch recirculation to enhance performance in ion-exchange chromatography

Preparative liquid chromatography is a separation technique widely used in the manufacturing of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. A major drawback of traditional single-column batch chromatography step is the trade-off between product purity and process performance. Recirculation of impure product can be utilized to make the trade-off more favorable. The aim of the present study was to investiga

Effect of late prophylaxis in hemophilia on joint status : A randomized trial

Essentials: High-quality data are lacking on use of prophylaxis in adults with hemophilia and arthropathy. SPINART was a 3-year randomized clinical trial of late/tertiary prophylaxis vs on-demand therapy. Prophylaxis improved function, quality of life, activity and pain but not joint structure by MRI. Prophylaxis improves function but must start before joint bleeding onset to prevent arthropathy.